posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by awakentired
Ah but that would be the minority imposing it's will on the majority, Obama both won the popular vote, and the electoral vote. So in essence,
wouldn't you be robing the majority of Americans their right to elect who they choose?
I am sure that if your candidate won, your attitude towards threads like these would be far different. If someone said that your candidate should be
thrown out based on such a flimsy argument as yours, wouldn't you be wondering why?
Now your red button analogy does exist, it's called impeachment. It does work. Has worked in the past. It's just, Obama lying is not an impeachable
As far as the idea of taking Obama to court based on a breach of contract, well, as I said before, once he is out of office, you can certainly try.