posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:51 AM
We have seen a verry interesting phenomenon it the last decade, (time limits for War). We actually put on paper that we will pull out and leave a War
by a specific date, regardless of the state of the War or the individual outcome.
Does anybody else think that this is the most insane thing you have ever heard? Or do they expect us (after 10 years) to be use to the idea by
I liken this to a 15 round prize fight, where the promoters of the fight tell one or both of the fighters: "Now I know we could go the full 15
rounds, and determine a true winner, but the reality is that after 6 rounds, the likelyhood is you will both be tired. The people will begin to lose
interest, and they might not be willing to pay the $49.95 on pay per view next time if we get too boring. So therefore if you can't win by round six,
one of you had better take a dive.
I pesonally would love to be in charge of the insurgents in Afghanistan, watching a TV, and hearing the leader of the United States, state that we
will begin to pull out our troops in a one year period. The tactical, intelligent, strategy by the insugents, should be to lay low, and do very
little fighting over the next year. The United States at that point will leave as promised, and at that point they can completely regain control of
Afghanistan and surrounding regions. They can reinstate Sharia law. They can kill every one of the people who stood by us while we have been there.
Although that's OK because the American people have gotten bored with the war. Are you f%^*#$g kidding me?
Better yet, lets take this scenario into the early 1940's. Can you, in even your most fantasy based, completely unrealisic immagination, see The
president of the United States saying: "Here in 1941, the Allied forces are making ground daily against the Nazis. We are coming closer to winning
World War 2 every day. Therefore by next year, we will begin to pull all of our troops out of Europe and Africa."
Or for that matter Lincoln saying: "We come closer every day to a United country based on individual States. By the end of next year we will
begin withdrawing all Northern troops from the South, we are bound to win by then!"
Wars are wars. They are not politically correct. They are not for the entertainment of the people. They are meant to be won or lost period.
They do not have TIME FRAMES! These statements by our leadership, continue to confirm to the rest of the world, that we as a country, have become a
joke. Our leadership has no backbone, and we are not likely to survive as a superpower.