posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:37 PM
I have several unrelated reponses to the OP and this thread. As a Canadian, I recognise that USAmericans have been nursed on hatred for Castro's
Cuba and that as a group they are not able to handle or discern the truth in any report that deals with Fidel Castro. I saw this not to belittle the
citizens of the USA, but your news media and elected officials have groomed your minds to think a very particular way when it comes to Castro and
Cuba. Some trying to break that 'grooming' (brain-washing) come out swinging from the other far end white-washing everything Castro.
It should be clear that the world is being set up for another "ritual war" with the usual human sacrifices. Precisely what the Elites are recalling
or re-enacting in this ritual war is just beyond my grasp at present, but it does remind me some of Inanna's times. My point is that this coming war
is not really about anything in the present as much as it is a matter of the Elites performing their ritual theatre for Lucifer with human sacrifices.
To what end? I would simply defer to the Georgia Guidestones.
I am fairly certain that the Russian nuclear weaponry was never withdrawn from Cuba -- I have been told that by ex-pat Cubans for many years. So,
Fidel Castro talking about this coming war is not merely the ramblings of a senescent nomad, but there is a threat in the undertones of his statement
that USAmericans should take seriously.
If you still believe the lies that your invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were justified, you might as well go straightway to the Jim Jones
Hospitality Centre where there is Kool-Aid waiting for you and your loved ones.
But I do hope enough of you in the USA are awake and aware and ready to make enough pre-emptive noise to stop Obama -- or should I say Pharoah
Barackahnaten -- from waging war in the Persian theatre. There may well be some ancient technology in the ruins of Persepolis, or something equally
intriguing to the Skull & Bones boys at the tomb of Fatima pbuh in the holy city of Qom.
Finally, I pray for a CME that will render the weaponry of 'total war' completely useless.