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Feeling afraid/fear of ET's

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:12 AM
Hi community.

This is my first thread so I will try to spell this out the best I can.

I enjoy reading about UFO's and ET sightings/encounters and want more disclosure from NASA and our goverment.

I myself have a deep fear If ever I encountered one, and to sum it up I DONT want to encounter one in the flesh.
(probly make some lemon aid instantly)

I usually read and watch reports at night which drops my tiny residue of bravery ego even lower.

I was curious on how other feel on this?
If they'd want to have an encounter face to face?

Not much of a thread here but just curious.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:27 AM
Just curious but if you wouldn't want to meet one or see one in the flesh why would u want to see disclosure?

Isn't that why the subject should be kept quiet? People would panic because we have a fear of the unknown.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:40 AM
I'm the opposite of normal - I am excited about the unknown. (Well, for the most part.) I was just thinking about this today - I really am not afraid of ETs or aliens or whatever. I want them to come, and I want to meet them, and they don't scare me. If they're benevolent, yay! If they're malevolent, well, at least humanity will be stopped from destroying the planet anymore. Is the way I see it. A bit cynical, yes... but I am not afraid.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

I dont want to meet one face to face.

I like ghost research to, but dont want to have a ghost in my house.

Im sure Im not the only one who doesnt want a close encounter of the 3rd kind?
(especially cows)

Yes,,I want the truth,,but prefer to stand back while another opens the hatch of an ET craft.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Don't worry if they wanted you dead you would be dead.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Little_Kona

Hi Little_Kona,
Thank you for your first Thread. I've still to do one yet.
You must truly believe in these beings being here,
If they are here and not introducing themselves i don't think i would like to meet face to face with them eather.

Regards, robbo.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:24 AM
Maybe you should read this thread :Link

Maybe your fear is justified.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:34 AM
I think it would depend on the Alien race that I met. Many feel like we are being visited by multiple Alien Species and while some maybe good, we are possibly being visited by some Evil beings as well.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:04 AM
I'd love to meet ETs; I estimate that, if they were as more advanced than humans as they'd need to be in order to reach us while we can't even see them, they'd talk things over if any conflict arose before killing me.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Greys creep me out. Always have. No I wouldn't want to meet one. About other races, not sure. Depends on their intentions, and of course, you can't know those beforehand..

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:15 AM
I wouldnt be scared of aliens if they came down and disclosed themselves ie like the ambassadors or what not. Id be quite happy to meet and talk to them on my terms.

I am however (and have been since being a little kid) terrified of being abducted (in the classic proby, metal table way).

When i was really young i used to strap my stuffed teddy to my arm with my wristwatch just in case i got abducted. At least id have it to offer moral support then ^^ XD


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:02 AM
I wouldnt use a my picture as an avatar ... just saying ...

u need to realize that its almost impossible for u to have an encounter (1-aliens probably are not here / 2 - they would use AI, instead of coming here - just like we use nowadays in other planets / 3 - if they were here, and trying to study, they would have the tech to use a "human body" avatar type thing, so, they would be all around us )

most of the people who have "encounters" were raped or something like that and their brain tries to protect them in some way

so, sleep with your door closed, and you will probably be fine ...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Little_Kona
Hi community.

This is my first thread so I will try to spell this out the best I can.

I enjoy reading about UFO's and ET sightings/encounters and want more disclosure from NASA and our goverment.

I myself have a deep fear If ever I encountered one, and to sum it up I DONT want to encounter one in the flesh.
(probly make some lemon aid instantly)

I usually read and watch reports at night which drops my tiny residue of bravery ego even lower.

I was curious on how other feel on this?
If they'd want to have an encounter face to face?

Not much of a thread here but just curious.


Hello Little_Kona

Let me share with you what I know.

There is nothing to be afraid of about ETs, they will never manifest if it scares you, on the contrary, they will make sure you are ok with it, they are very playful with an amazing sense of humor, they are loving and caring being that travels in there ETV (Extra terrestrial vehicles) that is how all civilization that wants to evolve to the 4th, 5th dimension and beyond needs to develop or else they stay grounded on there planet like earth is

On a second note, Aliens (non conscious clones entities) that are created by the Cabal government that are use with UFO (Reverse engineered primitive ETVs) to abduct and terrorize us are what is a danger to us,
BUT if that ever happens to you, you have the right to ask for help and say that "You do not wish to experience this event" in that level of activities, "everyone" (ETs) has a say

Just stay in the light, courage and keep working on you're spirituality (Meditation, positive thinking, vibrate in harmony with earth)

And get ready for an amazing earth change that will happen very soon

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I'd like to meet one of those Nordic females.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas



It appears to be quite a big thread.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:51 AM
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." -- HP Lovecraft

And nothing epitomizes the unknown as an alien would.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Hi community and thanks for your replies.

I should of have clarifide better and stated Id rather at first have somebody else open up the hatch of a ET craft and I'll stand back a safe distance.


Having fear or being afraid does not mean I hate them nor I want disclosure NOT to happen.

We still dont know what/who the specie(species) of ET's we are dealing with.

As looking thru their own eyes they also think we are dangerous as well.

The ET's I assume use caution as well,so I assume they have an instinct of fear and playing it safe one woukld think if you think of it in the lines of those terms.

Being highly advanced does not neccesarily mean you are spritual and kind and sweet.
In the next 50 years Im sure there will be some unbeleivable techology discoveries and advancements.
I assume we will not have changed much either and hope we dont blow ourselves up.

I could have used cuation instead of fear on my thread but being honest (I) myself lean on the fear part because thats just me.

I have a big heart, and if I knew an ET was nice and posed no threat I would be friendly and probly crawl out from underneath my bed then to be his friend.

But I was just kinda wondering on my threads on those feel fear yet study the subject..

Theres no right nor wrong answers here.

Thankyou for reading my opinion and my feelings on this.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:19 AM
I have always feared aliens as a child. My family used to make sure I didn't watch anything that had aliens, ghosts, or anything 'weird' in it because I would get it into my head that I was going to be abducted, or that I would wake up from my sleep and they would just be in my room watching me. This fear, although irrational now for a 24 year old, still comes into my head once and again.

I think it's the alien's eyes that do it in for me... or the fact they are so scrawny and tiny. Who knows.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by beauty from pain

I know.

I myself enjoy seeing undiscovered new life in the deep oceans or jungle and I dont fear that.

I think another species that is far more intelligent has a major role in this.

And yes,,they are scary looking.
We could be to them also but their that doesnt stop them from abducting or visiting us?

I know how you feel.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Contact is my greatest excitement and my greatest fear, sorry to tell you this but contact is more scary than you can imagine.

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