posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:58 AM
Well, I know people doing some of the clean-up and they talk about how ridiculous it is.
They are only allowed to work 20 mins each hour and break the remaining 40 mins. (OSHA). Take two one hour breaks as well through the day (beach
The persons I know working small skimmers are paid 1500 a day of they own the boat etc. But can not skim in the rain, certain sea heights etc.. Yet
they get paid to dock if conditions are just not perfect.
I wouldn't blame the workers, several government bureaucracies, the Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers, environmental groups complaining about removal
of sand....etc. have a huge hand in the slowing down of any progress.
Those I know, dropped what they were doing to is a fireman on leave, another a shrimp boat captain, another a retiree, there are more...yet
all are are extremely frustrated at the slow to no progress.