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undercover police in online forums

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posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 09:37 AM
I have done a lot of online forum participation, and a lot of work with my shaman expertise, what has come to my attention is undercover police officers participating in online forums about cannabis growing, asking for info on cannabis growing, techniques, etc, the reasons for this is to get their IP address and bust em.
undercover police do masquerade as drug users on the street so to learn who is doing what, and now they are doing it in forums about cannabis too.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 09:52 AM
Not to freak ya out, but there are police officers on this forum that regularly participate in all discussions.
They are people just like you, they work hard and like to relax at the end of the day.

Watch for the DEA, not our police officers.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 10:27 AM
i dont need to watch for anyone, police know and aint bothered, im barred from the usa, a good thing to come my ???, usa is the last place on the planet i would ever want to visit and i cant anyhow.
police officers think its good game to bust cannabis users and in the USA users get decades in prison, police who think its good game to put people in prison for decades jus for using a plant are a bit lacking in intelligence levels. some guy got 33 years in the USA just for having 3 and half ounce of cannabis, all police in the USA work like this but its evil, pure evil to put someone in prison for decades just for using a plant.
POLICE OFFICERS BECAME POLICE OFFICERS SO TO EARN MONEY FROM CRIME, they didn't do it to make society a better place, cause many of their laws make it a worse place.
1, parking fines where vehicles are causing no obstruction.
2, decades in prison for use of a plant
3, invading and occupying countries based upon lies and propaganda (see net for, "The new american century," video proof of lies and corruption being used to kill people.
4, electrocuting people who are only verbally disagreeing of youre paper authority, which kills many heart problem victims.
5, shooting at ufos with military
6, sending military into schools so to try and get some more soldiers.
7, Army cadet forces, teaching kids as young as 6 to be killers.
8, saying rotten fruit and veg is ok (alcohol) but natural chemicals are not.
9, USA has highest taxation rates on the planet, is this why people reckon USA are well ahead of all other countries?
10 highest taxation rates on the planet given to the govt who take it risk free, while the people paying them taxes spend tens of thousands to earn that money, spend most their life earning it, risking their health and then are not given health care.
11 "There are rogue elements in the white house," was a UK politicians precise words when trying to convince our govt not to invade iraq.
12, Police dont work hard, ive got 20 years construction experience, police dont know wot hard work is.
[edit on 4-7-2010 by thegreatestone]

[edit on 4-7-2010 by thegreatestone]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I was going to post something but it looks like another member stepped on and set off a crazy mine.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by thegreatestone

That's just paranoia.

Doesn't matter whether there are undercover cops trying to bust you, they would need FAR more than an internet blog in order to get a warranty to search your property.

Especially considering they would need to be in their own jurisdiction to do so.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:26 PM
I disagree, to an extent.

While I don't down the presence of law enforcement on such boards, it would be hard to use any "evidence" against a person.

Talking about growing marijuana, smoking it, selling it, itself is not illegal.

If you were to talk about your grow room and how YOU had a certain setup and x number of plants, that MIGHT be grounds for a warrant.

But just discussing it is not illegal.

Not saying they couldn't use your participation in such a board to add you to some kind of "list".

But you won't be arrested for discussing anything illegal, only participating in illegal activities.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Well the oldest rules are the best, always wear clean underwear in case you get hit by a bus (thanks mum!).... And never put anything on the internet that you are not happy for anyone and anyone drunk friends to see / read / take the wrong way / make a you tube parody off / get you fired from your job / have hoards of 14 year old types from sites like 4 chan rip you a new one or get you arrested.

LolCatz is safe enough I think.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:35 PM
First off the law enforcement agency would need a good reason to get a warrant to search your house. Posting how to grow does not mean that you are growing. Now if you are retarded and post "hey guys i grow pot in my house want to come over and buy some?" then you should be put in jail, not for growing but for being an iddiot.
Then the police have to get a subpoena aksing your ISP to hand over your info (which is a lot of trouble). I just do not see this as a practical way of gettingthe job done.

POLICE OFFICERS BECAME POLICE OFFICERS SO TO EARN MONEY FROM CRIME, they didn't do it to make society a better place, cause many of their laws make it a worse place.

And what is your job?

1, parking fines where vehicles are causing no obstruction.

Then do not park in the no parking zones

2, decades in prison for use of a plant

You can get prison time for forcing a part of your body into someone, that does not mean it is not a crime.

3, invading and occupying countries based upon lies and propaganda (see net for, "The new american century," video proof of lies and corruption being used to kill people.

Im sure you mean "Project for a New American Century" but yeah the police have nothing to do with that (and they do not have anythign to do with a lot of things in your little list).

4, electrocuting people who are only verbally disagreeing of youre paper authority, which kills many heart problem victims.

What is the weather like in la la land?

5, shooting at ufos with military

Really? They shoot UFOs with military? Do they just catapult new recruits at them?

6, sending military into schools so to try and get some more soldiers.

Yeah what of it?

7, Army cadet forces, teaching kids as young as 6 to be killers.


8, saying rotten fruit and veg is ok (alcohol) but natural chemicals are not.

Is alcohol not natural? Weed is illegal get over it when you are done crying about it.

9, USA has highest taxation rates on the planet, is this why people reckon USA are well ahead of all other countries?

Yeah, and just like everyone in the US, if they want to make it big they have to come to the US.

10 highest taxation rates on the planet given to the govt who take it risk free, while the people paying them taxes spend tens of thousands to earn that money, spend most their life earning it, risking their health and then are not given health care.

We get healthcare

11 "There are rogue elements in the white house," was a UK politicians precise words when trying to convince our govt not to invade iraq.

This is just another attempt for someone in the UK trying to bust in on theconspiracy scene.

12, Police dont work hard, ive got 20 years construction experience, police dont know wot hard work is.

Oh so you are a construction worker who likes natural plants instead of alcoho. Forgive me if i take everything you say with a grain of salt.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by zaiger]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by thegreatestone

Quite the little rant... Too bad you're so very wrong. ...not to mention the very broad brush you're using to color the whole with the actions of the few.

POLICE OFFICERS BECAME POLICE OFFICERS SO TO EARN MONEY FROM CRIME, they didn't do it to make society a better place, cause many of their laws make it a worse place.

You know every single police officer everywhere? Somehow, I'm doubting that...

Police Officers are like the general population. You have your good, your bad, and your indifferent... The good, and I suppose, the indifferent far out number the bad.

As for them being on forums? So? I know several police officers who happen to be members of ATS.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 09:12 PM
Another one undercover officers do online is create cannabis growing clubs, so they can get IP addresses of growers. It is a victimless crime but in news reports claimed to be a blight on society, it is the most beneficial drug known to man and killed no one, and the biggest harm it has on society is the amount of money needed to police it. It is what built the USA, without it ship ropes would never have been strong and light enough to get across the Atlantic. I am not for its use for recreational purposes. All drugs had their place in society, in spirituality, in religions and for medical reasons, white western society turned drugs into recreational tools cause they had no society they were proud of. They needed something other than the normal, a change from what they reckoned was the mundane, if a person needs any kind of drug legal or criminal for anything other than medical or spiritual purposes then WTF happened to their life. Is life not enough? Caffeine, headache tablets, sugar, alcohol, botox, nicotine, all unnecessary addictive additions we could do without being normal to take whenever.
Police officers know what is right and what is wrong, but they only allow suspicion of wrong laws diminish to be unimportant to them, wages are what is most important to police officers, earning money from crime is their thing....
People in the USA end up killing themselves when caught with a couple of months supply of cannabis, police officers accept this as being unimportant. Victimless crimes should not be crimes

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 09:40 PM
i can spot an undercover police officer a mile away, my telepathic capabilities let me see that so easily. In my hometown when young undercover officers give my name to their database they are quickly reassigned very far away from me. You police should be very happy i am not in the business of detecting undercover officers and snitches cause TSWHTF then, but humanity is turning telepathic so youll be on ya toes then and not wanting to be undercover police, and it all started in my county, GREATER MAN CHESTER, the first place on earth to make police officers as they are known today.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by thegreatestone]

[edit on 17-7-2010 by thegreatestone]

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