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The Atheists Nightmare

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I don't believe in an all powerful God that created everyone and everything. I DO think that there are higher beings than us in another realm and I do believe in an afterlife. I think Buddhism has the most realistic approach to life and death.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

If you believe so called evidence that is put before you in books and claimed as proof by those who went to colleges as support for your belief then the statement fits.

Because the Bible has never been disproved in any way.

The greatest proof is the abundance of fossils and coal fields, which are proof of a global flood. Fossils and coal are only produced under vary strict conditions.
Rapid burial is the greatest of these.

If you do not study the evidence from the prospective of the other (meaning those who study earth science that believe in God) then you have not weighed all the evidence properly.

I was indoctrinated in a public school to the religion of evolution and an old earth, and at the same time believed in God. Until 10 years ago when I decided to look at the evidence from the other prospective and have discovered that the evidence you claims to prove your belief really does not exist.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by ACTS 2:38
If I'm going to believe in any story of a world wide flood then I'll believe this story.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by randyvs

My problem with it all is not men like you who seem to bright and level headed. My fear above all is that someone who believes in magic will get to be in charge of nuclear weapons. We came very close with George W. Bush.

People like Osama Binladen who are fanatical and find a way to kill thousands because of what I believe to be misguided belief in nonsensical magic men.

No one can prove there is or is not a god. All i know is I have the brain I was born with or if you like "Created with" and when I look at the evidence available to us I can only see ancient mans "theory of everything".

The fact that such a loving and caring creator would have created some of us to just go to hell is not something I can just overlook. It is nonsense.

The fact that this creator hides his truth in such cryptic ancient writings rather than just saying hello is also something I cannot overlook.

To believe in the god of modern religions you have to basically admit that it is not as compassionate and maybe intelligent of its creations.

It does evil many times over to humanity. Many of the writings have been excluded by men. Writings that basically lay modern religion on its face and expose the ridiculous assertions made by modern Preachers and religious leaders as outright lies and deceit.

You have to believe that god created us to toy with us and ultimately torture many of us in hell.

I do not deny God. I deny the god in religion and fear that people who buy into that religious doctrine will cause many of us to die in its name.

It also does bother me to see people who are freinds totaly tormented and trying to beg god for relief when it will never come. Freinds who are dening themselves the simple pleasures that their one and only chance at life provides all to follow a myth in hopes of a better after life. An after life that will not happen.

So there is my issue. Not with just good believing religious people but when those people try to control the way the rest of us live or worse kill us for not believing in their version of God.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Are you people just not into self preservation or what?

Who? Atheists? Pretty sure we like being alive as much as the next human being (though certainly I can't speak for all atheists). But wanting to be alive, even wanting immortality, doesn't change the facts. We all die and there is no evidence of any after-life and therefore no reason, other than personal comfort, to believe in one. I'd rather be on the side of truth than believe in something baseless that is just for placebo.

This after a long life denying God because I was duped by a fad

You've just failed more epically than you can possibly imagine.

Being duped by atheism? Atheism is just the lack of belief in something for which there is no evidence (gods).

So I guess by this reasoning not believing in Odin, Zeus, Isis, Krishna, fairies, unicorns, goblins, and Lord Xenu would all be the equivalent of being duped.

Faith is a baseless belief in something, belief without evidence is essentially the definition of being gullible and is essentially the same as being duped. It takes faith to believe in invisible sky beings but none whatsoever to reject them due to a lack of evidence for their existence.

Your life is literally in your hands.

Agreed. Don't waste it on invisible sky daddy's, useless prayers and empty baseless beliefs asserted as truth. Do what the honest people do, admit your ignorance on the existence of God and admit to yourself that without any evidence for deities there really is no cause to believe.

The Atheists Nightmare is a world where the poor and fallacious reasoning of theists actually holds sway.

[edit on 5-7-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ACTS 2:38
reply to post by Hitotsumami

The greatest proof is the abundance of fossils and coal fields, which are proof of a global flood. Fossils and coal are only produced under vary strict conditions.
Rapid burial is the greatest of these.

Except you have to completely disregard the fact that each layer of sediments is layed down perfectly containing only material in each layer from a particular time in history. A flood would without a doubt mix the sediments so that they would not be layered perfectly and only contain specific plants and animal fossils from a specific era in history.

Only subduction can cause the earths layers to be layed out the way they are not your flood.

You can continue to ignore reality of the situation or awaken and enjoy heaven. This life your in is heaven and it is short and has a permanent end.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by ACTS 2:38

Because the Bible has never been disproved in any way.

There is a major difference between the physical history in the bible - - and the stories.

Even I don't dispute the history of a time a literature is written.

Ever read a Historical novel?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

Again, is that suppossed to change something?

Only that it invalidates the notion that somehow being without religion leads to rape, pillage and murder. Other than that, no, it doesn't change anything.

"Why do atheists celebrate Christmas and Easter since both of these holidays are to honor Yeshua (Jesus)? Why are most people (including the atheists) going into debt to buy "Christmas" presents? Why not totally ignore this holiday by going to work and carrying on, as usual? Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to join in the festivities when you clearly abhor their very reason for being? The excuses that "everybody else is doing it" or "I have no other choice because my place of employment is closed on Christmas" aren't valid....The fact is, if you in any way partake in the festivities, then you are a hypocrite because you're catering to the Christian belief. Take action at your place of employment and INSIST on your right to work during Christian holidays, because you, by God, are atheist!"

Challenging atheism

[edit on 5-7-2010 by randyvs]

Christmas isn't actually a christian holiday, neither is Easter. Both are tied back to earlier traditions that predate Christianity that were adopted to help gain followers. I celebrate Christmas because it coincides a federal holiday, it has nice shiny lights, and I like giving and receiving presents. Real Christians shouldn't practice Christmas anyways, it goes against Jesus' teachings of wealth and possession. So, better question is if Jesus was against the idea of worshiping possessions, why worship a holiday that essentially makes children worship obtaining new possessions?

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by randyvs

I don't believe in an all powerful God that created everyone and everything. I DO think that there are higher beings than us in another realm and I do believe in an afterlife. I think Buddhism has the most realistic approach to life and death.

Well put, nice and simple S&F. I have studied a little Buddhism and note that they seem to be guilty of a lot less genocide and ethnic cleansing.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Your personal opinion about your life, your spiritual practices and your view of myself mean nothing to me.
However, if you're going to attempt to appear wise, condescend and portray the illusion of intellect...then at least try to have the grammatical superiority to spell my name correctly.
If you're going to be blatantly disrespectful to people who, one, disagree with you, you out on your arrogant display of your over-inflated sense of spiritual understanding, then why are you posting on a site rife with people who you know will disagree with you and will not tolerate your nonsense?
Why are you not hanging out on another site where there are others who share your point of view?
Or better yet, a site where your target demographic is little more susceptible to preaching, fear-mongering and less-than-subtle (and mostly ineffective) manipulation.
Like...say...a chat room for patients who recently underwent a frontal lobotomy...or the site that's a support group for people not smart enough to have made the cut into Heaven's Gate.
If you're going to start a thread like you really should come better prepared for discussion than just with eye-rolls and "did you even read what I wrote?..." replies.

[note: edited for spelling...shame on me]

[edit on 7/6/10 by Matthew Dark]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by PieKeeper
Atheists don't usually believe in an afterlife, so there's no point in worrying about "Judgement day".

What you're trying to do, like Christianity often does, is to appeal to us through fear. Well, we aren't going to have any of that.

Hey PieKeeper, you're not supposed to get more Stars than the Op

Interesting title "The Atheist Nightmare"
Any nightmares Atheist have are due to normal biological reasons, not for the fear of persecution, life is bliss and not for the reasons of ignorance, quit the opposite actually.

So you're a good Servant and you die and go to Heaven.... then what?

Play Twister with Saint Paul?

Scrabble with Mary?

Pin the Donkey with Jesus?

Or do you just end up being another Servant...... again?

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

Your personal opinion about your life, your spiritual practices and your view of myself mean nothing to me.
However, if you're going to attempt to appear wise, condescend and portray the illusion of intellect...then at least try to have the grammatical superiority to spell my name correctly.

Well they must mean something or you or you wouldn't post.
Black and white, I should have known you were the grammar police.
I kid.
Sorry, I hate that myself.

If you're going to be blatantly disrespectful to people who, one, disagree with you, you out on your arrogant display of your over-inflated sense of spiritual understanding, then why are you posting on a site rife with people who you know will disagree with you and will not tolerate your nonsense?

See now this is a free country and it's my right to insist there is a God.
You don't have to respond to anything I've written. You don't believe in God so you can't understand what I'm trying to say.

Why are you not hanging out on another site where there are others who share your point of view?
Or better yet, a site where your target demographic is little more susceptible to preaching, fear-mongering and less-than-subtle (and mostly ineffective) manipulation.
Like...say...a chat room for patients who recently underwent a frontal lobotomy...or the site that's a support group for people not smart enough to have made the cut into Heaven's Gate.
If you're going to start a thread like you really should come better prepared for discussion than just with eye-rolls and "did you even read what I wrote?..." replies.

Believe me Atheists are Atheists I know that. Nothing will ever change
their lack of belief. So why do so many get all hostile at threads like this?
How does it even bother so many, when some crackpot creationist spins
a thread about sky man? I have to say , if you were so sure of yourselves you would n't even post.

Some of you on this very thread know what I'm saying.
I can't understand how it gets to some people.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Matthew Dark

Believe me Atheists are Atheists I know that. Nothing will ever change
their lack of belief. So why do so many get all hostile at threads like this?
How does it even bothers so many, when some crackpot creationist spins
a thread about sky man? I have to say , if you were so sure of yourselves you would n't even post.

Some of you on this very thread know what I'm saying.
I can't understand how it gets to some people.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by randyvs]

The reason it gets to People is because they know only too well what has happened to the World thanks to your "Religion"
Catholic Inquisition ring any Bells?

Enough of this deity Worshiping BS, and this comes directly from the top.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Village Idiot

The reason it gets to People is because they know only too well what has happened to the World thanks to your "Religion"

You can say that's what it is, frankly I've heard it before and I don't believe it. Atheists are just so concerned about the world.
I wonder how many God fearing men are at the top of BP ?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
How does it even bother so many, when some crackpot creationist spins
a thread about sky man? I have to say , if you were so sure of yourselves you would n't even post.

To be fair, the same could be said about religious people.
I've seen MANY a hostile believer, attacking atheist as if they were Satan himself. If religious people are so sure of their beliefs, why do they start threads calling out the atheists and demanding them to respond what amounts to a religious challenge? If you are so sure of yourself, why would you start a thread here on ATS (not in BTS where it belongs, IMO) calling them fools and trying to spread the fear that rules YOUR life?

Truth is, you're sure you're right. You just want to put down people who disagree with you so you can feel better about yourself. So you started a thread, challenging atheists to be afraid of themselves. LOL Sorry, man, we don't roll that way.

Good luck finding the answers you seek with this thread.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:27 AM
I would just like to point at that the OP claims this thread is not about fear yet titles the thread "The Atheists Nightmare." Does not nightmare necessitate fear?

Anyways, your bible tells you to love your fellow man, yet you are ridiculing and being condescending. The very nature of your first post is hostile and confrontational. Way to follow the book you claim to put so much faith in.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by ninthaxis

I guess it wouldn't hurt to add my background. I was a christian for 14 years, interned as a pastor, spoke on Sunday mornings, was in the process of obtaining my religious studies degree and now I no longer believe. Generalize and stereotype all you want.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Village Idiot

The reason it gets to People is because they know only too well what has happened to the World thanks to your "Religion"

You can say that's what it is, frankly I've heard it before and I don't believe it. Atheists are just so concerned about the world.
I wonder how many God fearing men are at the top of BP ?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by randyvs]

Well, I shouldn't speak for others but that's what makes me mad, how Religion has been used to control, ruin and destroy Peoples lives for so long, and to this day, it is still worshiped as something wonderful.

I've studied the Bible for many years, and it's on that study I have reached my conclusions, not because Mr Darwin came along with an alternative view that made it easier to deny personal responsibilities.
If I believe in a God from the Bible or not, it makes no difference, I would still take a stance of "no thank you"

How many God fearing Men are at the top?
Many I would say, there are plenty of Hypocrites who go to Church regularly, anyway, CEOs from BP aren't Human, they barely make the grade of Mankind.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Remember one thing:

Jesus, Buddha, Lao Zi etc were outstanding people and they established a moral baseline for mankind. Of course, later priests and other people established hierarchies within their religions and then it all went astray in the modern era.

So the root of the problem is evil people who used great people´s theories as a cover for their personal aspirations to fame, power and control.

Anyway, focus on your future and it is soon here, forget the past and the scapegoats, you only waste your time.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by ninthaxis

I would just like to point at that the OP claims this thread is not about fear yet titles the thread "The Atheists Nightmare." Does not nightmare necessitate fear?

Ok you got me there.
Unless I meant nightmare as in quagmire.

Anyways, your bible tells you to love your fellow man, yet you are ridiculing and being condescending. The very nature of your first post is hostile and confrontational. Way to follow the book you claim to put so much faith in.

First of all I love to stir the pot. I will admit that straight out. Do you really think the OP was ridiculing and condescending. or have I been ridiculing and condescending because of some of the reply's? You can see many were condescending to me. Right!
I really hate tit for tat but I guess I slip up alot to. Just look at the front of the thread though. Not even to mention the u2u's.
It's crazy I admit. I always take alot of heat when I post a thread like this,
and I expect it. It's seems really odd to me how atheists constantly bash Christianity. Give em some of there own medicine, they come out squeeling like hoggs to slaughter. Funny.

There are atheists on this site that are like nazi's. Atheism does not rule at
ATS. Unless I hear that from an owner or someone who carry's more weight than anyone who has posted here so far.

Good luck finding the answers you seek with this thread

Maybe that's it Heretic.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by randyvs]

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