I may be going out on a limb about this one, but I was curious if we had to think outside the box on this one.
Full body scans.
How do these scanners work?
There are two types of device which offer full-body scans. Millimeter wave scanners use extremely high frequency radio waves which are processed by a
computer to produce a detailed 3D image of air passengers. Backscatter scanners use high energy rays that -- unlike X-rays which penetrate objects --
scatter when they hit materials, allowing computers to render a detailed image and detect substances such as explosives and plastic weapons. Both
scanners, unlike conventional X-rays, can strip away layers of clothing, accurately mapping the contours of the body, any prosthetics beneath the
skin, as well as clothing and metallic and non-metallic objects.
What caught my eye about this was the " extremely high frequency radio waves". Now some of us have different thoughts about where we come from,
2012, a new evolution, blood types, genetics, well what do you think they can get out of this sort of scan?
I have several thoughts about this one and wanted to share them with you. One, can they see they see non- human types? I mean what are they really
worried about? People eating bombs? I don't think that their was anything less than human error when people board planes and don't get checked
Two, can they take these scan and have them analyzed by medical/scientific professionals, that might know what they are looking for, but layman would
never see? Or can they do a separate scan, with another device to see what we cant? For those that believe that there are shape-shifters, or E.T on
this planet are they looking for these beings and aren't saying anything?
Three, many of us spiritually awakening, and possibly due to this have different forms of frequencies than others, can they see this in these scans?
Is this a way for them to actually start to do a head count on the human species without ever letting us know?
And last but not least. Junk DNA. Can they see people who can, or are changing their DNA due to either the planet, the coming solar shift, or just
people changing their lives for the better? If this is the case, when you go to the airport, with all of you I.D necessary, is it easier to now find
those that can make a real change on this planet and maybe thwart those who wish more harm than good?
I know that this may seem somewhat unlikely, but as a person that has to make sure that all of our bases are covered, it only seemed fair for me to
ask these particular question. I know that I fear that maybe one or all of these may seem possible, so please I want to hear any other thoughts on
this subject.
Peace to you...