Its all about dividing and conquering, on a basic level starting with all things difficult to split up and divide family spirit, to the ingroups and
fighting in nations and the world. People being hard hearted, and judgmental and blaming each other rather than the mismanagement team and bankers is
How do we win, awareness and wishing to is a big thing. There is three main principles to overcoming this world and slave system and it takes
awareness on our part, and also, no fear, for they try to show us that they have the ability to harm us, but their lessons are false ones. By this I
mean, that while many who step out and question them are harmed, depending on our development and awareness, darkness is given no power over us by our
Family of Light. Period, this is for real. They have absolutely no power over us and cannot harm us, should we be waking up and becoming aware
ourselves. But to do so, means looking beyond the temporal, the physical, the economics, the politics, the illusions of this matrix.
To hit the real purpose for being here. This takes, meditation, asking within over and over again, Who am I? Why am I here? What is the world
really? Can I help wake others up? Reporting for Duty!!! It means listening within, without credo, preconceived spiritual beliefs, even, and this is
not to diminish people's faith, but if one has a faith, one needs to be open minded, for the reality is more akin to Quantum Physics/Weirdness, meets
the Beyond/Heaven, than what we realize, and this Universe is more like a Hollogram, and this is a school.
So, waking up to who we are, gaining some memories, sky watching and seeking only the highest love and light and good benevolent contact, reporting
for duty, responding even to negative people with love and light, yet denouncing them (ie. suitbable for negatie et contact as well), alligns us with
our Higher Self, with the Family of Light and with protection. That means, when we respond with fear or anger to even bad guys, or name calling, we
shrink, they grow, and the protection falters. But as we push the limits of our consciousness, and wake up to realize our purpose in this school, and
give love, appreciation and thankfulness to Love and Light, we are protected. Bad things can still happen to good people, but ONLY if its allowed by
Higher Self, for our own good, and fear of death is gone, for we know we are safe and out of here, literally have passed the test.
So the first thing is, No Fear, do not allow TPTB to intimidate those working for change, have consciousness. Sungaze, with an intention of
connecting to our Family in the Beyond, (stars broadcast in the hollogram) and gain in consciousness, love, awareness, spirit.
Then: `1) awareness, start local boards with the issues on them, and link them to all the big conspiracy boards, really encourage ppl to do their own
research. I have one now going but no one knows about it, so encourage other boards to even copy your board, ie. I don't care about ownership
issues, just make it easy for everyone to get it off the ground and then, make videos on youtube to promote this in your area based on a few big
issues, ie. codex or whatever is current and big to you.
Write for, meditate, envision, speak out, find ways to connect locally, for awareness, small groups, to wake ppl up to two things, the way the world
is, the matrix so to speak, the starving and war torn people who are being sacrificed by the elite mystery school creeps, etc. Also, for knowledge
that they are thinking in limited ways, there have always been choices. Ie, the Venus Project, etc, no one has to live like this.
2) we made their corporations and econmic system, we can unmake it. Ie., in groups in the community, especially getting the out of work together,
sitting down, encouraging communication from the poor, for they are the most aware and affected, don't exclude them, include the poor. Talk, meet
up, find and make a list of the most important businesses, services and products. Then network and fund raise to start up small businesses that are
ethical and grass roots and stop buying from teh pyramid monopolies, only from each other, buy, trade, teach other to grow food, and create energy
devices in your back yards, take in single parents kids, teenagers who would be out causing mahem and instead, teach them to build, ham radios,
telescopes, infared, solar panels, generators, solar ovens, greenhouses, and even more exotic projects, FREE ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM. make it grass
roots, so on one can take it away from the people, spread it everywhere including in the third world, get groups going.
Also, think water devices, desaltination, home grown solutions, back yard solutions, for everything, start educating and getting hands on projects.
Mod kits for cars, conversion to electric, water run cars, cars that run on electric an alchohol. Build distilleries and use fallen debris to make
free or inexpensive alchohol to run even cleaner cars, that can switched to electric for all town use, trucks, or deisel, that can run on peanut
Think out of the box. As our businesses, which don't even need to emphasize money, but can be exchanges, and only make enough for taxes and a little
put aside for emergencies until we are so aware we never vote for them again and can manage our own systems.
SELF SUFFICENCY FROM THE GRASSROOTS LEVELS UP, and watch their businesses and banks fall.
3)spread it, live it, love everyone. Whenever a new movement stops to hate on someone, be it the mexicans, or the middle east, stop, its a trick,
send love and light, write in and denounce the leaders to the leaders and tell them alwys, every week write and tell them you choose a world of peace,
free energy, full disclosure, end of starvation and land/mineral owndership, and how fired they are.
We can change the world, its in our hands in our communities. Lets do it!
[edit on 3-7-2010 by Unity_99]