posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:51 PM
yeah i hate the hustle and bustle and modernization that has happened to us in the past 20 years, i always thought, how cool would it be, to be a
farmer in the 1800's.. make yer own cabin, just hunt some animals then have sex obviously, raise some kids, teach them how to knock a tree down.
life was so much more simple back then..
as far back as caveman, go kill a dinosaur, hit the girl you like over the head with a bat and drag her back to yer cave..geez, who outlawed this?
but granted they deserved that woman and meal cuz they had the big beasts to deal with.
anyhow, ...just going as far back as high school when we didnt have cell phones, only landlines, everything was better..youd call yer friends before
oging out, hopefully meet somewhere, then just go on with yer night, no interruptions from anybody..
i know im off topic a million places but knowing you guys, theres a big bunch who i bet still operate ham radios as opposed to a cell..
just saying, life was so much more simple 15years ago, not sure if thats good or bad, i cant imagine how it was many centuries back. but i can bet,
a lot less hectic!
take care,