reply to post by Spirit777
If you pose a threat to the system or the ideology of it you are boxed and compartmentalised away from the eyes of any hope of liberation.
This is the battle we all face.
To awaken to the reality that we are not who we are supposed to be.
That in fact we have two gods or two realities in conflict with each other.
That’s why we have Problems, Chaos and Anarchy in the world.
That is the reason we have war and disease....
That is the reason we fear the end of the world.
Because the system has caused us to believe it.
The solution is awakening or reaching a point of enlightenment where you are able to discern this for yourself.
Once you realise the truth that you are really the singularity and that the duality is actually your ego!
The part of you that sticks to the reality the system has created.
Be it for reasons of desire, selfishness, comfort and security, convenience, food, laziness or whatever other reason.
This is the thing we have to let go of if we are to ascend.
In order to reach the state of being we are intended to be in we have to die to the ego.
Be reborn, reach nirvana, die and be resurrected. Become the singularity.
This is the only way out of the system. The only way to avert the coming catastrophes that our system has conditioned us to believe will take place
2012 is fast approaching and this date holds more and more significance the closer we get to it.
2012 is a marker. It is not a date on which something will happen.
The thing planned to happen will more than likely occur before or after this date than on it.
We have two realities.
One where the creator or original god wins or one where the second god/beast/system wins.
That is why we have free will and we will be put in a position soon where we will have to make that choice.
To live in the system or to awaken from it and live the way our creator intended.
The problem is that the duality is now in a state of flux.
It is powerful and yet vulnerable.
We must tread carefully over the next few years and learn to make the right choices and decisions.
These can only be made from the singularity perspective if we are going to have any chance of overcoming that which is coming.
The problem is the system will not accept the singularity. This creates a very interesting scenario. Which would require its own thread.
Without getting back to this force or reality of perfect harmony we will cling to thoughts and ideas which are a by product of the ego.
We will remain in inner turmoil and conflict, doing what the system programs us to do instead of doing things the way nature intended.
This, my brothers and sisters is the only way to unplug from the matrix.
To relinquish the ego and give up everything associated with the system.
For some they are almost already there, others are far too dependent on their reality.
None the less we must awaken as many people as possible.
When we all unplug, the system itself will become a dead foetus with nothing to sustain it.
The greatest conspiracy never told is not out in the open.
God created us and Lucifer brought us the light.
The ability to think and create ideas which manifest and make us like gods.
Lucifer/Satan is the creator of the Illuminate. He is the fallen angel, who has programmed from the very beginning, the blue print for world
domination and control.
The New World Order is his plan. The father of lies. Believe it or believe it not it is the most fundamental part of the system you are inside.
We must wake up soon before the Orwellian prophecy manifests and becomes our realities.
By shedding the ego we allow god to work through us. We are not longer tainted or diluted by the system and it has no influence over us. We live and
god lives through us creating heaven on earth simply by us being who we are.
This is the only way to win the war of the soul before the war of the system destroys us all.
Happy thoughts.