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The energies of the cosmos, on your birth-

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:52 PM
My birthday was June 2nd 1992, at around 12:30 Noon, in Mannheim, Germany. Thanks in advance!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by blaenau2000

Hi again!

I hope all is well with you and yours!

For 1-9-11

Before the Sun rises on this day, Venus rises in the East on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra.

Mercury then rises on the cusp of Sagittarius and Ophiuchus.

Sagittarius then rises bringing first Pluto, then the Sun, then Mars.

Neptune on the cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn. These are the next 2 future ages.

Moon in Pisces, our current age.

Jupiter and Uranus are also in Pisces and they are in conjunction with each other.

Saturn in Virgo.

My best to you both!

Hello, On my last request for myself youre answer for me was "The Sun on the cusp of Virgo and Leo at your birth" So i worked off that as i am not sure what all the other things represented,
but this time its "Before the Sun rises on this day, Venus rises in the East on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra."

I was born Virgo, but found out i was Virgo/Leo from you,
So he is born Capricorn, I am sorry but i cant make out what signs he would be?
Any guidance would be much appreciated my friend.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by blaenau2000

Hi again!

I hope all is well with you!

Hello, On my last request for myself youre answer for me was "The Sun on the cusp of Virgo and Leo at your birth" So i worked off that as i am not sure what all the other things represented, but this time its "Before the Sun rises on this day, Venus rises in the East on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra." I was born Virgo, but found out i was Virgo/Leo from you, So he is born Capricorn, I am sorry but i cant make out what signs he would be? Any guidance would be much appreciated my friend.

Sorry for any confusion. The positions I give, even if I talk about the way and order the spheres rose in the sky for that day....are still the positions at ones birth. Most of the time, I like to tell people what order the spheres rose in the sky on the day of their birth....but the positions I give are directly related to the time of ones birth still.

So where ever I say the Sun is with your child I said the Sun was in Sagittarius...then that would be what I would consider, his sign. I told you the Sun was on the cusp of Virgo and Leo...then I would consider you to be in a transition phase between Virgo and Leo, you being of 2 signs, you working on past with the present.

If I see several spheres that would of rose before the Sun on one's day of birth...then I go through the 'order of rising' and the reason I do this is just a big feeling I get of importance of the 'order' of the spheres as they arise in the east...does Venus come before the Sun on that day...does the Sun come first and all the spheres follow the Sun....ect ect. But the positions I give, for example, with your child, about Sagittarius being where the Sun was even though I listed the 'rising order' of the spheres for that day, the positions still stand for being true of where the spheres were at when one was born.

So first, I take note of the positions of the spheres at ones birth. Then I scroll through the 'rising of the spheres' for that day and let people know...the rising order of the spheres which does not change the positions of the spheres for their birth.

Does that clear it up a little for you?

Let me know...happy to explain what Im trying to offer here.

So that puts you at being Virgo/Leo and your child at being Sagittarius...for those are the signs that the Sun would of been seen at, for those times of birth.

My best

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Looking back on what I wrote for you and your birth....let me explain.

The Sun on the cusp of Virgo and Leo at your birth.

Before the Sun the East comes Cancer bringing Saturn. Then rises Venus on the cusp of 3 signs actually....Sextans, Leo, and Hydra. It is barely bordering Hydra...but enough so that I would defiantly call it a cusp of 3. Following the rise of the Sun comes Virgo with Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto.

The Sun sat on the cusp of Virgo and Leo at your birth.

Then I tell you on this day, the order of the rising of the spheres. I should of noted exactly where the Sun was at in that order.

Saturn would of rose in the East first. Then Venus rose. Then the Sun. Then I tell the planets that came after the Sun rose.

I consider the entire day of importance...and this is why I list the order of the rising. Though I list this order, it does not change the positions of the spheres at all.

I hope this all helps!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by pendekar

Hi there!

Thank you for your kind words...but I am no more then anyone. I have only found something that made me look at my life differently and once I felt that, I had to wonder if it would do the same for others. So here I am

The Sun sat in Libra at your birth.

Here is the order of the spheres as the rose in the sky on this day.

In the East, before the Sun rose, Virgo rises in the East bringing Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury.

Libra then rises with Venus and the Sun side by side, and Jupiter is also with Libra.

Uranus is in Scorpio.

Neptune is in Ophiuchus.

Mars in Sagittarius.

Moon in Aries. During the time span of this day, the Moon moves from Aries, onto the cusp of Taurus/Aries...and then ends the day in Taurus.

The Moon was also a full moon and you can figure that by going to the link below and adding your year and month of birth.

My best to you

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by eastbosbud

august 10 1965 8:30 am san diego ca

The Sun is in Cancer at your birth and the Sun leads the rising spheres on this day.

Leo would be a past sign to you and you still have many energies in Leo.

Leo rises after the Sun rises, with Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto.

Moon is on the cusp of Virgo/Leo.

Mars in Virgo.

Neptune in Libra.

Saturn in Aquarius (our coming age).

Jupiter in Taurus.

My best to you!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by powerpipe

June 2nd 1992, at around 12:30 Noon

Sun sits in Taurus, atop of the head of the Bull, at your birth.

Before the Sun rises on this day, Mars rises first in the East in Pisces (our current age).

Then rises Taurus bringing 1st Venus, then the Sun, then Mercury.

Moon just moved into Gemini and if you could see the moon at your birth it would be sitting right over the top of Orion.

Jupiter in Leo.

Pluto on cusp of Libra and Serpens.

Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius.

Saturn in Capricorn.

You were born on a new moon, when the first sign of the crescent moon could be seen for a new moon phase.

You can figure your moon phase by entering your month and year on this link below and I would suggest that you start to look for new crescent moons in the low western sky for this may bring a great alignment with you and your inner being.

If you look up on June for this month, our next new crescent moon will be on June 3rd or 4th. I have a feeling you would really enjoy finding this and seeing it. It can only be seen for a short time because the new moon sets in the west following the Sun.

My best to you

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Hello there!!

My Bday is Decemeber 28, 1983.
I would really like to know what my real sign is if you have the time. I believe I was born around 6:15 am

Thank you

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by aaguedaa

Hi there!

Decemeber 28, 1983

The Sun sat in Sagittarius at your birth, that is, if you were able to see the sign behind the Suns position, you would of seen Sagittarius.

The spheres positions I list were the positions of the spheres at your birth, but I will list them in their 'rising order' of the eastern sky, for that day. I find it almost just as interesting to see what order the spheres were in just as their positions.

In the east, before the Sun rises in the sky...Virgo rises bringing Mars. The Moon and Pluto then also rise, also in Virgo.

In the East, Libra then rises, bringing 2 strong spheres, Saturn and Venus.

Uranus and Jupiter then rise, in the east, in the sign of Ophiuchus.

Sagittarius then starts to rise, first bringing Neptune....then the Sun rises in Sagittarius, then Mercury follows the Suns rising, also in Sagittarius.

I find your orders interesting for several reasons. When so many spheres rise before the Sun, I feel a energy of protection for that person for their life. Maybe being born to a life where many watch out for you or maybe its more of a spiritual thing of protection. It could even be something alot deeper, such as you have a many who stand by you, in your duty or purpose here, as a 'keeper'. I call Sagittarians 'keepers' because the sign itself holds a important gem of information. If you follow in the sky the tip of the arrow of Sagittarius and where it points to, it takes you to the direction of the center of our galaxy. You may be a foundation holder with many others here to support you in that or it may be that you are being tested to see your nature of being a 'keeper'. A phase of being to see if you 'sense' your energy within you or not. The other spheres may suggest that you wont discover this in this life but are being led to it through this life. Being prepared, in a sense. We are a part of a 'whole' so when I say 'others' I am in a deep way, referring to 'other parts of your own inner Spiritual being'.

I get a nice energy from you...

I may have said too much...I really try not to say much at all about spheres. Sometimes I just have a imprint on my mind though after looking at positions and others times I dont get this energy imprint. When I do get it, its hard to not say something about it because I too, myself, wonder where this comes from, this energy I feel about this person and I too...wonder if there is any value of it what so ever.

Ive been at conflict lately as to rather if I want to say anything about the positions or if I just want to list them as they are without any thoughts.

So I 'said a little' of what I felt. If none of it resonates that is OK and I encourage you to always seek within you what spheres and positions mean to YOU. That is another thing...I dont want to hold people back in discovering their inner knowings that await them by saying something more to them.

My best!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:47 AM
I don't know if you're still doing this, but....

June 24, 1988, at around 3am, in Fortaleza, Brazil.

Thank you in advance!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:02 AM
I am interested in learning ....birth 05/09/1957 evening. Thank you!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by unsteadythings

June 24, 1988, at around 3am

Hi there!

Sun was in Gemini at your birth, sitting over what you would see as Orion, if you could see the constellations that were around the Sun.

Before the Sun rises on this day, Taurus is in the east with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Orion then rises, then Gemini bringing the sun.

Moon is in Virgo sitting close to the bright star Spica. Pluto also in Virgo, under her foot.

Saturn and Uranus side by side in Sagittarius. Neptune also in Sag.

Mars in Aquarius, our coming age. At your time of birth if someone would of looked to the eastern horizon, they would see Mars there in Aquarius.

My best to you!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:37 AM

edit on 4-11-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by drifter1109

Hi there!

05/09/1957 evening

The Sun was in Aries at your birth, if one could of looked up and seen the Sun and its position. Mercury also in Aries and rises before the Sun.

Venus rises after the Sun, being a daytime sphere unable to be seen in the night sky. Venus comes in Taurus which is a past sign to you.

Mars in Gemini, sitting over Orion.

Uranus in Cancer.

Pluto in Leo.

Jupiter on cusp of Virgo/Leo. Moon crosses this cusp on this day, starting the day in Leo and ending the day in Virgo. To know the exact location of the moon at your birth, we would need a time. Being evening it could of been on the cusp or already moved into Virgo.

Neptune in Virgo.

Saturn in Ophiuchus.

I took the daylight out of the image so you could see the positions more clearly....

All my best!

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by McGinty

15th November 1970 at 4pm, in central London (beside King's Cross) Obviosly i've grown up under the forboding cloud of Scopio, which ultimately encourages one to look past things that initially appear to be threatening or repugnant. So, in my experience, being a Scorpio taught me a pretty decent life lesson and i'm proud to be one - though a confess to trying to maintain a healthy sceptamism of Astrology along with my easily unbridled enthusiasm for all things mysterious and archaic). It would be ironic if after all i wasn't even a Scorpio; a little dissapointing, but i'm always excited about revelations and new directions (isn't that a Scorpio trait?). Big thanks in advance if you find time to look at my chart. My partner -a Libra, or maybe not (4pm 8th October 1974 in London) is a 100% beliver and enthusiast and she'd be especially interested in your revelations about our charts (oops - i just slipped another request in there, didn't i?

Hello there! And Hi to your wife!


Sun rises in Libra, middle of the scales. Venus and Jupiter also in your Libra. Scorpio being your past sign may indeed help you in this life. My past sign of Virgo was much needed for me in my earlier part of life...until about the age of 30.

Before the Sun rises, Pluto rises on the cusp of Virgo and Coma Berenices (I think this sign is named after a Egyptian Goddess, and it sits outside of the wheel). Then Uranus rises in Virgo, on her lower left arm. Mars rises in Virgo, sitting in her left hand. Then Venus rises in Libra atop the scales. Then Jupiter rises at the top of the scales. Then the Sun rises. Neptune also in Libra, sitting at the bottom of the scales.

Mercury in Scorpio (your past sign).

Saturn in Aries, close to Taurus.

Moon in Taurus at birth, close to a boarder outside the wheel of a sign called Auriga. When your 6 hours old, Moon sits on cusp of Taurus and Gemini.

Sitting directly above Orion.

Your Moon phase...

And for Wife...10-4-74

Sun rises in Virgo on her lower left arm close to Mars which sits at her left wrist. Venus rises before the Sun rises, Venus in Virgo on her left shoulder. Uranus in Virgo, outside her left knee. Mercury in Virgo, close to cups of Libra. Pluto in Virgo, to her right side.

Jupiter (King planet) sits where water flows in Aquarius (our coming age).

Moon rides a cusp of Aries and Taurus. When she is 3 days old, Moon passes right through top of Orion (which sits outside the path of the Sun).

Saturn in middle of Gemini.

Neptune on cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus (the 13th sign ignored as being a part of the path of our Sun by astrology).

Her Moon phase...

Seeing both of yours was interesting! Wish you both my best,


Hi LeoVirgo.
It's been a while since you took on this Herculean task, but i just wanted to say thanks so much. I'm thrilled that you found the time to reply to me and i hope all this good karma you've collected here is paying off for you

All my best.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hey there, I know this reply comes after a year of your answering me but to be honest I don't really know how to work ATS very well since I am mostly a "lurker". Today for some reason I noticed a little button that took me to a new window displaying a couple of messages I hadn't read and among them yours.

Thank you for the explanation you gave me with regards to how the celestial bodies were at the time of my birth. I find this topic really interesting and I really appreciate it that you took the time to give me a bit of your personal interpretation, many times I have thought how lucky I am to always have people around me that wish to share their lives and look out for me. I have also ALWAYS felt a deep connection to my inner self and I have thought at times (almost with certainty) that this life is nothing but a test/spiritual school for me... but then I think that probably most people feel that way at some point or another. =)

I do have one question though. You mention that I could be a "keeper" since that is what Sagittarius are, but I am a Capricorn... ?? I did see that you do take Ophicus into account when dpong the charts so that may be it. Could you explain a bit?

Thank you so much!

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 04:45 AM
I dont know if your still active in answering questions.. but my DOB is Feb 26 1984 In Bronx New York 5:45ish pm. Thanks

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:35 PM
Can you tell me also what these positions can mean?

I'm September 7th, 1986, landstuhl germany, at 4:56 am.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:58 PM
Have not checked in here on this thread lately and see I missed a few of yous....

Will get to this in the next day or two!!

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by aaguedaa
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hey there, I know this reply comes after a year of your answering me but to be honest I don't really know how to work ATS very well since I am mostly a "lurker". Today for some reason I noticed a little button that took me to a new window displaying a couple of messages I hadn't read and among them yours.

Thank you for the explanation you gave me with regards to how the celestial bodies were at the time of my birth. I find this topic really interesting and I really appreciate it that you took the time to give me a bit of your personal interpretation, many times I have thought how lucky I am to always have people around me that wish to share their lives and look out for me. I have also ALWAYS felt a deep connection to my inner self and I have thought at times (almost with certainty) that this life is nothing but a test/spiritual school for me... but then I think that probably most people feel that way at some point or another. =)

I do have one question though. You mention that I could be a "keeper" since that is what Sagittarius are, but I am a Capricorn... ?? I did see that you do take Ophicus into account when dpong the charts so that may be it. Could you explain a bit?

Thank you so much!

Sorry for the time delay!

From the way I view this...Capricorn would of been a past sign for you, and you would be natural born with Capricorn traits likely in the younger days of your life...Sagittarius is really where the Sun was at your birth from Earths view and the Sagittarius is what offers opportunities of growth/maturity/spiritually and sometimes ones true sign is the one that brings the harder lessons in life or the more higher thoughts to consider later in life as we become adults. I call Sagittarius a 'keeper' because it is the sign that points the way to the center of our galaxy. To me, the center of the galaxy is like the center of you/ know where its at and to pay attention to its location can help realign yourself just the same, if the honest will is there to do so. I find it no happenstance that we as mankind has given the sign that sits right next to the center of our galaxy the figure of a man holding a arrow that points right to the center point. In spiritual thought, this center point can be considered a sacred thing..something to protect, something that has a point that once crossed is like appoint of no return and can be reflective of us in the same way....once we honestly find the center nature of our inner being...there is no return...because then you just 'know' things.

Capricorn, being the one that sits next to Sagittarius before you get to the area of the galactic center is something I call the 'protector'....for before being a keeper, one needs to know how to be a protector of what is sacred.

I dont know if what I gain from all of this is how it applies to all...but this is just my own personal observations and just certain words seem to go naturally with certain signs to me. I really cant say for sure sometimes where certain words or phrases or meanings really come from...just a feeling or something like that.

All my best!

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