posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Provocative, I know, and everyone is welcome to their own opinion. However, increasingly it seems people are confusing their opinions with solid
facts. Clearly a fact has some basis in provable reality and an opinion is simply a personal belief which may have, but doesn't necessarily require,
any basis in reality.
Facts and opinions are not the same and yet more and more often I see threads that start 'I heard...(fill in with unverified information on any
subject you choose, but Gulf evacuation threads have a lot of this)' which is then followed with posts that so often start 'Star and flag OP, I
believe...(fill in more unverified opinion, not fact).
Cue a bunch of posters who all take each others beliefs as unreserved facts, agree wholeheartedly for no factual reason, and then throw in a few new
beliefs for the next poster to believe.
Before the bottom of the first page normally there will be people then professing to serious panic with regard to the totally opinion based pieces
they have just read, regardless of how obviously false/silly/deranged the above posts may have been.
ATS, I thought, was a place to investigate and discuss, not to swallow any old BS that is printed and then panic like headless chickens. Of course
opinions are important, we all have them, but they are not facts and carry no more weight than the amount of thought and research behind them. So
often that level is next to zero, it seems.
Or am I wrong? Am I being totally unreasonable and unfairly maligning people? Like I said, the title is provocative, but it's not meant to be an
insult to anyone, simply to promote a bit of thought. Ok, roll on the flamers...
Do you believe, or think?