posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:03 PM
This is actually a very cool thread. I have seen the tower just outside Dahlonega Georgia and it's pretty impressive.
Insofar as the secrecy of these sites, my guess is a combination of contributory factors, primary among them the notion that they make it secret
because it is easier. You don't have to answer a bunch of zoning questions, maybe exemptions from federal and state hiring/employment laws, and
shelter from EPA codes/regulations. This can be particularly effective, especially if there is even a modicum of truth to the "in the interest of
national security" argument.
Secondly, having a lot of secrecy gives a layer of protection to people involved in big dollar fraud and waste of government and shareholder money.
FOr example, you put in requests for various unneeded equipment, route the bids to companies either owned by you, a family member, a relative, etc.,
sit back and watch the money roll in.