posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 12:32 PM
Over the past two and a half months oil has been gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, as if everyone didn't alredy know about it. The worlds "top"
researchers and engineers are trying to fix it, or so we're told. Why the hell is this thing not capped yet? To my understanding they have alredy
tried a few solutions that didnt work out. There was the box, which this thread is basically about, and there was the "TopKill" that didnt work at
Now, correct me if im wrong, but from my understanding the Box didnt work because of the slush. Ok fair enough. My question is why dont they make a
big steel dome and put it over the well. I know they still want to get to the oil that is in there, but lets be realistic folks, that friggin well is
a DUD. Would it be cheaper just to drill another hole OR to have to pay for the fallout of millions upon millions of oil and sludge pouring into the
gulf? I think BP needs to get their heads out of their asses if you ask me.
Would a huge steel dome not work? One without a "honey" hole on top. I dont understand why the dont just plug this thing up for good. Drill another
hole a couple miles to the west or east or where ever. This crap makes me insane with anger. Just seeing what is happening and how BP is handeling
themselves. Its very sad to say the least.
So what do you think ATS? Would it work?