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Republicans show their true nature again!

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
Nation? About 700 or so members online, and hundreds of threads hardly constitutes a nation.

Well then maybe you should not had started derailing the thread huh? You couldn't cover up the lie made from Signals in his first post so you decided to derail from the OP and go on about Reagan and Carter. By the way, have you had a look at the bill yet? where does it say anything about tax hikes as you claimed earlier?

Once again, the financial crisis of 2008 had nothing to do with nation building or the war in Iraq.

Once again it did. Unless you can explain to me how on earth we were to afford over $1 trillion in additional defense spending over the Bush years, or the useless $800 trickle down tax cuts, yes it did have alot to do with the financial crises.

By the way, Anton Walhman? He isn't you is he? Because he appears to parrot the same BS you seem to do here on his blog. No I do not want references from a blog.

The price of oil had nothing to do with the financial crisis. As I have stated above, it preceded the financial crises. It was a contributing factor in helping to create the Great Recession, and it will rear its ugly head again before its over.....

You still fail to explain to me how the oil crises had nothing to do with middle eastern tensions? How did the oil crises come about if it had nothing to do with tensions in the middle east?

until Republicans take back the House and the Senate.

Considering the Republicans over saw the majority fo the debt for the last 30 years in this nation, you clearly do not see right.

Those tax cuts resulted in a strong economy, and kept unemployment around 5% throughout all 8 years of Bush's Presidency.

Those tax cuts did little to nothing. Unemployement shrank by 1.5% only to rise again at the beginning of 2006. Following tax cuts GDP growth shrank significantly. Whats more interesting, these tax cuts did little to nothing to stop or slow down the coming recession in 2008.

Again, I do not know all of the details....

No, you just can't take back what you said. You blamed Carter for not waging another multi-billion dollar war on Iran while complaining about the Democrats over spending. You just don't want to be upfront about it.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Signals
Research the crap the Dems added to the cuts for corporations, tax hikes on US oil companies, etc...they do this because they know the Repubs won't approve it, so they can call them the bad you are doing now!
They vote on an unemployment extension every 30 days it seems like. And it always gets turned down...then the watered-down version always gets approved.

It's all a sham, Democrats and Republicans are the SAME, and you are caught in the paradigm - exactly where they want you to be BTW

Ya the dems are great at making a bill called "savethepoor_01" and the majority of it has nothing to do with the poor...

Ya evil republicans...

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Originally posted bySouthern Guardian

By the way, Anton Walhman? He isn't you is he? Because he appears to parrot the same BS you seem to do here on his blog. No I do not want references from a blog.

No, I am Not Anton Walhman. His blog article captured the essence of the crisis, and did it without being long and winded. It blames nobody in particular, other than those who had pressured the banks into lending money to non-qualified buyers, and suggests no cash infusion, let alone a Trillion dollars, in order to fix the problem.

Any economist without an agenda, .....a real economist.....who.....understands.....basic economic science, will tell you that the financial crisis of 2008, was triggered by the collapse of the housing bubble, which had nothing to do with the national debt.

Perhaps you would prefer an explanation that puts the blame squarely on the backs of Republicans. I have found no such article. But I'm sure that you can find one on google within a few seconds if you are looking for one. Perhaps you could create your own article, if you wish to perpetuate this fallacy,......that Republicans started this crisis, and started all wars, and are responsible for all deficit

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Well then maybe you should not had started derailing the thread huh? You couldn't cover up the lie made from Signals in his first post so you decided to derail from the OP and go on about Reagan and Carter. By the way, have you had a look at the bill yet? where does it say anything about tax hikes as you claimed earlier?

The only reason that I mentioned Reagan was because you asked me what I thought the Government should do to create opened the door, counselor....
and the only reason that I mentioned Carter was because you insisted that he had nothing to do with.....the "80's recession".....which is a fallacy, and a bald faced lie.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Actually you know what, I will agree with you there. He failed to fix the problem where as Nixon and Ford left off. No doubt.

Do you really want to talk about Nixon and Ford?

[edit on 8-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

That was in 1989, and yet the same reasoning was used 13 years later for
the second gulf war. Whats more interesting, we have numerous massacres occur in Africa during the 80's and 90's, we had an enslavement of a people occur for decades at a time to this day in Burma, we had human rights be violated in parts of South America, and yet for some reason, you seem to ignore this fact. I dont believe we had the power to stop these killings, these human rights abuses, but at the same time I am at the logic that if you insist on supporting liberating coincidentally oil rich nations in the middle east, you'd do the same for other nations if this was just matter of human rights. Interested though conservatives have kept shut over this fact.

I would like to see all human rights restored to those who have been denied these rights by radical governments...dictators, despots, murderers and their mobs...(armies)...and see these people brought to justice.

And you are right. We do not have the power to stop this genocide. We don't have enough money to take them ...(murderers)...all down. The UN should be dealing with these issues instead of blowing wind and thinking up new ways of robbing their treasury. They are a corrupt, loathsome body, hell bent on showing up for work and doing squat, yet sucking up those high dollar salaries as their quest continues to establish a one world Communist
Government......the...NWO..............The United States should withdraw from The United Nations, and hurl it onto a path toward oblivion.........a putrefying corpse..........The United States created the United Nations, and the United States ought to fix the problem, bury it alive.

It is a shame that countries that have little or no natural resources are put on the back burner so to speak. When the US gets involved in wars, it is to stop the spread of Communism, Fascism, and Radical Oppression. Some nations possess oil, and the flow of that oil into the world market is essential in preventing a World Wide Economic Recession. It is unfortunate however that we do not have the resources to take down every rouge nation that threatens the peace and stability of the world.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
No, I am Not Anton Walhman. His blog article captured the essence

His blog is of no concern to me. I did not need to hear a personal opinion from somebody else. I already have personal opinions to address from you.

Perhaps you would prefer an explanation that puts the blame squarely on the side of Republicans.

Here we go once again, you once again fail to pay attention to my previous posts. I have time and time again mentioned the Democrats at fault with the Republicans. I stated clearly that the Democrats had a hand in supporting the Iraq war and had a hand in the recession. You on the other hand, well lets see for ourselves here:

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
when Republicans were swept into office after the midterms, and good things happened as a result of that.

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
They are Communists

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
The international intelligence Community was well aware of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
He and the Republican controlled Congress were able to balance the budget,

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
They set up the negotiations to coincide with the election. They had to. Reagan was comming.

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
with Reagan, he'd kick their behinds.

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
Reagan was so popular

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
And if the minority stands firm on principle, and opposes the legislation,

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
By the time Reagan was taking the oath of office, the hostages were already boarding a plane to freedom. All Reagan had to do was raise his right hand and swear to protect and defend the Constitution. That was sweet.

started by Democrats




You have never once throughout this thread held the Republicans accountable to anything, infact all Iv seen you do is praise them for their actions over the last 3 decades and praise Reagan. I have stated time and time again that both parties are responsible for this mess. So please, stop being a hypocrite.

if you wish to perpetuate this fallacy,

Show me where I blamed this entire mess on the republicans.

that Republicans started this crisis, and started all wars,

Neither did I say they were only to blame for the wars.

The only reason that I mentioned Reagan was because you asked me what I thought the Government should do to create jobs.

I asked you what the government should do to create jobs, I did not ask you for a history lesson from Glenn Beck. I was fine discussing Reagan with you, but you started that conversation. You also started derailing the topic of discussion before my question by bringing up illegal immigration. I was only concerned at the time about the claim of tax hikes in the bill, which you have to this time failed to prove.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
I would like to see all human rights restored to those who have been denied these rights by radical governments...dictators, despots, murderers and their mobs...(armies)...and see these people brought to justice.

I would as well, but not at the expense of America or any other single country. We are not the police of the world, it is not our business to build up nations.

When the US gets involved in wars, it is to stop the spread of Communism, Fascism, and Radical Oppression.

No. That is not why we have gotten into wars for the last 60 years. We don't pick and choose which nations to liberate its people in, because it has little to nothing to do with the people.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by My2Commoncentsworth

When the US gets involved in wars, it is to stop the spread of Communism, Fascism, and Radical Oppression.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

No. That is not why we have gotten into wars for the last 60 years. We don't pick and choose which nations to liberate its people in, because it has little to nothing to do with the people.

Well if it has nothing to do with the people, then tell me please, what do you think we fight these wars for? For our health?

The Korean War and the Vietnam War were waged in order to stop the spread of Communism.

The first and second Gulf Wars were fought in order to stop a murdering fascist dictator by the name of Saddam Hussein after he had invaded Kuwait, and after he had started accumulating weapons of mass destruction. It was also fought to stop the spread of Islamic fascism, as is also the case with the War in Afghanistan.

Some countries have oil, some do not.

As usual, your answer is amazing. Did you even bother to research the last 60 years of war?.....Peace.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

You have never once throughout this thread held the Republicans accountable to anything, infact all Iv seen you do is praise them for their actions over the last 3 decades and praise Reagan.

Well ya better make that 6 decades, it all started with Eisenhower......then the Democrats screwed everything up, was all those freaky hippies during the 60's.............just kidding........that's why I became a Republican...... lol...

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Well then maybe you should not had started derailing the thread huh? You couldn't cover up the lie made from Signals in his first post so you decided to derail from the OP and go on about Reagan and Carter.

The title of the op is Republicans show their true colors. I have not once backed away from this attack.

And when the thread title is an attack against Republicans, don't expect me to defend Democrats, or even say that both parties are to blame.......This is a typical left wing response when a Republican fights back after an attack..... that Republicans are just as responsible as Democrats.........if you want to start a new thread with that title, I would be glad to have a much more friendly debate..... let me kow....

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
I asked you what the government should do to create jobs, I did not ask you for a history lesson from Glenn Beck.

Do you really want to bring the Beckmeister into this debate? Did you know that he has the number 1 show on Cable News?

Did you know that more people watch Glen Beck than most others combined?

Do you know why so many people watch him?

It is because he is very informative and always backs up his findings with facts....proof....that's
confirmation....statistics......facts.....figures.......reliable......respectable......sources.....proof....evidence......and a

The only criticisms I hear about Beck are always in the form of childish attacks with not one iota of evidence to back any of them up....Not once have I heard why the critic thinks he is crazy. .....pathetic.......

Well if a crazy man can become as successful as Beck, just think how more likely it is for sane folks like us to be as

[edit on 8-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
Well if it has nothing to do with the people, then tell me please, what do you think we fight these wars for?

For resources, for control. If you are to insist that the wars in Iraq and Korea had only to do with human rights, why is it that the bulk of other national wars and massacres that have happened in the past have had our nation turn a blind eye? Did we just choose which people to liberate?

The Korean War and the Vietnam War were waged in order to stop the spread of Communism.

Exactly, it was about influence, not about the people, and you stated it right there. If Vietnam was holding a civil war based on ethnicity, do you think we would have still gotten involved. If this was just a nation civil war, would we have gotten ourselves involved? Do you know we lost over 50,000 american lives in the Vietnam war? Do you have any idea how much money we wasted? and for what? To proclaim cultural and ideological dominance over a nation half a world a way? And how did that go? What was the end result? That war was a complete waste.

The first and second Gulf Wars were fought in order to stop a murdering fascist dictator by the name of Saddam Hussein after he had invaded Kuwait,

Both of the gulf wars were based on maintaining american influence in the middle east and on oil resourses. The second gulf war was had nothing about Kuwait. It was about the supposed WND's that existed that we did not find any of. Short memory I see? Where were those WND's? Here, let me once again show this interesting picture:
Rumsfeld and Saddam.

Get a clue.

and after he had started accumulating weapons of mass destruction.

There were no WND's found during the second Gulf war. Also, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea already possess the weapons. The United States taking action did little to nothing regarding instability in the world, but that was not the reasoning in anycase.

It was also fought to stop the spread of Islamic fascism,

It is evident that you hold hatred for Islam and it is also evident that you prefer to lump all muslims in the same boat. Leaving this fact aside, the vast majority of people are muslim by choice and to this day they are still muslim. I find it ironic that such a 'fine freedom lovin' patriot' such as yourself would advocate the US to go into nations to attack people who choose to be muslim, and insist these wars were in any way effective. Iraq to this day is still muslim, as is Afghanistan, as is Iran and so forth. The wars did nothing to stop the muslims as you'd put it so it makes no sense why you continue to justify them.

Well ya better make that 6 decades, it all started with Eisenhower......then the Democrats screwed everything up,

Exactly, considering more than half the debt was overseen by Republican majorities and presidents, I find it funny that you still continue to insist this was all Democrats. But you refuse to listen, and everytime a point is made, you ramble on about something else.

The title of the op is Republicans show their true colors.

That does not matter, the OP was addressing the unemployment bill that failed to pass again. My only concern at the time was regarding that bill and the lie your buddy signals mentioned at the beginning of the thread. You however decided to ramble on about illegal immigration and Reagan. That was not what my post was about. Then you decided to complain that we are the only ones in this thread debatig when you were the one that continued to shift to one different topic to another.

If you want to keep the arguments to one topic, stick to one topic.

I have not once backed away from this attack.

Then stop complaining and keep on posting.

Well if a crazy man can become as successful as Beck,

Glenn beck is successful along Limbaugh and Fox news. I have no doubt about that. They are good at what they do. They cater to an ignorant portion of the population, they tell them and you what you want to hear and they make money off it. I cannot say that is not success. Rush is sitting in money that came off the backs of gullible folk such as yourself. More power to him.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Glenn beck is successful along Limbaugh and Fox news. I have no doubt about that. They are good at what they do. They cater to an ignorant portion of the population, they tell them and you what you want to hear and they make money off it. I cannot say that is not success. Rush is sitting in money that came off the backs of gullible folk such as yourself. More power to him.

See what I mean? You make the attack personal. You offer no reason for what you say. Not 1 fact.

Calling people ignorant will really get ya votes in

You seem to be jealous of these peoples success.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Then stop complaining and keep on posting.

I'll post. You complain.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

If you want to keep the arguments to one topic, stick to one topic. ......Click on Jack, top row, third on the left, middle of top

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Exactly, considering more than half the debt was overseen by Republican majorities and presidents, I find it funny that you still continue to insist this was all Democrats. But you refuse to listen, and every time a point is made, you ramble on about something else.

The Republican Revolution or Revolution of '94 is what the Republican Party of the United States dubbed their success in the 1994 U.S. midterm elections,[1] which resulted in a net gain of 54 seats in the House of Representatives, and a pickup of eight seats in the Senate. The day after the election, Democratic Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama changed parties, becoming a Republican.

The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. Republicans had not held the majority in the House for forty years, since the 83rd Congress (elected in 1952). Large Republican gains were made in state houses as well when the GOP picked up twelve gubernatorial seats and 472 legislative seats. In so doing, it took control of 20 state legislatures from the Democrats. Prior to this, Republicans had not held the majority of governorships since 1972. In addition, this was the first time in 50 years that the GOP controlled a majority of state legislatures.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

It is evident that you hold hatred for Islam and it is also evident that you prefer to lump all muslims in the same boat. Leaving this fact aside, the vast majority of people are muslim by choice and to this day they are still muslim. I find it ironic that such a 'fine freedom lovin' patriot' such as yourself would advocate the US to go into nations to attack people who choose to be muslim, and insist these wars were in any way effective. Iraq to this day is still muslim, as is Afghanistan, as is Iran and so forth. The wars did nothing to stop the muslims as you'd put it so it makes no sense why you continue to justify them.

This is not true. And I deeply resent it. You seem to confuse Muslims with Islamic Fascist Extremists, who have hijacked the Religion, and have waged war on the West.

I doubt if the majority of good Muslims either agree with or appreciate what the Radicals are doing.

I doubt if you would even get the impression that I have a hatred for Islam, if it wasn't for the MSM, and its disgraceful failure to interview any Muslims who adamantly oppose the Radical Islamic Extremists. Perhaps the MSM wants to continue to see Muslims suffer, without their opposing views being heard.

I do not agree with everything in the Koran, as I am a Christian,.....hard to tell,.....ha? I resent that accusation that you made, and the way you excessively trim my quotes in order to misinform, and the way that you have tried to put words in my mouth.

We don't attack people for being Muslim, as the MSM would have you believe. We liberate peoples from Islamic Fascism. We attack the extremists, not the Muslims. We attack the Murderers so the people can be rid of their despots. I don't care if their countries have oil, maybe our Government does, but I don't. I could care less. I am always happy to see 100's of millions of people freed. And if the price of gas goes down, that's a bonus.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Exactly, it was about influence, not about the people, and you stated it right there. If Vietnam was holding a civil war based on ethnicity, do you think we would have still gotten involved. If this was just a nation civil war, would we have gotten ourselves involved? Do you know we lost over 50,000 american lives in the Vietnam war? Do you have any idea how much money we wasted? and for what? To proclaim cultural and ideological dominance over a nation half a world a way? And how did that go? What was the end result? That war was a complete waste.

Yes, I agree 100%. And it was Johnson's war.

How the Americans got Involved

Johnson was the central figure when it comes to the US involvement in Vietnam. His vision was to stop the spread of communist aggression, and others shared this theory like Eisenhower, Kennedy and Truman. In the year 1964, the Northern Vietnamese apparently attacked two US destroyers. Thus, in the year 1965, the US began regularly bombing the Northern railroads, bridges and oil facilities as well as the HaiPhong harbor.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

You have not backed up any thing you have said.

You seem to be more interested in bashing Republicans.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
You seem to be jealous.

Whatever you say commoncents. Just keep on listening to what Glenn Beck says. All that man does is lead you in circles so no harm done.

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
I'll post. You complain.

You were the one that complained earlier that we were still debating so if you can stop complaining, I would be happy to continue on.

The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995.

Since the Republicans assumed control of congress in 1994 towards the end of 2006 when the Republicans left congress, our debt grew from $3.8 trillion to $8.4 trillion. But who cares about debt under the Republican majority right? Yes. Who cares?

You complain about Obama's $700 billion stimulus and yet you continue to justify this $700 billion war in Iraq we have ourselves to deal with here, a war that still has no reasoning in the first place. You complain about debt all on the Democrats, praise the Republicans, and then turn a blind eye to the fact that the Republicans are just as or more so responsible for the debt. You then seem to justify the debt under them. I mean you continue to contradict yourself.

This is not true. And I deeply resent it.

This is true, and for this lets actually go right back to your pevious posts:

the birth of Islamic Fundamentalism in Iran

the Islamic Revolution

Islamic fascists

Please, keep on tracking your comments back.

You seem to confuse Muslims with Islamic Fascist Extremists, who have hijacked the Religion,

Oh? You mean the Christian fundamentalists here in the great ol' USA? Or like the zionists back in Israel to whom we had been sending billions to over the years? to whom the Republicans and democrats had been in bed with? Yet you choose to conveniently pull out muslims! right?

'Carter allowed the Muslims to take over Iran' you argued earlier on, as if US troops coming into Iran would convert anybody away from Islam? For the most these islamic governments are established by the consensus of the people regardless of whether there is corruption or lack of human rights. We dont have the right to go in there and tell them how to run their country. You dont.

good Muslims either agree with or appreciate what the Radicals

No doubt, but that does not make the growth and influence of Islam any more fundamentalists than christians here or zionists in Israel. Do you know how the islamic revolution in Iran started? It was started with mass demonstrations in Iran against the shah where the majority of Iranian citizens wanted the Shah removed and an islamic republic established. That was the concensus of the Iranian people and regardless of whether you insist that government would eventually become corrupted, that was the consensus of the people. You blamed Carter for not stopping a movement in a nation that was by the majority of those citizens. Aside from the waste of war and billions spend sending our troops into there, it was not our business.

It is not our business to police the world. It is not our business to judge the world.

if it wasn't for the MSM,

Did you know Fox news is the largest and most influencial media outlet out there? Have you seen the comments from Glenn Beck and other hosts on Fox news concerning Islam? It is just interesting how you now wish to express how there are good muslims or how the media treats muslims badly, and yet you also find it appropriate to praise in Glenn Beck and the rest of the rightwing hacks.

Ye I agree 100%. And it was Johnson's war.

Yes you agree with me, thats great and? What difference did it make? Because its a Democrat who waged this war you automatically agree with me? Why dont you get off the Republican bandwagon, seriously? The Vietnam war was no more justified than the previous Iraq war or the arguement you made regarding Carters failiure to wage war against Iran. Regardless of whether it was a Republican or Democrats supporting these wars they were not justified. That is the point I have been making to you, and yet you continue to make exceptions from one side to the other based on Republican vs Democrats party lines.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

There were no WND's found during the second Gulf war. Also, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea already possess the weapons. The United States taking action did little to nothing regarding instability in the world, but that was not the reasoning in anycase.

Though I can agree that much is the projection of America's influence it is something that EVERY country does or wants to do, but physically can’t. The only difference is America can, but we need to ask at what price that we now see needs to be paid.

After spending a good amount of the last decade in both Iraq and Afghanistan I truly wish we didn’t go into either and just let the people there live in their own little hells. We saw that the Iraqi people wanted to kill each other more than to be free for the first seven years after Saddam was removed, so was it really worth the effort? I don’t think so.

But the whole WMD is really not an issue since the whole country was full of it, and Saddam showed a history of using it. There is still many camps that are off limits due to contamination from 1000s of barrels of chemicals throughout the country. Nukes is a different story and even Saddam was convinced his program was better than it was, but in any case they had a lot of time get it out into Syria and then on to Iran. With that said he was only a few years from having anything he wanted, and with a past history of the willingness to use it all he was very dangerous.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

It is sad what I am seeing on the news this evening. Democrats rioting, Burning and Looting in Oakland California. This is disgraceful! It is just as disgusting as the Democrats who violently protested the Arizona Laws.

And Democrats have tried to convince Americans that the TEA PARTY was a violent Revolution.

Note: There has been no instance of violence at a Tea Party rally to date.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

I no longer have the time or the inclination to continue to speak to an empty lot.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 03:03 AM

I found this on you tube.....If anyone is concerned about stopping the Progressive Onslaught on America, check out the link below.......

[edit on 10-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

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