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Orbs of light responsive to thought?

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:31 PM
On May 31st, memorial day, around 9:30 p.m. central time, I decided to walk in my back yard and gander at the stars. In most cases i won't see anything out of the ordinary, but only a few seconds after i peered into the night sky, I noticed a small ball of light, shooting across at a constant speed. For some reason, being the curious type, I said in my mind, "If you're listening, light up for me." As soon as i finished my statement, the object slowed down and began to charge up an immense bright light. It shined so bright i have to put my hand up to cover a portion of my vision. The object glowed for a few seconds, and then slowly dimmed, going back to its previous rate of speed. I was left in disbelief, and even still i find it a little hard to believe. The logical part of me says, "oh, it could of been a satellite that turned enough to reflect the light of the sun at me, but i seriously doubt the timing of it. I am putting this out there, because i feel like people need to know, and i am curious if this has occurred to anyone else.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by siak91188

Hmm, how interesting!

I honestly have no clue what it was that you might have seen that night. It would be very helpful you could have taken a photograph or video of the object.

In my mind, a satellite or helicopter or something of the type seems like it might fit your description. I'm not sure what else it could be! I have never seen or experienced what you claim to have happened.

I hope other members have seen something similar and will post their experiences! I'm very interested in learning what this could possibly be.

Thanks for the thread!

Kind regards

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:22 AM
One night around 8 p.m. I went outside and saw a Christmas-tree looking structure in the night sky. I say Christmas tree because it blinked red, blue, green. Every once in a while a spot light or flash light white light would come out of the top. This thing was about 5 times as big as the stars around it. As I stared at it, I got the creepiest feeling that it "saw me" staring at it. It actually stayed in the sky about 20 minutes. My boyfriend thought it was hilarious when I ran in the house telling him that "it knows I am looking at it".

About 5 days later, the Christmas tree looking object was back. I was washing dishes when my b/f came into the kitchen and said "Come outside......and as I walked to the door and looked into the sky he said in a diabolical laugh......"They're baaaaaaack." This time I looked at the object and it looked as though tiny white stars or whatever were going into the top of the "tree". It still felt like "it" could "see" me watching it. It was too weird so I went back into the house.

I did report this to Mufon and noticed there were others who saw this Christmas tree looking thing.

So, I am saying -- that yes -- I feel that somehow whatever it is out there - whatever energy it is and wherever it comes from -- it does seem to "know" we are looking at it.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 11:56 AM
I am in the process of getting a decent video recorder, and also trying to re-create the event, but with a witness. I do remember that the object seemed to look like a star, had no blinking light features, and didn't make any noise. I have seen objects like this before, and sometimes followed by to 2 or 3 one after another, but this most recent time, it gave me a reaction. I can also note that this event took place after I was emotionally stressed, and whenever i appear to be stressed lately, I see multitudes of this "star" object. I still can't bring 100% proof to the table yet, so i am still guessing too.

I also have seen something similar to what you described aviatrix. This one was seen at night, blinked white and red, and hovered a few hundred feet from the woods in my backyard. No noise, and appeared to have an odd shape about it, judging by the location of the blinking lights. Only a few moments pass by and the craft leaves. I didn't have the eerie feeling of it watching me, but it could of been. If you happen to see that strange craft again aviatrix, I would try to clear your mind, relax yourself, and then ask it to do something, to prove to yourself that it "is" watching you.

Anyone looking for proof of my claims, I can say, "try this". Go outside on a clear night sky. Relax yourself, and trigger a memory that made you very happy. Then, visually relive your memory and duplicate that emotion. Peer into the night sky and ask, "If a higher order is present before me, show me." There's no guarantee, but it's worth a shot

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Sounds like your mind beams have advanced to the 4 dimension of the higher density.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 12:50 PM
I read a little into it, and i pulled up info on crystalline orbs, and it is a possibility that is what i may be seeing. Nevertheless, something is there, a satellite, alien craft, light orb, or top secret military equipment, something gave me the time of day. Here is the link to the crystalline orbs, food for thought.

I haven't heard of mind beams zaiger, would you mind to elaborate or toss a link? Much appreciated

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by siak91188

I encountered a similar experience in the astral once. There was a light or a 'flare' I called it, moving around in the distance and it responded to my thoughts. It was pulsating and orbiting the planet. When I asked the guy about it he told me it was forbidden to study. Granted the light may have been different it reminds me a lot of my experience with the object or light responding to thoughts.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 04:11 PM
I always thought your spirit guides never said anything was forbidden, but things like, "you don't need to know about that now", or "you'll find out at a later point in time." Of course, was this guy you met in the astral your spirit guide?

Unfortunately I can't delve into the astral plane at the time being, but I do sense that what i may be seeing is one of many, and goes on a route through earth's orbit. Though it does sound much like a satellite

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