I recently got turned on to an artist who’s work really hit me, and his story is pretty cool as well. I thought this was going to be in the art
section in BTS, but I believe Banksy's art is contemporary and engaging both politically and humorously. He has also done some work recently, last
seen in Detroit this month.
Banksy, whose real name is Robin Gunningham, was raised in Bristol England, and participated in the graffiti aerosol boom of the 80’s.
His artwork depicts satirical expressions of politics, culture and ethics. His messages are usually anti-war, anti-capitalism, or anti- establishment
and he tries to show an alternative perspective to that of the MSM.
His method is usually stencil and spray paint, which allows him a speedy completion of a piece, so as to not get caught. His style is street
Part of his allure is his anonymity, he let’s his work speak more than his identity, and remains elusive and discreet. He travels to various
countries including Palenstine, where in 2005 he painted 9 works on the side of Israel’s West Bank barrier.
His more recent work has been seen in Canada
www.banksy.co.uk... and Detroit Graffiti artist Banksy leaves mark on Detroit and ignites firestorm
| freep.com | Detroit Free Press.
His most recent stunt, June 2010, involved staging his biggest British exhibition in complete secrecy. Banksy pulls off his most audacious stunt
yet... a secret exhibition in Bristol museum
His works are relevant to current events, so I thought I would bring him on board to share his story. He is currently finishing a documentary called,
Exit Through The Gift Shop.
Here is his official website:
Shall the art speak..........
Recent works in Detroit and Canada:
Now for some other work's:
Hope some thoughts were provoked..
Mods if this needs moved, I understand
[edit on 29-6-2010 by speculativeoptimist]