posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:20 PM
the fact that these people, the first video with the plain clothed thugs with collapsable night sticks, have no identification on them, do not
identify themselves as police or some sort of LEO, and are actually seen retreating behind police lines, is absolutely atrocious. This can mean one of
two things:
1. They are police officers and did not identify themselves as police when threatening the camera person with a weapon, which is assault.
2. They are not police officers, they are off duty, or there is some company out there that hires out jackbooted crazies.
Whichever of these is closest, they were clearly working for/with the police which means the government had a hand in this and is ok with undercover
"snatch-and-grabs" on the street in broad daylight. I know some people talk about if they have to bug out, go to Canada, lord knows enough people
did in during Vietnam, but I am not so sure seeing these videos. Nothing against Canadians of course. I have many wonderful Canadian friends.
EDIT* Also I was thinking, I bet all the cops that work these things get paid over time or double time (hazard pay)or something which is always why
there always seems to be enough of them to cause trouble. Maybe they get an extra 10 bucks for every citizen they club like a baby seal.
[edit on 30-6-2010 by Savage206]