After a discussion in another thread regarding EVP's, I figured it would be a good idea to hear other EVP's collected by users, and collate them all
in one place.
Whether they are yours, or just discovered on the net, post them here, and share them with the ATS community.
I'm going to follow what you did and set up a recorder tonight and leave it running and in my spare time listen to it and see if I find anything out
of the ordinary. I'll post any interesting results here!
I hope to listen to other possible EVPs from other users as well.
I have had many ghostly experiences in my life. I bought a recorder last year intending to use for evp, but am kind of hesitant and have not used it
yet. I don't believe it would be wise recording your own place of rest and relaxation. If something was to be recorded, it would bother the hell
out of me. But that's just me. I have also read that it could kind of have the ouija effect and bring about some undesired attention. Thanks for
starting the thread, i will definitely be following this and hope that we can get some good ones on here. Good luck Hitotsumami, hope you get
something good!
Hmm, honestly, I don't think I would mind 'undesired attention'. This is a subject I do not believe in and have a lot of interest in, so anything
to help prove this phenomenon and increase my knowledge is something I'm interested in!
I am gonna have another go at it this weekend, unfortunately only recording medium I have now is a rockband microphone connected to my PC as my old
tape recorder (RIP) died years ago, but hey I'll see how it goes.
so, unless the ghost is the internet surfing type you probably won't be too lucky? try it, hope you get something. they may have been reading all
your ATS material and love that room! good luck! as i stated earlier though, i would use caution in my own home. and if i did catch something,
would i regret it?
lol well is a long cable on the mic, so as long as the entity is withing 5 feet of the PC I'll get it
But to be honest, an EVP I got myself many years ago turned me from skeptic to believer. But again its the type of thing people will debunk time and
time again, so the best way is to just have a crack at it yourself, no one else to prove anything to but yourself. When you know that there was no one
else even close to the recorder and no other conceivable way you can receive answers to the questions you ask, that prove intelligence, Is quite
Well I have had a good listen to it and viewed and filtered it in Audacity to great extent.
As you said, around the 20 second mark there is some sort of distortion like a 'pop' and then a sound I cant quite identify.
Kind of sounds like a page turning...
I have viewed it in great detail in Audacity and it seems that the initial sound after the distortion at the 20sec mark is then echoed twice...
It is definitely the same sound echoed, you can see this in the screen cap I uploaded.
I can't discern any distinguishable voice from it, but it is none the less intriguing. I am adamant that the initial noise is echoed twice, but the
question is what is the initial sound..
it does sound kind of like a page turning or a distant can of soda/beer getting opened up. could very well be a voice, but i cannot make it out.
yipee! the first evp post!!! Thanks you two.