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Scientific proof of God?

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:06 AM
If in fact the Super-String theory is correct, I believe that this in itself is scientific proof of God. The theory is simple: absolutely everything in our universe is comprised, at the most basic level, of countless, tiny vibrating strings of energy. Your atoms, cells, skin, brain, organs, all comprised of these tiny vibrating strings. Not only that but all animals, all rocks, the couch you sit on, the earth, all planets, the universe as a whole, and all other universes are made from these same tiny vibrating strings.
If this is the case, we can see from our own bodies, that the whole is far greater than its parts. Our atoms, cells, and organs comprise us. A self aware thinking organism. Now if that is the case, and the Super-String theory is accurate, then we ourselves are also a very small part of the whole. We are the equivalent of sub-atomic particles given the size of the universe. If as a very, very small part of the whole, we are thinking self aware entities, than the entirety of the universe, should in-fact be a self aware thinking entity. The level of intelligence of this all encompassing being would be well beyond our comprehension. Just as our individual cells could never be aware of the whole, thinking human which they are a very small part of.
If this is true, it brings up a very interesting question; Is God aware of us? Yes we are aware of our cells and atoms, yet we have no idea what they are actually doing at any given minute. We can affect our cells in beneficial or harmful ways, by the lifestyles that we live, or for that matter just scratching an itch. What happens when God has an itch?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:30 AM
As a follow up: If this is infact the case, what does this say about the majority of religions? In most religions, God dirrectly affects the outcome of human lives. Do our cells pray? Perhaps they do. They send signals to our brain saying "we're hungry", "that hurts", "Something is wrong". Perhaps God truly does hear our prayers, just not in the way we think.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

I'm not 100% sure of this but I'm pretty sure that string theory has evolved to membrane (or brane) theory.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:34 AM
You make a very good point. To answer your question yes, God is aware of us, because God, being omnipotent, and omniscient he is aware of everything that was and that will be. How could He create us, but not know about us?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Hmm, interesting!

You make an important claim, and I would like to make my comment on it!

If as a very, very small part of the whole, we are thinking self aware entities, than the entirety of the universe, should in-fact be a self aware thinking entity.

I believe you may be mistaken in expressing this. Just because everything is made out of the same thing does not give everything equal properties. What I mean to say is that it's not because we are made out of the same things as everything else, but the arrangement of these things is what determines thinking and self awareness.

I would be very pleased if you would comment back! It would be a shame on myself if I misinterpreted what you were trying to get across.

Kind regards

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by ReVoLuTiOn76

Another interesting point. Although according to quantum theory: "Thought is capable of creation". It is very possible we are creating things all the time by simply thinking about them. Do we know what they are? no.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

You rock! You are absolutely correct that it is not the material itself, but the over all organization of the material. Yet you have to think of the material as a whole. No the bench in the park, is not a self aware entity (at least I hope not) but it is made of the same sub molecular material. But if that material is able to organize to form self thinking entities than the material as a whole has to be considered "intelligent".

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Hi dreamwalker74-

I have many different thoughts on this matter, and have been trying to figure it out for awhile now. So first I had to realize that we are all connected. I tried to figure out how some particles can be at two different places at the same time and realized that, we are touching every part of the universe or "God" all the time.

if you use dots to represent the smallest particles and line them up in a row ............................ so tight together, in every direction, I realized that we are connected to everything. the particles from my body to the monitor are connected, from the wall to the outside and so on, all touching each other. If we are all connected, particles can travel anywhere because we are all one connected to the universe or, "God".

Added- Kinda like a clump of clay, only you don't change the shape of the clay, and the clay doesn't loose any volume, you change the transparency of parts of the clay. So my monitor, myself, the universe are all one, I see the monitor because the air particles are transparent but, we are still all one clump of clay.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Trudge]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Thank you for your response!

To make sure I understand properly, you're basically stating "If material can form intelligent things, then the material must be intelligent overall."

Please correct me if I am wrong by saying that!

This is quite an interesting proposition! I will really have to think about this before coming up with a proper answer. The only alternative that comes to me now is that intelligence can form from non intelligence through natural means, but this isn't proven, and is a heavy subject in abiogenesis.

Kind regards

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Hitotsumami]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Trudge

Hi Trudge, I agree with you, everything is interconnected at all times. I believe this is because, lets just call it "base matter" does not rely on space or time in order to exist. It in itself actually creates space and time by existing, when and where it chooses to exist. By being part of this matter we in part have a very small part in choosing when and where matter exists. We are a thinking part of the matter, therefore should in theory be able to control it. That being said, yes we are an interconnected greater part of the whole all the time, regardless of space and time.
hope that sounded the way I meant it, it's difficult to put in script.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Very interesting post! I would like to comment on a part of it.

I believe this is because, lets just call it "base matter" does not rely on space or time in order to exist.

I'm not sure the base matter you're talking about, unless you're just alluding to some kind of base matter yet discovered, or you're talking about the vibrating strings in string theory.

Either way, it is an interesting proposition. I was always under the impression that time cannot exist without matter, and matter couldn't exist without time. Basically, everything has to come into being simultaneously for existence to occur. They depend on each other. They cannot 'be' by themselves.

Of course, if you're talking about some yet undiscovered base particle, then my comment doesn't really count, haha!

Kind regards

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Hitotsumami]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

Thank you for writing back! Yes that is exactly what I am saying. There has to be an underlying intelligence in the base material itself in order to create intelligent beings. I mean we are talking about the "base" material which in itself is nothing more than energy. What this energy actually is, or where it came from, who knows? But the fact remains, It created you, and me, and gave us the capability to have this conversation concerning it.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

hehe ya I agree its hard to put into words

I added some more up top on my post and tried to also describe my thoughts a little better

Also yes, I agree with you that we can learn to control matter if we can teach ourselves.

This is what I added

Added- Kinda like a clump of clay, only you don't change the shape of the clay, and the clay doesn't loose any volume, you change the transparency of parts of the clay. So my monitor, myself, the universe are all one, I see the monitor because the air particles are transparent but, we are still all one clump of clay.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:10 AM
I was watching a show the other night about this, I think on the history channel, and they went even beyond string theory. They said that the universe has 11 dimension and makes up what is sort of like a skin or membrane.

So it is the M theory now that everyone is concerned with.

So anyway, I was thinking, we all make up part of this membrane or skin.

So what is this skin then? What if it actually has a consciousness of it's own?

They explained the big bang as two surfaces of the membrane with void in between. Then the two surfaces, both of them rippling, touched one another, and this created the big bang. The result is all the universe expanding out to fill the void that was once between the two rippling membranes of other universes.

Anyway, they say this could be happening all over, creating multiverses. When any two surfaces touch with a void in the middle, they create a universe within the void in the middle.

So it is like the skin of one bubble touching the skin of another bubble. Everything that exists to us, exists in the tiny new space between.

It sounds really weird to me. And believing this requires faith. No one can see the edge of the universe, to see if there is another membrane there. No one can see any of this, yet they firmly believe it is true. So doesn't this require just as much faith to believe as a religious belief?

Anyway, if I want to call the two membranes that rubbed together God's hands, I will. Either it is an unthinking thing rubbing together on itself, creating everything without a purpose, or maybe this was all meant to be. I'd rather believe that we have a purpose. Even if science can explain how all the matter got here, they can't explain how it developed self awareness. If we are simply matter with self awareness, it still should mean something.
We are the universe learning about itself. It stands to reason that there is a purpose for this, and that there is an ultimate truth to learn.

I am fascinated by it all. I don't really understand it all, but I think the universe is beautiful.

Doesn't the cone nebula look beautiful?
It sort of looks like a figure of someone praying or meditating, and creating stars out of the head.

Maybe one day we will be one with the universe, and we will do this.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

There has to be an underlying intelligence in the base material itself in order to create intelligent beings.

This is so very interesting. It seems very possible to me.

Like I said, I'm not sure of any other idea. The only thing that comes to mind is that our intelligence formed by chance through the original random 'congregation' of different particles.

One interesting thing I would like to propose, however, is that all particles appear to follow the law of physics. The big bang 'shot' these particles in all directions, and they all followed physics once this even was done. The physics, the natural laws, eventually led them to form life, and eventually us.

I do find that it is quite a coincidence. It seems kind of like life was predestined based on the physics of the particles after the big bang.

Kind regards

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

This somewhat goes into the area of strange matter, where physicists have actually seen sub molecular particles, pop in and out of existence. Science is getting weirder by the day. Just a thought, if all mater in the universe simply dissapeared would the "empty" universe still have time? Would the universe exist at all? Or does it rely upon the matter in it for existence? Is their truly any such thing as "nothing"?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

We're kind of having two conversations at once here, haha! I'll wait for you to respond to the post above yours and this one before responding again, just so things are more organized, haha.

About this, I have heard about the particles that pop in and out of existence! Very interesting. Perhaps they are particles of other parallel dimensions phasing through with ours? Or perhaps they are a natural thing, and when enough of these particles pop into existence close together at a single moment they create a big bang? Hmm!

Just a thought, if all mater in the universe simply dissapeared would the "empty" universe still have time? Would the universe exist at all? Or does it rely upon the matter in it for existence? Is their truly any such thing as "nothing"?

Interesting! I would say if all matter left the universe, time would be static, or stop, or disappear.

I have always wondered about 'nothing'. It seems odd to me that something would exist over not existing.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

Speaking of the Big Bang, so at first their was apparently "nothing", and ever since this singularity exploded creating our universe, it has been expanding. Supposedly expanding into "nothing". So at the furthest borders of our universe which is ever expanding, "unless you believe in the big crunch" is their literally a barrier between an area that has no time and our universe, and is time created in this "nothing" as soon as our universe expands into it? Another interesting point is that scientists have recently declared that not only is the universe still expanding, but it is actually doing so at an increasingly accelerated rate. They still don't know why. I have two theories:

1. it appears that everything in our universe spins. Our planet, our moon, our sun, the solar system, and our galaxy as a whole. Is the universe as a whole spinning? Could centrifugal force be the reason for the accelerating expansion?

2. Could the "Nothing" outside of our universe be acting as a vacuum, literally sucking our universe outward at an accelerated rate?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Hitotsumami

Another interesting theory, if you are correct, and if all matter left the universe, and time did stand still, could this be a method of warping time? or "time travel"? If you were able to create a bubble of "nothing" around you would time be different for you than it would for those outside the bubble? For that matter does the amount of matter in a specific area determine the rate of time?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:54 AM
I don't know for sure, but I think having an observer is important for some reason. That is why there needs to be an intelligence. What is Time? What is anything without an observer? What are the laws of physics without someone to observe the laws in action?
Would everything work the same way if there was no one to see and observe it happening?

It is really deep when you think about it. It is like the old question about sound. If there is no one to hear the tree fall in the forest, does it make a sound? Most probably the sound waves do exist, but without someone to hear them, what is the point of their existence?

Even sound itself must have a point. Maybe if every living thing died, maybe there really would be no sound waves. What would be the point?

Maybe if every living thing died, there would be no light. Without someone to see it, why have light?

Why have anything?

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