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Main Entry: 1dam•ask
Pronunciation: \ˈda-məsk\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English damaske, from Medieval Latin damascus, from Damascus
Date: 14th century
1 : a firm lustrous fabric (as of linen, cotton, silk, or rayon) made with flat patterns in a satin weave on a plain-woven ground on jacquard looms
2 : DAMASCUS STEEL; also : the characteristic markings of this steel
3 : a grayish red
Is your father living? Did/does he or you practice a particular faith? Not to sound ultra-Freudian, but what/is your relationship with your dad? Are any of these dreams repeating (same or similar story line) or do any of them seem "linear"- i.e. pick up & continue from where they ended the night before?
The pregnant girl is a sub-conscious version of yourself.
The feelings you have toward her & the fact that she is the one associated with the snakes is very important.
Who is the David in your life?
Are you joining the air force?
Originally posted by Ryoko
Thank you for the replies everyone. I'll answer anything I can.
Esoteric Teacher **[snip]**
Who is the David in your life?
Are you joining the air force?
I'm sorry, the David?
Actually, yes I am joining the Air Force.
Its even harder to think about my future now that it all rides on this basic training. Because its either this or the coal mines. My parents can't afford my brother and I both to go to a college.
Originally posted by Ryoko
Most of the time when the snake shows up, everything becomes blurry except for the snake(s).
Snake dreams like this usually imply a kundalini awakening.
Kundalini awakening is generally a good thing, although for the unprepared it can develop into Kundalini Syndrome:
May I ask what changes you are going through?
A dream of pregnancy, implying a birth of something, can also symbolize a kundalini awakening. I actually had a similar dream a couple months ago which was related to my awakening. The girl was probably you (or your ego-self) giving birth to a kundalini awakening (snakes) and per your last post, you marrying her at the end would symbolize a union between your spirit, soul, and body.
Main Entry: id
Pronunciation: \ˈid\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, it
Date: 1924
: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives — compare EGO, SUPEREGO
Originally posted by Ryoko
reply to post by BellaMente
So by spiritual awakening does that mean paranormal?
I'm afraid I'm not very religious so this can be quite confusing if you mean by a religious awakening.
Originally posted by catwhoknows
Snakes are OK.
Everyone hates snakes, but snakes are OK.
People hate snakes because they are pretty scary.
Your dream means nothing.