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North American Continent May Soon Be Left Uninhabitable!

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
A short while ago i created a thread Titled "I want you to look, what do you see"?
Now i`ll ask the question again, What do you see?

sorry jazz can you advise on how to make it bigger? sorry I'm a newbie, I am very interested though.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
IF this happens where will North Americans go,I dont think Mexican's will take kindly to refugee's crossing over the border.

We'll just have to do what they did in the film,'The Day After Tomorrow'
We'll have to eliminate all debt they owe us.

....Well I'm going to Asia!

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by jazz10

Hell's bells! Now what the heck was that?

Originally posted by Ryoko
....Well I'm going to Asia!

Where in Asia? Pakistan? Welcome to the fountainhead of terror! You're gonna get screwed anyway!!

[edit on 29-6-2010 by OrionHunterX]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by BANANAMONTANA

I have no idea how to make it bigger but heres the thread

What i find strange is that it actually looks more like a map of a planned globe take a look at the titled areas? Its got to be relevant? Hasnt it?
What do you think? Can someone embed the bigger pic here on this thread? cheers

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by jazz10

Thanks I found it, still cant read it but will have a look later, looks like the diagrams we would produce to architect large websites.

I will now follow the threads, i did think on first glance it was a map of the globe. brb

[edit on 29-6-2010 by BANANAMONTANA]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:22 AM
I can't help sometimes considering, that maybe TPTB have finished with the US and are ready to clear out.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:33 AM
well it is not all bad. the newborns can type much easier with 13 fingers.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:36 AM
Stop environmental fear-mongering. Media Matters much?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:33 AM
The Gulf Coast may be a new forbidden zone,but I don't think all of North America will be.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:34 AM
I forgot to mention that the diagram was actually not understanded by those that it was for so??????

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by 12voltz

Mexico is IN North America, American. Buy a map.

Originally posted by Common Good
The last place I would go is Mexico. No way Jose!
Canada sounds better.

Oh, and so is Canada.

This article is nonsense.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by justadood

Will this situation help bring about the dreaded North American Union? The Dollar may be as worthless as the Mark was in 1923 soon,so it and the Amero might be coming our way.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
IF this happens where will North Americans go,I dont think Mexican's will take kindly to refugee's crossing over the border.

That is something I bet many who go insane about immigration never considered, that would be ironic. And what sense did it make to use a Corexit 9500 solution if it just made the water more toxic??? It would of been better to just let the oil rise and capture/skim it now its just a toxic stew, smh who is really on top of this?????????????????or on bottom of this

[edit on 6/29/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by BigDaveJr
reply to post by justadood

Will this situation help bring about the dreaded North American Union? The Dollar may be as worthless as the Mark was in 1923 soon,so it and the Amero might be coming our way.

I dont dread an Amero. Anyone who actually has to exchange currency isnt. Also, if the dollar became worthless, then an 'amero' wouldnt make any sense, because the Canadian Dollar is more or less on par with the US at the moment.

Not that that has ANYTHING to do with people not knwing that Canada and MExico are ALSO in NORTH AMERICA.

Or maybe it does.

Either way, nonsense, fearmongering topic with very little factual information, and most of it taken out of context.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I've heard that Mexico comes down very hard on Illegal Immigration. I've read that on traffic stops federales alway check to see if you're a citizen of Mexico. Mexico is a bunch of hypocrites.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by BANANAMONTANA

I have no idea how to make it bigger.

Ok, here it is. The first image is of the left portion, the second, right.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by ColonelSF
Is the above all nonsense? According to you all these people are idiots hoaxing all and sundry, right? Faal or no Faal this has been published by CNN. Ah, now you'll say CNN is part of the crappy MSM which has zero credibility and is hoaxing the public too!

Welcome to iReport, where people take part in the news with CNN. Your voice, together with other iReporters, helps shape how and what CNN covers everyday.

So you know: iReport is the way people like you report the news. The stories in this section are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only ones marked 'CNN iReport' have been vetted by CNN.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

This "Release" was debunked recently as being sourced to Sorcha Faal, the famous hoaxer. So no Russian ministry ever said this, but I do believe that parts of the Gulf Coast areas and Florida will not be tolerable to live or grow food.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Rockerchic4God

If that's true I guess California will be the new Vacationland and grower of Citrus fruit.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Rockerchic4God
This "Release" was debunked recently as being sourced to Sorcha Faal, the famous hoaxer. So no Russian ministry ever said this, but I do believe that parts of the Gulf Coast areas and Florida will not be tolerable to live or grow food.

Oh c'mon Rocker. Let's face the facts. Forget Faal. Is this all bull? Is it a hoax that Corexit 9500 is not being used?

It has been confirmed that the dispersal agent being used by BP and the government is Corexit 9500, a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, IL. Their stock took a sharp jump, up more than 18% at its highest point of the day today, after it was announced that their product is the one being used in the Gulf.

You think this report is hoaxed too?

Acute Aquatic Toxicity Of Three Corexit Products: An Overview

Forget Faal. Are you aware of the implications of using this toxic substance and its affect on the environment?

BP’s use of Corexit 9500 on the oil before it rises to the surface seems to be a deliberate attempt to mask the poison, to cover up that it continues to flow out from the ocean’s floor, while making it impossible to recover. In short, BP and Exxon want to spread the toxic oil throughout the oceans of the world, pollute everywhere, rather than allow it to be seen coming to shore where BP would have to pay for its containment and clean-up. It’s our job to keep them from getting away with sweeping this ugly mess under the surface.

Remember those three monkeys? One shutting his eyes, the second his ears and the third his mouth. That's nirvana for you! So don't worry. Be happy! All's well on the Gulf front! It's all a hoax!

[edit on 29-6-2010 by OrionHunterX]

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