posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 09:05 AM
Hey all.
My dad collects stamps from around the world (without concentraiting on a single topic) as a hobby. Nothing too serious.
For some time now (I don't know how long), we got this weird stamp with some hieroglyphs which I can't identify. It's a pink stamp with a white
bird on it. The stamp is in bad shape, and I don't know where my dad got this from (and he doesn't remember).
Anyway, we were once trying to find out the origin of this stamp by searching the internet, but I couldn't find anything.
I drew several of the hieroglyphs in MS Paint and I just hoped some one of you might be able to help identify this language.
Here it is:
Some of those hieroglyphs are not exactly accurate because it wasn't very easy to draw them, but they are about the same. There are more hieroglyphs
on the stamp, and I will draw them too if you'll need it.
Thanks a lot.
[edit on 14/6/04 by Transc3ndent]
[edit on 14/6/04 by Transc3ndent]