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Scary Letter From Fidel Castro In Regards To Iran War

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

Not really. Its like John 124 said, he probably wrote it before the US was put out. I have been following all the threads about this Iran thing and this is the first time I have really been convinced it is indeed coming. Castro has been around for a long time and he knows what is going on in the world. I dont like him or his communist run government, but in this case I really believe he knows what he is talking about...

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Castro has nothing to fear from telling the truth. So, if his worst fears come true, its nuclear holocaust, world wide. Otherwise, we are still in a world war scenario and this time the allied powers our a bit outnumbered by the axis. Sadly, I think more of the smaller countries that get involved by proxy (collateral war trajedy) will not side with the US/UK/Isreal and we run a real risk at going into this one with one hand tied behind our back.

I do also agree that it will only take the smallest act of aggression on our part for Iran to pull the trigger. I think they are itchy to get a piece of us and our allies. It would be sad if it happened and I would much prefer it not. I also know that the next world war will likely see enemy forces on US soil for the first time in over a century.

Help us all and may peace and sanity prevail.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:49 PM
I think Castro is dead on about the inspections sparking war - that's what they're designed to do. I don't think it will go nuclear though.

But ... I do think if Iranian oil stops flowing due to conflict, Venezuela may STOP shipping oil to the US in favor of China (keep in mind that Chavez has relations with Iran and China, and China is Iran's 2nd biggest customer for oil).

The axis and allies on the chess board could re-shuffle significantly.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by kennylee
reply to post by harrytuttle

Castro has been around for a long time and he knows what is going on in the world. I dont like him or his communist run government, but in this case I really believe he knows what he is talking about...

I agree. He's a very old man now, and just because he is not "one of us" or "a communist" doesn't mean his opinion isn't valid or worth listening to. With age comes wisdom. And that man has been playing this game for the better part of his life.

Let us not forget how close the Cuban Missile crisis bought us to WW3. He has been there, done that and bought the T-shirt.

His words about the soccer might not be so accurate. But I feel his words about this Iran situation and it's aftermath do carry some weight.

You don't have to do much to see his logic. I too am very concerned about what will happen to consumer culture. And we know over a billion are already starving. How secure is our food or way of life really?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Yep he stated before July 2 for war to start.

No he did not say WAR... he said US ships starting inspections of Iranian ships, making Iran retaliates that starts war.

It seems possible.

The only things that can change that...

The US doesn't inspect Iranian ships (very unlikely) or Iran don't retaliate (likely)... they are like North Korea... mostly empty threats.

But you never know with the persians.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Fidel has it figured much like the same conclusions we here have come to....
The instant nuclear option is a no brainer because the iranis have dug in too deep for anything else...way too deep.
The next reason is they will need to cower the rest of the nations to the sidelines...ya see that?shuddap or youll get it too.....
and at the same time absolutely destroy irans capability of fighting back effectively.
This HAS to be done or we will loose a lot of ground troops over the next few years in iraq and afghanistan as well as suffer a lot of asymetrical warfare waged against us....
The straights of Hormuz will be blocked with the ships if the iranis can make good on their threats of missle boats.
and i think they can do remains to be seen if the navy can handle the traffic....
The whole operation depends upon crippling them totally right out of the gate...otherwise the risks grow exponentially.
The longer it takes to utterly destroy Iran as an effective entity,the worse the blowback.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by stirling

I also think that what Fidel implies in his letter is that it will go nuclear because American aircraft carriers will be sunk. Everyone knows that if you sink a US Carrier, you get nuked. End of discussion.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:03 PM
As a Cuban who's heard many things, Castro is very astute and prophetic, and I believe him.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by belial259

Ahhh...thank you very much. Makes sense now.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Sometimes it takes a while for the pieces to start dropping into place? And now there's a CIA spy saying the Bush Administration helped Saudi Arabia get nukes again Too many nukes hanging around for my taste, and the freaking greatest irony of it all is that Iran is the only one who doesn't have them. Unless of course those rumors about the missing Ukrainian nukes is true.... What a tinderbox.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:13 PM
Cuban missile crisis?

There have been nuclear weapons all over Canada for eons and WE told the world we were not,NOT,a nuclear armed country.


Castro is hanging on to what he views as involvement on a world stage he has alredy been retired from.

But that may be all the more reason to listen to the old fart.

After all Cuba is still Cuba so we must say he DID HIS JOB,for whatever that is worth.

We dont need Castro to tell us we are in a little trouble here.

But I somehow expect someone like China or Russia to simply hit Iran to stabilise the global powerbase.

A favor to the world if you will.

Dont assume that there are any old style BAD GUYS LEFT TO WEAR THE BLACK HAT.

Countries like Russia and China have no interest in replaying old black and white movies so they can feel youthfull again,they are struggling to maintain their own affairs in a rapidly changing global economic environment.

They are more likely than not inclined to swat the gnat that is getting them in trouble,troubles with their reputations it took them 20yrs to distance themselves from.

I say someone does the world a favor and smacks the troublemakers for everyone .

If you pay REAL CLOSE ATTENTION TO HOW OUR GLOBAL POWERBASE HAS CHANGED IN THE LAST TWENTY YEARS---you will notice their arent many ROUGE NATIONS left to blame things on,take out say three and the world is basically in a position that favors long term peace.

I say a unilateral strike by the US,MOTHER RUSSIA,CHINA,BRITAIN,ISREAL,INDIA,CANADA,FRANCE,SOUTH KOREA,JAPAN,AUSTRAILIA----you get the point-----on Iran,North Korea,and any other little piss-ant troublemaker we can think of.

One strike,one day,world peace.

Fidel bowed out just in time didnt he,----ever wonder why??

Now you know,he was saving his country from becoming one of the targets I am mentioning.

Foresight is what kept this little dictator alive all this time,he is one of the best at what he chose to do,like it or not,there are a lot of reasons to listen to him.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Things in that letter do kinda strike a nerve. Over a week ago, Iran was sending a flotilla. A few days ago they cancelled it. Now its' back on again. There's also a Lebanon flotilla moving too, right? With Iran forces building up in the north, and USraeli navy building up. Israel dropping supplies in Saud. A letter a few weeks ago from a Saud Prince screaming 'we need to get out now!'. The merging of Hezbollah and Lebanese military.
Things are looking pretty unstable over there

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:19 PM
Man, this is some heavy stuff. I'd like to know more about some of his other "reflections". As I said in another thread; the potential for numerous scenarios, any one of them, to shake the world as we know it is just unreal.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by stirling

I'm trying to understand what you mean by saying the Iranians have dug in way too deep?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
Man, this is some heavy stuff. I'd like to know more about some of his other "reflections". As I said in another thread; the potential for numerous scenarios, any one of them, to shake the world as we know it is just unreal.

So true. There are so many critical events that walk the edge of a knife right now. It's unreal! It's like walking in a minefield!!

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Fidel Castro should become an ATS member!!!

He predicts an event: Nuclear war
He states a deadline: July 2 (or before)
He warns of societal collapse: Massive food/supply shortages
He creates a disclaimer: I am not a prophet

I think Fidel Castro would find himself at home here on ATS!

I'm just surprised Castro didn't have an advertisement for gold coins at the end of that letter (now that's a die hard communist for ya!).

[edit on 28-6-2010 by harrytuttle]

I think Fidel Castro is a lurker on ATS. If we could trace every hit on this site back to its IP and even further, we would have a really great cast list.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:15 AM
Dont forget the RUSSIAN NAVAL VESSEL-----AND THE JAPANEESE NAVAL GROUP,that are currently protecting the AMERICAN COAST from someones nukes,if these vessels are hit there will be an immediate declaration of war on the offenders.

Dont forget the INTENTIONAL OILSLICK that the Americans have strategiclly placed THROUGHOUT THE OCEAN,because these oil slicks can be tracked and used as a method to defeat the CHINEESE superfast torpedos that everyone seems to have today,did you get that little tidbit,the torpedos dont function properly in water mixed with OIL.

Dont forget that the Polish government was "adjusted"whoever wasnt willing to agree to SOMETHING HISTORICALLY HUGE AND MONUMENTAL --AS WORLD WARS TEND TO BE was simply killed.Who NEEDS poland as a strategic ally,and will reward them for being such?

Dont forget that the president or premier or whatever of Germany also resigned,another refusal to participate in the event I am telling you is brewing.Who need Germany as a strategic ally,and you better believe the krauts will expect to be paid well.

So far the Polish and the German people of the world have been rendered voiceless and seem to be on a ruaway train right now.

Any other countries that I missed who have had a major member or group of important members step down,be killed or ousted by coup??

Why does CHINA POP INTO MY MIND SO QUICKLY?as the pee in the pudding.

America had better not put any CRITICAL resources within the reach of these little tyrants,it seems like someone is LURING naval assets into a position where these little pissants can SURPRISE the US with a major strike,expect them to already posess weapon capable of sinking or damaging a US carrier and its escorts.

The first strike will be on an asset that no one would believe these guys could be capable of neautralising,think David and Goliath if someone gave David a laser guided stone and had someone paint Goliaths forehead.

This asset will be ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to the real battle being prepped for,it will be a SWINGPOINT,and it will initiate the real global FIRST STRIKE,if this asset isnt destroyed,all bets might be off.

This means they will use a disguised nuke,possibly a small launch to create an airburst for maximum coverage,and expect a Chineese made cutting edge purpose made tactical nuclear weapon to be used,so follow the known parameters of distance and defense of a straight up short launch tactical nuke.Dont think it wont be the best that China has either because they will let it all roll on this one,there is always a defensible position politically if the ASSET survives and the real strike is stopped.

Unfortunately for the US this asset must be presented for the dynamic to occur,and they need to uncover the true plot by DEFENDING THIS ASSET AND NOT ALLOWING THE REAL STRIKE.The rats cant be allowed to run and hide in the cellar.

The real test will come when the attack on the asset fails,if enough damage isnt done,someone somewhere will still have a gamblers chance of starting the first real strike ANYWAYS.

So yes the stage is set and the Americans and the rest of us humanitarian minded countries WILL SHOW UP AT THE DANCEHALL.

We see the play and as a matter of fact to many Chineese tacticians have been watching John Wayne movies while the rest of the world has WORSHIPPED THE TACTICS OF THEIR GREATEST MILITARY MINDS.

This is a HYBRID idea,contrived by old thinkers and new thinkers,no flow to it.

China has a personality challenge dont they?

They better fix it and fast,their power base wasnt designed for the fast transition of power to new thinkers that the loss of their boomers is causing.

Why the hell doesnt China grow up and start sending fifty million people around the world EVERY YEAR they have enough money to pay to do this and its cheaper than war or shipping resources to China.

It isnt like the world isnt receptive,and it isnt like the Chineese people dont want to go,so whats stopping this from happening?


Have a freaking lottery that sets fifty million random people free somewhere on earth with a fat bankroll and supprt from China.

This would even encourage China to SHAPE UP because these would be random names drawn from a national emmisary lottery THESE GUYS COULD SAY ANYTHING!!

Leave it to a Canadian to work it all out ,eh?

Make it a hundred million a year,India should be doing the same but they cant quite afford it yet.

So China stop spending your money on assets you will lose in a war by proxy because of global logistics,and dont use the money you save to build a bigger military,set your people free upon the planet with the governments support,it is the cheapest most progressive path available,hell its even a little nostalgic kinda like sun su or whoever the military genius was named,no disrespect intended.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 29-6-2010 by one4all]

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[edit on 29-6-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 29-6-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by one4all

Castro is 84 years old but he certainly is not and old fart as you say.

He is a very intelligent man that defeated Batista in 1954 and has held control of Cuba ever since that day.

He still hold a position as Council of State of Cuba. He appointed his brother to head the country but you can bet you ass he is still in 100% in control of Cuba,He holds a law degree from the University of Havana.

I believe every word he said in this last thing from him.

I also believe, without a doubt that Obama and his cohorts know exactly what the plans are for our military involvement.

We citizens of the USA will be the last to know the truth.

This being kept uninformed may be necessary as we cannot afford our plans be know ahead of time of action.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by one4all
Dont forget the RUSSIAN NAVAL VESSEL-----AND THE JAPANEESE NAVAL GROUP,that are currently protecting the AMERICAN COAST from someones nukes,if these vessels are hit there will be an immediate declaration of war on the offenders.

Are they even still there? I thought it was a five day stay? Either way, I don't buy that there aren't Russian subs "patrolling" on the west coast, though. And there was that news article a few days back actually about a guy who spotted a rouge sub periscope form his boat, but that was off of the east coast and could of belonged to those coc aine smugglers and their submersible boats.

Dont forget the INTENTIONAL OILSLICK that the Americans have strategiclly placed THROUGHOUT THE OCEAN,because these oil slicks can be tracked and used as a method to defeat the CHINEESE superfast torpedos that everyone seems to have today,did you get that little tidbit,the torpedos dont function properly in water mixed with OIL.

Dont forget that the Polish government was "adjusted"whoever wasnt willind to agree to SOMETHING HISTORICALLY HUGE AND MONUMENTAL AS WORLD WARS TEND TO BE was simply killed.Who NEEDS poland as a strategic ally,and will reward them for being such?

Very good interesting points here. I didn't even think of these. I knew Poland had been wiped out for their unwillingness to go along with something, but I hadn't stopped to think that it would be another World War. I was thinking more along the lines of mass vaccination since they refused the swine flu vaccine. But it does make since because Poland would be key in geographical opposition to, say, Russia... Hence the Russian clean up crew eliminating that possibility.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:33 AM

I read it three days ago.

I think we need something to happen ... that the bad thing of human history / psychology.

are you prepared ?

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