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There is absolutely no justification for violence!

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:55 PM

This has been reinforced on TV and through education, by govt mouthpieces and so on for years - and people believe it.

In the meantime, the same people that are socially conditioning their citizens to be servile little robots are conducting wars of aggression across two continents - and PEOPLE SUPPORT THEM!

What an insane paradox.

Ok, here is the REAL message that this little piece of social engineering is trying to communicate.

"THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR NON STATE SANCTIONED VIOLENCE! (But if we say kill people, then you better do it - and the military is the greatest, most noble career .. ever.)"

Free nations were always built upon the blood of heroes overthrowing the chains and bars imposed upon them by tyrants - end of story.

It is not wrong to resist, it is not bad to express violence against tyranny - to allow yourself to be controlled like a slave without resistance is to abdicate humanity.

Resist the lies - resist the conditioning - resist the tyrants.

The pillars of the tyranny being effected in the US are as follows;


All of those things must be destroyed to a burning, razed, smoldering heap before 'change' can be effected.

Freedom requires that the common people have access to the means of production - in the modern age this consists mainly of two things, energy and credit.

The controllers will resist alternative energy - especially the kind that can allow a person to disconnect from the grid - and credit is the evil brother of sound money.

With sound money, such as silver and gold - that cannot be centrally controlled or issued, people would have the means of production within their grasp.

Sound money and portable energy devices - these equate to freedom.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by Amagnon]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:06 PM


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Arkady
Practice what you preach or shut up.

I have no intention of shutting up

I should also point out, I am not saying run off to Washington with your 12 gauge and start messing people up.

What I am saying is that it is coming to a point where force is required - people need to understand they are legitimately and morally entitled to the use of force to defend themselves - regardless of the propaganda being directed at them to the contrary.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by Amagnon]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:34 PM
id actually have to disagree with you here. i believe we should exhaust all possible peaceful avenues to rid ourselves of tyranny rather than spending that time preparing for physical conflict. you cant "shoot" a system, and it is the system that must change.

also, violent revolutions may be successful in the short run, but violence begets violence. i mean...a little over 200 years ago we used weapons to fight for our freedom. now, look at us. it didnt take very long for their children's children's children's children to become slaves to the system again.

lasting peace can only be realized through peaceful means. true freedom can only be attained by practicing true freedom, system be damned. cutting up your credit cards and buying from local business is like putting a shotgun to the head of the system we all hate.

edit: didnt mean to quote

[edit on 28-6-2010 by mooseinhisglory]

[edit on 28-6-2010 by mooseinhisglory]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Please turn the other cheek and show that you are of a higher quality than those that would persecute you.
And while you are at it empty your pockets also, and give me your rights and freedoms too.
The dog is in the corner, if you attempt much more he will bite.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Use force and do what exactly? Talk about it online? Shoot one guy and then get arrested or gunned down by cops? You don't have the tools or ability to pull off such a stunt. Chances are you won't do a damned thing. Forceful revolution is most likely the only way to change anything, but even the chances of that working are slim to none. If the government is so powerful that they have been able to pull off all of these things attributed to them then chances are they're already here and watching what you post here. That's a bad tactic right off the bat. Hell, they could be running this very site and be using the Orwellian tactic of pretending to be the resistance while drawing you guys out. Very few, if any, people have the balls to actually go out and risk their lives to do anything. You'll just sit and wait like everyone else and day by day you'll lose. Every day you guys don't act they win. The population goes up, but very few new people who want to change things, people grow more content with the way things are, their position strengthens every day, etc. If you were going to do anything you would have done so a long time ago. There have been more than enough examples of corruption and tyranny and triggers to make you guys do something. And not once have any of you done anything. So, if the things that have already happened aren't enough, then what will be? You're losing the battle every day and yet you still think a couple guys with some guns will change the world?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Illuminatus!

There is no drawing me out, I am right here and have done nothing wrong.
And yes this website could be run by the alphabet gang, big deal.
There are alot more tasty fish to fry than me.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by g146541

Well, one could argue that you're here to talk about conspiracies and other radical issues. If this was run by the government, then that would be a clear sign of having been drawn out. Also, if the government is supposedly out to get you and control you guys anyway, do you think they would care that you have done nothing wrong? And while there may be bigger fish to fry than you, the simple act of your being here serves several positive purposes to the system.

1. You're here and not out actually doing anything to advance your position.

2. You could be mislead by things here from disinfo.

3. They know who to watch for if they ever decide to lay down martial law. People on these types of sites will probably be the first ones to be cracked down on simply for being possible threats. Assuming you're not actually doing their bidding unwittingly.

4. And they can see the general mindset and plans of the supposed 'resistance'.

With this they can keep a nice eye on you, keep you distracted, misinformed, etc. If all the things you people claim about the government is true, is this idea so farfetched? There's a whole lot more to a revolution than peaceful protest or gunning people down. Several of which are actually harmed by coming to places like this.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Amagnon
All of those things must be destroyed to a burning, razed, smoldering heap before 'change' can be effected.

Freedom requires that the common people have access to the means of production - in the modern age this consists mainly of two things, energy and credit.

The controllers will resist alternative energy - especially the kind that can allow a person to disconnect from the grid - and credit is the evil brother of sound money.

With sound money, such as silver and gold - that cannot be centrally controlled or issued, people would have the means of production within their grasp.

Sound money and portable energy devices - these equate to freedom.

i agree.
i was thinking about something someone said about hemp as alternative energy source and it suddenly hit me!
no wonder they don't like it - it is grown in the ground and connected to those who work in its cultivation.
it isn't a corporate entity and just the nature of land ownership in the US pretty much prevents it from being made over into another one of there machines.

i cannot say i am willing to resort to physical violence upon others, at this point in time - and hopefully it won't come to that because it takes a lot to piss me off but when i am, it's ugly - but the time is upon us that we can either ACTIVELY resist this dying paradigm or else die with it.

and i don't mean that i think the so-called powers that be are planning on our extermination - that doesn't make sense to me when i take into account that the motivation is the quest for more and more power over others - how can an addiction be satisfied if one destroys the source of the drug?

but i do believe that the ways of the world are old ways and that the world is going to be new soon, one way or the other.

call it what you like, but it's a dying way and it is because evolution is leaving it behind.

to evolve is to live
to resist change is to die

so maybe it is not so much about us resisting the old ways but rather about going forward with the new living ways and hoping that the former powers that be come along with us, without too much resistance on their parts.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by mooseinhisglory

Very well put! I could not agree more.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 01:35 AM
Force is by definition an energy that is applied to a mass or that is applied to an opposite movement of mass as described in momentum.

When anyone or anything states that force cannot solve a problem, that is usually the tyrant speaking. Those that do not want people to understand the moments of inertia.

Peace is all well and good for a mid afternoon movie, for real life it is bull****.

The only TRUE way to actually stop force is to give an equal and opposite force in the opposing direction. The only way to stop force forever is to eliminate the entity supplying the force.

This is basic physics. No emotion involved. Pure analysis.


posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 03:11 PM
The proposed nobility of military service may get hyped a lot but I do think people also promote stuff like being a doctor, though you do get critics even of that from the alternative medicine community.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

I don't think it's insane to preach non-violence and violence at the same time. It makes sense if you picture the country as your family. If someone threatened your family, you would probably kill to defend them. Your parents might have denied you money, goods, food, freedoms, etc. as punishment or maybe even for your own safety. Would it have been right to kill them?

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