Hi. I have noticed that there are a lot of UFO pictures being posted here recently.
And some of them are fake some genuine, but sometimes the credibility of the poster can be lost because he/she didn't take the "right" steps to
post the pictures by the right steps I mean the procedure of taking the picture and then transferring it on the pc without any editing.
So I decided to give some advice, if the day comes when you will find yourself in the situation of taking a picture of an UFO.
To make this simple I will divide this in to parts. The first part when you are taking the picture and the second when you are going to transfer the
image from the camera to the computer.
The first part. Taking the picture.
There are a few settings you should be familiar.
These are: ISO, shutter speed and aperture. If you have a point and shoot camera you would probably only see the ISO option.
If you suddenly see an ufo don't panic. Quickly go and get your camera if you have one close by.
When you have the camera first take a picture right away, Im saying this because you dont know if the UFO will stay or suddenly leave.
Now.. If it is a day it will be very straight forward you press the button half-way so the camera will focus and press it down to take a picture.
But if the sun is down then it will be a little more difficult. This is what you need to do.
ISO settings
Ok so you took your first picture. If the UFO is there and not gone then find a good position to place your camera. By this I mean to position your
camera on static object such as a window, wall or something heavy so it wont move.
If you have a cheap camera or a pont and shoot camera search for your iso option and never set it to the max, for example if the camera has iso of 800
set it one step lower like 400. Some cameras have ISO option of 1600. You dont want it to be more than 800. Because if it is more than 800 on a cheap
camera you will have a lot of noise.
Something like this....
So remember when you are taking a picture of an UFO in night time it is important not to move the camera when you press the button. Before you press
it hold your breath and press.
Shutter speed
If you have this option on your camera and it is a point and shoot I recommend to set it to auto. If you are familiar how the shutter speed works than
set it appropriately.
I didn't say a number because it is impossible to tell because of the diversity of the situations.
Here are examples of shutter speeds to give you a feeling.
The bigger the number the faster the camera will take the picture or you will capture a faster movement. Generaly in night time in a good lighting the
shutter speed will probably be more than 1-3 sec or more. And remember a shutter speed slower than 1/80 th will have blur. Unless you have some
vibration reduction option.
If you have a timer option place the camera on a steady position and set it on a timer. So that way it wont have blur.
Aperture settings
If the ufo is in front of the sun or the sun is at the same angle as the ufo you will have to set the aperture number a little higher for example 8 or
11. But bear in mind that when you up the aperture you will have to reduce the shutter speed.
When you set the aperture high it will close and the UFO wont be a silhouette.
If you have the option to shoot in RAW format I recommend you to set it.
The options that are for the point and shoot cameras are the same as for a cellphone camera.
Don't use the flash in any situation. Except if the UFO is VERY close like 6-8 m which is very unlikely.
Take as many pictures as you can, not just 1 or 2.
And also try to catch some objects in the frame so later on it may be possible to determine the size or speed
The second part the image transfer.
Connect your device to the pc and try to tranfer it with the windows explorer or the mac equivalent. Avoid third party programs if possible.
If you cant do this try booting the computer and press F8 and choose start in safe mode. Than try the windows explorer method.
If you dont have a cable send the picture through bluetoot or infrared and try the same thing from the other phone.
Be aware if you try to send the picture to another phone through mms it is possible the image will be reduced in resolution. Thus this will leave
editing marks and you will be less credible.
This is all I could think of. If I missed something please write it.
[edit on 28/6/10 by defiler]