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The use of subliminals for the normalisation of chemtrails(Pictures).

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 01:01 PM
OMG, Contrails and airplanes in advertisements!

Some of you need to get over your suspicious of aircraft. Aviation is not some devil science, cooked up in sinister labs, and flying airplanes is not voodoo either.

Just because some of you equate aviation with evil for some reason, and live in some delusion where apparentely everything things airplanes, aviation and contrails are sinister and that we need advertisements to tell us otherwise.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:40 AM
They are definitely trying to make it look like it is now normal by the ads. Just the other day, I seen 3 airplanes spraying their trails and of course seen the sky full of older ones from earlier in that day. I can always tell the chemtrails even when I don't observe the planes actually doing it, from regular clouds.

And to the debunkers, of course they have been doing it since 1940's or even earlier. But not to this extreme. You have to ride on training wheels before you start riding a 10 speed bike. They had probably just started with the technology back in the 40's. I know I never seen these 30 years ago. And yes, lived by the airport and we watched the skies and planes all the time.

Why are chemtrails still trying to be debunked with soooooo much evidence out there? OMG, you can even see them and still denial. So debunkers, do we start a petition requesting emission controls for planes?
edit on 9-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by katndew

There are NO SUCH THING as "chem"-trails.

This is a nonsense idea.....stop buying into the lunacy.....THINK and get logical, before you fall down deeper into the well of ignorance....

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by katndew
They are definitely trying to make it look like it is now normal by the ads. Just the other day, I seen 3 airplanes spraying their trails and of course seen the sky full of older ones from earlier in that day. I can always tell the chemtrails even when I don't observe the planes actually doing it, from regular clouds.

And to the debunkers, of course they have been doing it since 1940's or even earlier. But not to this extreme. You have to ride on training wheels before you start riding a 10 speed bike. They had probably just started with the technology back in the 40's. I know I never seen these 30 years ago. And yes, lived by the airport and we watched the skies and planes all the time.

Why are chemtrails still trying to be debunked with soooooo much evidence out there? OMG, you can even see them and still denial. So debunkers, do we start a petition requesting emission controls for planes?
edit on 9-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

Chemtrails since the 1940s now? Wow....Someone should tell Will Thomas about that.

Sure, go ahead and go after airplanes for emission controls. I do not think it will make any difference at all in ground level pollution though

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:26 PM
These "chemtrailers" have no sense of scientific logic or commen sense. Anyone who has the right mind to actually look up how a jet engine works at 30,000+ ft will realize that contrails are a natural byproduct as exhaust is cooled and condenced with water vapor to form the trails.

For example if you still do not understand, look at the exhaust of a car on a -20 degree day in winter in northern Wisconsin. The hot exhaust from the engine has traces of water vapor in it that condense rapidly to form a "cloud" of condensed exhaust.

The same principle applies to the exhaust of jet engines. The atmospheric temperature at that altititude is much colder than that of the surface even in a hot summer day. This allows for a "cloud" of exhaust to formed. And since the trails of exhaust are at the high altititude, they are able to stay condensed for a longer period of time and are able to spread a greater distance. Just like normal clouds.

Until there is viable evidence by a credible source saying that there is a chemical being dispersed, the science and facts behind this still remain rock solid, or should I say "condensed."

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Someone may have used the term 'subliminal' inadvertently, but what the OP is talking about is normalization, not subliminal messages. I see where you both are coming from, no weedwhacker, they are not subliminal messages. The point OP and others is trying to get across is that the more we see pictures of this in our every day lives, in our advertising, on our cereal boxes, in kids movies, etc... the more we become accustomed to seeing them, and the more we view them as 'normal'.

I wont speak about the chemtrail issue, I dont have enough information to make a solid case. My thoughts would likely be misguided opinions anyways. I just wanted to jump in regarding the normalization versus subliminal messaging issue that keeps seeming to trip people up in this thread.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:37 PM
So you all really think ad agencies are secretly part of the chemtrail cabal, and are putting contrails in photos and videos, to "normalize" people to contrails, when 99.99 percent of people anyways have no problem with them, and its just the "insane cloud posse" that gets alarmed??

There paranoia is getting out of control with some of you

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

It will probably take you a little while longer to REALIZE this, but what I eventually stumbled upon is that TPTB have actually actualized a plan that has replaced all current forms of JEP (Jet Engine Propulsion) with CTP Engines! Yes, that's Chem-Trail Propulsion engines!

Please provide a link to your chemtrail propulsion engines, because a few members that work on these would be interested in this new style engine.

I can't keep this from coming out....

I am pretty sure that there is no such thing as a chemtrail propulsion engine,because how do they get passed EPA and their regulations? In fact here is a link to the EPA.

Here is a pdf that you should also read.CPT you can't be serious are you?

edit on 11-5-2011 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Do your chemtrails look like this?


or this...


Because if they did you were seeing contrails. Here is some more pics of contrails.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

OK. Educate me then. Why do some contrails disappear right away and others stay in the air like your pictures for days. Why do the skies not appear like this everyday then since the airplanes fly everyday? I'm not buying it. Have you guys even looked up the information on chemtrails or do you just debunk without evidence?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:31 PM
"Chemtrails since the 1940s now? Wow....Someone should tell Will Thomas about that.

Sure, go ahead and go after airplanes for emission controls. I do not think it will make any difference at all in ground level pollution though"

How about the increase in chemicals they find in our rain then? Which ends up on our ground, food, skins, etc. Either way, I find it very strange more people are not concerned that these planes put out so much ____trails that many can't even tell them from real clouds anymore......
edit on 11-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by katndew
"Chemtrails since the 1940s now? Wow....Someone should tell Will Thomas about that.

Sure, go ahead and go after airplanes for emission controls. I do not think it will make any difference at all in ground level pollution though"

How about the increase in chemicals they find in our rain then? Which ends up on our ground, food, skins, etc. Either way, I find it very strange more people are not concerned that these planes put out so much ____trails that many can't even tell them from real clouds anymore......
edit on 11-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

There is no "increase" in anything. There are allegations of it using junk science, but of course you are going to find things in rain. Some of you think rainfall has to be pure, however it comes down through the air and is going to have particulates that are in the air. Especially the first rain drops that are falling, will have particulates, especially dust.

And yes, contrails are clouds, they are water droplets and ice crystals, which are the same thing clouds are made of. And they can persist in the right conditions and form cirrus, and this has been documented since around 1920, and has been studied for decades.

Are you as concerned about car pollution, even though its less visible? i can assure you that you are exposed to more ground level pollution sources than anything from aircraft

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by katndew
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

OK. Educate me then. Why do some contrails disappear right away and others stay in the air like your pictures for days. Why do the skies not appear like this everyday then since the airplanes fly everyday? I'm not buying it. Have you guys even looked up the information on chemtrails or do you just debunk without evidence?

With no evidence? What planet have you been on, we have been bringing evidence to bear ever since this silly hoax started. Its the chemtrailers who have no evidence, and just exhort people to look up, and to ignore science.

It is really that mysterious to think why some trails can linger and some do not? Do you honestly think that every plane flies in the exact same temperatures and humidity, with the exact same kinds of engines and at the same altitudes?

Do you expect that every natural cloud should be the exact same and that the weather should be the same every day? There are charts that can be used to determine persistence, and it deals with temperature and relative humidity. The colder it is and the higher the relative humidity is, the more likely it is to persist.

This is not voodoo, its just logic and science. There is no rule that contrails can not persist, thats just something made up by chemtrail promoters.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:00 PM


Anyone have any ideas how i would check if any of these adverts came through the same company ?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by firepilot

I don't claim to be anywhere close to an expert but I presume you are not either. I just read info. like you do and try to keep an open mind either way. But my open mind leans more this way.....Here's some EVIDENCE for chemtrails. Even comes in a book form and I will enclose partial quote from the following website link....Now can't we all just get along?.....

"This massive research study is entitled: Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base - Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The results were presented in 1992 and published in book form in 2000 by the National Academy Press. This 994 page study is the textbook on greenhouse gasses, global warming, policy decisions and mitigation's (corrective measures). Included within is the hard science many chemtrails researchers have been searching for: the scientists, agencies, institutions and corporations involved, cost factors, chemical formula, mathematical modeling, delivery methods, policies, recruiting of foreign governments, acquisition of materials, and the manufacturing of aerosol compounds, ect.

This entire volume can presently be read online at: Keep in mind that this study is only the tip of the iceberg. Literally hundreds of papers on related topics have been published in scientific journals.

The full involvement of foremost government agencies, research firms, universities and private corporations are detailed in this global 'geoengineering' study. Keep in mind that this was approved by and funded by Congress. This documentation proves that they have lied repeatedly about their involvement and the existence of chemtrail spraying programs.

It also appears that we 'Chemtrail' investigators have been chasing our tails, being intentionally discredited, maligned, and fed disinformation to keep the actual truth just below the levels of media perception. The real story has been taking place in broad daylight, safely concealed under the scientific umbrella of 'Geoengineering and intentional climate change. Chemtrails are just one of the 'mitigations' proposed to Geoengineering our planet. Once we began sifting through the numerous studies, experiments and papers written on intentional climate change, we found a wealth of supporting evidence of well funded global atmospheric modification programs. One such paper is Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project (Jay Michaelson, published in the Stanford Environmental Law Journal, January, 1998)"

edit on 12-5-2011 by katndew because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Actually, I am fairly knowledgable about aviation and meterology, since I have been a professional pilot for 12 years now, and part of that time has been involved with weather research.

I have not seen anything that chemtrailers claim, that does not fall apart with a bit of science or aviation knowledge.

Here is a question for you though. What is the amount of aluminum that makes up the earths crust?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by firepilot

I thought we were going to start playing nice. Ok, let the games begin........

All matter in the earth's crust is based on elements (in various chemical combinations).
There are 92 elements that occur naturally in the earth's crust (and a few very short-lived others that have been produced in laboratories).
These can be arranged by atomic number and by number of electron shells into something called the periodic table, which conveniently organizes all these elements by their behavior into several groups.

You will be relieved to know that only about eight of these 92 elements are at all common in the rocks of the earth's crust (had you worried, didn't I?):
i. Oxygen (O), with two shells and an atomic number of 8, is
far and away the most common element in the earth's crust,
making up about 47 percent of it by weight. It hangs out
the most with silicon, to form silica and the silicate
rocks that dominate the mantle and crust.
ii. Silicon (Si), with three shells and an atomic number of 14,
is the second most common element, making up about 28
percent of the earth's crust by weight. It hangs out with
oxygen to form silica (SiO2, which accounts for
just under 75 percent of the earth's crust!
iii. Aluminum (Al) is a light metal with three shells and an
atomic weight of 13 (pretty light). It makes up about 8
percent of the earth's crust, often as a part of silicate
minerals in the upper continental crust (e.g., feldspars,
remember "felsic" rock?).
iv. Sodium (Na) is another relatively light metal, with three
shells and an atomic number of eleven. It makes up not
quite three percent of the earth's crust and is often found
in silicate rocks (notably the plagioclase version of
feldspar, a light mineral in the upper continental crust).
It can also create an ionic bond with chlorine to form
table salt (or "halite"), and there is beaucoup of
it in the oceans (and, heck, your blood, your own portable
v. Calcium (Ca), with four electron shells and an atomic
number of 20, makes up just under four percent of the
earth's crust. It often hangs out in silicate minerals,
such as plagioclase feldspar, and it often associates with
carbon and oxygen to form calcium carbonate (major
component of limestone and marble).
vi. Potassium (K) is another light metal with four shells and
an atomic number of 19. It makes up less than three
percent of the earth's crust and, like aluminum, it hangs
out in feldspar (but in a different form called
"orthoclase"). So, it is more common in the upper
continental crust.
vii. Iron (Fe) is a relatively heavier metal, with four electron
orbital shells and an atomic weight of 26. It makes up
about five percent of the earth's crust (becoming more
common with depth). As we saw earlier, it completely
dominates the earth's core (with nickel). It is also a
very common component of the mantle rocks and the oceanic
crust and the lower continental crust. There, it is
incorporated (often with magnesium) in the silicate
"ferromagnesian" minerals (such as olivine, pyroxene,
hornblende, and biotite).
viii. Magnesium (Mg) is a fairly light metal, with three shells
and an atomic number of 12. It only makes up about two
percent of the earth's crust, and it hangs out with iron a
lot, though, and is found in the "ferromagnesium" silicate
ix. The remaining 84 naturally-occurring elements, then, only
make up 1.4 percent of the crust.

Did I tell you that I am a woman. We always win

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by firepilot

I have not seen anything that chemtrailers claim, that does not fall apart with a bit of science or aviation knowledge.

And let me repost a part of my above website link which reads....

This entire volume can presently be read online at: Keep in mind that this study is only the tip of the iceberg. Literally hundreds of papers on related topics have been published in SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS......

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