I work in this field, and although I like this film, it contains exaggerations
purposefully aimed at exciting your emotions, while understating, or
omitting some of the real threats.
I have worked in the gas field four years (drive a truck).
Claim 1. Seventy percent of fracking liquid stays underground.
Truth 1. I am constantly amazed by how much MORE water comes up
than what was originally injected during the fracking process. Some wells
have operated for five years or more years averaging 2 or 3 truckloads
a day of water pulled from the well, not counting the 8 or 12 truckloads
a day most wells usually produce immediately after the fracking process.
(usually one to three months). Also fracking (in Texas) requires
1 to 3 hundred truckloads of pure freshwater, from streams , city plugs,
farmer ponds, and sometimes, water wells specifically for the purpose.
Understatement 1. Waste water disposals handle HUGE amounts of water,
some handle 100 to 200 trucks a day, and have been for many years.
Waste water (high in heavy salts from the drilling strata and chemicals
from the drilling process) scares the heck out of me. There are literal
lakes of water sitting 1 to 3 miles beneath the surface beneath these
Although I haven't heard a peep about waste water contaminating
the fresh water aquifer, the sheer magnitude of the waste water being
pumped into the earth makes me cross my fingers...
and I'm not religious, or superstitious...
Claim 2. Water faucet fire. I'm sure this happens, but not frequently.
This represents a loss of revenue on the drilling company's part. You can
rest assured that a gas leak is jumped on immediately and fixed. Also
a leak like this represents a fracture in the pipe, very rare.
Understatement 2. Twice in my short career I have driven into gas clouds
at well sites. These clouds have been caused by ruptured piping above
ground. The ruptures are caused by rust, which is caused by the heavy
salt content of the area. The clouds represent HUUUUGE BOOOMS, with
people on-site being killed and windows blown out for miles. Maintenance
of well sites is lacking, due to nearly everyone in this field being green.
This industry is learning as it goes along.
Sorry, but I'm drunk and tired...I'll finish later...
BTW...I'm going to sleep--not driving
And...If you have questions I'll give honest answers