posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 08:03 AM
Apparently my immune system isn't as invincible as I thought it was...
still have strong flu like symptoms. No fever but respiratory problems and body aches like hell. I have had it for 10 days now, I thought I was
getting better but I am not. Now my boyfriend has it.
Also, the garden is plagued by powdery mildew. Apparently this is brought on by hot and humid weather. I am of the personal belief that it is a
gosh-darn conspiracy!!! Last year all the tomatoes were infected with blight, unfortunately blight will stay in the soil from year to year and
reinfect the plants next season. Powdery mildew, which everything seems to be infected with this year spreads like mad, unless taken care of. I
think someone is infecting these plants, and our soil, on purpose. I am kind of p-o-ed about it because it is the only real joy I get out of these
horrid NY summers. I have seen lots of vids on you tube and on alternate news websites where people are showing ill looking plants, most of the
damage looks like powdery mildew. For anyone out there who has it remove the sick growth and spray with 90% water and 10% milk.
We will have our revenge on monsanto!!!!!
Back to the sickness. I hate the flu, rarely get it, don't even know if I have it because I do not do doctors (unless bleeding profusely from a
dismembered something or other) But it sucks, the air outside is nasty and tightens my chest on the first breath. Who in the hell gets the flu in
July? _javascript:icon('