admin in
jeeeezuzzzzz how many posts did this happen to?
crap... sorry folks.
It's rather hard to change the author of a post. If someone could send me a list of postID's and the appropriate author name, I'll get to the
damn, more work.
admin out
Perhaps you should either perform code alterations on a staging version of the site, or during a slow time. This is rather frustrating to not know if
your post will appear accurately.
so cerebrus what line are you with i mean you have paladin how did you get that and what one of the # said about the ptolomey line points directly to
you even though you say you are not with ptolomey.
What say you guys we take this to chat? That would be much more effecient than posting little one-line posts here. Cerberus, you are free to join us
too, in fact, it would be appreciated. If you forgot where to go, here's the site:
Come now Pisky, obviously the rings couldn't have been based off something in a movie! Perhaps Peter Jackson knew of these rings somehow?
Hmmm...maybe he could help us with the hunt!