posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 08:02 PM
Truly terrible for the homeland of mythology, the peoples of Greece must be infuriated.
I would have hoped the peoples of Greece would have revolted against the corruption.
And I pray the US would not take the same road as to sell off our land, there would only be one road available, but I do see it coming to that.
We have all but been pushed into a corner and soon we will have to bite our masters. But then it would be their faults, any clear thinking person
knows you don’t corner a dog and expect to come out of it with both hands.
On the other hand we are not dogs so we will not be as forgiving as to take just a hand.
Just my 2 cents.
On a side thought, what will the peoples of France do when the banks own the Eiffel Tower or what will the Americans do when the banks own the Statue
of Liberty? What will the world do when nature most beautiful offerings are for corporate parties only?
This is the only way this road can take us.
It is not because people are lazy and don’t work because the individual countries or most anyway, can produce a lot more than they buy. We
hemorrhage money all nations do; now we need to wake up and figure out where the leak is and put a plug in it.
Truly sad for Greece.