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How Weed Won The West~' New' Documentary

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posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 11:40 AM
G'mornin fellow Freedom Fighters~ lol

I just watched this documentary called " How Weed Won The West", by Kevin Booth.
It came out this year, and I thought I had seen all the good docus. on the subject..
But this one is new to me and it is very good!

Alex Jones plays part in it, even though he makes it clear he doesn't use Cannabis~
I think this is one of the most calmest appearances by him yet. lol

Here is a link to the Documentary~
and the link I watched it on is here~

The trailer~

AmericanDrugWar | September 04, 2009 | 4:20

While California is going bankrupt, one business is booming. "How Weed Won the West" is the story of the growing medical cannabis / marijuana industry in the greater Los Angeles area, with over 700 dispensaries doling out the buds. As a treatment for conditions ranging from cancer and AIDS, to anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia, cannabis is quickly proving itself as a healthier natural alternative to many prescription drugs.

Following the story of Organica, a southland dispensary which was raided by state and federal agencies in August of 2009, the film shows that although much has changed with Obama in office, the drug war is nowhere near over. From Kevin Booth, the producer/director of Showtime's "American Drug War", "How Weed Won the West" puts California forward as an example to the rest of the country by documenting how legalizing marijuana can help save the economy.

Featuring: Ethan Nadelmann (Drug Policy Alliance / DPA)
Don Duncan (Americans for Safe Access / ASA, Los Angeles Patients & Caregivers Group / LAPCG ) Kyle Kazan (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition / LEAP)
Alex Jones (radio host and filmmaker)
Jeff Joseph (Organica Collective)
Craig X Rubin (Beverly Hills Green Cross, Temple420)
Jon Perri (Students for Sensible Drug Policy / SSDP)
William Kroger (LA marijuana attorney)
Theresa Blaylock (drug and prison counselor)
Doug Stanhope (comedian)
Sid Wilson (Slipknot)
B Real (Cypress Hill)

A Kevin Booth Film Edited by Ryan Kaye In order for Sacred Cow to bring you the latest developments in the battle for marijuana legalization, the original October 15th release date for "How Weed Won the West" is being postponed. Since the release of the first trailer on YouTube last month, we have worked hard to go above and beyond your expectations. New developments to be covered in the film include the recent raids in San Diego, harvest season in the Emerald Triangle, an indoor growroom in Southern California, Marc Emerys arrest in Canada, and also some special surprises that have yet to be filmed. Keep watching for more info and spread the word - we need your help to free the weed!

Safe Access for americans, and every other nation.

Enough of the poison forced down our throats by big pharma. whose only concern is your money, Not our well being.

Legalize Nature.
Legalize Real Medicine.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Interesting. I'm not surprised if Alex Jones is in a serene mood considering the calming subject matter.

I'm not exactly a pro-weed fellow but If there's any form of drug that the government should ban then it should be alcohol and cigarettes and not MJ even if I went back to smoking cigarettes after more than a week of quitting.

Bill Hicks has essentially summed the whole MJ thing during the 80s. Taxes.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by Unregistered]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Thanks for the link.
Long live ganja!

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 01:49 PM

Interesting. I'm not surprised if Alex Jones is in a serene mood considering the calming subject matter.

I'm not exactly a pro-weed fellow but If there's any form of drug that the government should ban then it should be alcohol and cigarettes and not MJ even if I went back to smoking cigarettes after more than a week of quitting. Bill Hicks has essentially summed the whole MJ thing during the 80s. Taxes.

I agree,
and it really shows the agenda of those in control.
"Allow the things that kill people everyday, to be legal and available to anyone"
"As long as we can tax it, and make a "killing" (pun intended) off of it, It's a GO"

But real medicine, that actually heals people and creates a better way of living for billions.. that they can produce on their own without any form of government or industry in the picture, is a NO.

So, Bottom line~
If it is poison, kills you, and makes corporations money~ GO FOR IT!

If it is natural, and actually works and heals people, but "We can't profit from it".

Forced vaccinations and medical "treatment"~
That's cool~
But don't you dare consume the flower of this plant!

Thanks for the link. Long live ganja!

No problem,
Thanks for the support.

Long live Freedom~
Long live Health~
Legalize Nature.~
Mans true wealth. lol

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 08:26 PM
Here is another good one by Kevin Booth.
"American Drug War, The last White Hope"

Lots of exposure on the biggest drug gang in the world.
the CIA.

Google Video Link

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 10:23 PM
I'm always on the look-out for a good documentary, thanks for posting!! I'll give it a watch tonight...


For any Fox News fan (Oliver North), anyone who believes the War on Drugs has merit, anyone who believes the government ISN'T running drugs... this documentary will shatter your current paradigm.

As much as I try and talk to people on a regular basis about the truth behind the drug war, it is the going ons that are talked about in that documentary as to why in my heart of hearts, as much as I never want to admit it, I will die before cannabis becomes legal.

It has nothing to do with political or social talking points... it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that our very government IS RUNNING the black market drug trade.

It's THEIR coin to make, no one elses. Taxes from drug sales would be unimaginable, sure.... but it's going to take a metaphorical nuclear bomb for our government and alphabet soup agencies to give up on that cash cow of off the books funding.

You certainly can't fund a coup of a democratically elected leader of a foreign nation and put it on the credit card bill.... instead, you seize millions, if not billions, from those who don't play for you and combine it with the billions that are coming to the top from those that DO play for you. We are talking about an insane amount of funding here... that "legally" doesn't exist in any official government budget.

They're playing chess and the public's playing checkers... they get away with these things, and the public goes on about their day... probably complaining that their iPhone just dropped their call

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Actually, IN CANADA, we have a program of Medicinal Marijuana that allows you, if authorized, to grow your own. Now if you have cancer and use chemotherapy, hope it will not take 7 months to get your approval.

A friend of mine who will suffer back pain all his life have a possession permit for medical use. I couldn't believe it when he showed me his invoice for pot purchase, not cheap though, and add the taxes. He went back to his old provider but kept the permit.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:38 PM
Good video, thanks for posting. I didn't realize this was the same guys that made American Drug War(didn't read the thread until I watched the flick). Those are two damn good docs.

I showed this to a friend. After a half hour or so he got pissed and walked out. I had a laugh at that as it wasn't me this time, cursing and screaming about one injustice or another.

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