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Has the material Starlite become classified?

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posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:59 AM
I'm sure that starlite should be cheap after all I thought Maurice Ward made it out of ingredients he had lying about in his hair salon (and maybe a few bits from home). Considering how you can find almost always find something about anything on the web (even if its just speculation) the lack of material on the web about such a potentially useful product is interesting.

I also saw it on Tomorrows World (now defunct BBC science program), the egg was painted with whats now called starlite and left for the length of the show (30 minutes at least) in the flame from a blowtorch and when cracked at the end of the program it was still completely raw. As I recall the program was live so no trick photography.

[edit on 23-10-2004 by lugonn]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 04:25 PM
1) Starlite is a revolutionary material (made out of 21 secret ingredients!) able to withstand temperatures of 10000�C/18000�F ... nearly twice as hot as the surface of the sun ...

2) Speaking of AeroGel (as previously mentioned in this forum)-- did damaged AeroGel tiles, OR, Megalightning destroy NASA's last Shuttle? (or perhaps Scalar Energy 'terrorism' ???)

---> PLUS

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:40 AM
That man should be awarded a Nobel Prize. Amagine how it may be used... We can take alot of beef off of our space shuttles with that, we could replace the ceramic coats with a small layer of this.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:58 AM
Interesting how little this technology has been to develop, given the amount of time it has been out in the world. If this was applied to spacecraft it could save money,time and lives!

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Sigma
Interesting how little this technology has been to develop, given the amount of time it has been out in the world. If this was applied to spacecraft it could save money,time and lives!

Don't forget wieght, with this they could reduce the wieght of the craft and increase the amount of cargo being shiped into the upper atmosphere. Firefighters, police, the military, and of coarse oil companys would love this. I think this would be useful on the new scram jet too.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 03:25 PM

Article from a few months back about another guy who figured out the starlite formula. He calls it firepaste though.


Found another article about fire paste. Looks like nasa plans on using it on the X-43A.

edit again

Forgot to include the link to the article

Here's a video showing fire paste being used and talking about it.

[edit on 19-12-2004 by tebyen]

[edit on 19-12-2004 by tebyen]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:21 PM
Thanks for the news update SecretAss_sassin
. I voted for you on the Way Above award. I have been wondering how fragile Starlite may be if it could be sprayed onto a surface. I'm wondering if projectiles can easily break through it which would allow high heat to easily penetrate through the holes or if this material can withstand projectiles when sprayed onto a hard surface.

I was just imagining a large group of houses withstanding the heat from a nuclear attack but then getting destroyed by debris. Spraying Starlite on a hard tank might be interesting to see how well it could withstand heat and projectiles.

I imagine the military already knows all this and more with either 10 years of research and/or use of this substance.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight
That man should be awarded a Nobel Prize. Amagine how it may be used... We can take alot of beef off of our space shuttles with that, we could replace the ceramic coats with a small layer of this.

faddinglight- You're absolutely right (no 'punny' rhyme intended
... Starlite's inventor (U.K.'s Maurice Ward) does indeed deserve a Nobel Prize! There are Soooo many people, products, & industries that would benefit greatly from such brilliant technology!!

Too bad he's so secretive about Starlite (won't even give samples), but such caution is understandable since he's just trying to find ways to monetize his invention without BigBiz, Gov'ts, & others 'stealing' (a.k.a. 'redesigning', 'repurposing', 'reformulating', etc) it OR otherwise bypassing him & his well deserved compensation.

Though, (SADLY!) as soon as his first products begin shipping- those greedy/unscrupulous people (those I swimmingly call, "bass-turds") will just analyze Starlite & find ways to reverse-engineer & produce it for themselves (under different brand names of course!)...

Dew-Pont (name intentionally mispelled) is one company-- among others-- notorious for doing such unethical/illegal things.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SecretAss_sassin

Originally posted by faddinglight
That man should be awarded a Nobel Prize. Amagine how it may be used... We can take alot of beef off of our space shuttles with that, we could replace the ceramic coats with a small layer of this.

faddinglight- You're absolutely right (no 'punny' rhyme intended
... Starlite's inventor (U.K.'s Maurice Ward) does indeed deserve a Nobel Prize! There are Soooo many people, products, & industries that would benefit greatly from such brilliant technology!!

Too bad he's so secretive about Starlite (won't even give samples), but such caution is understandable since he's just trying to find ways to monetize his invention without BigBiz, Gov'ts, & others 'stealing' (a.k.a. 'redesigning', 'repurposing', 'reformulating', etc) it OR otherwise bypassing him & his well deserved compensation.

Though, (SADLY!) as soon as his first products begin shipping- those greedy/unscrupulous people (those I swimmingly call, "bass-turds") will just analyze Starlite & find ways to reverse-engineer & produce it for themselves (under different brand names of course!)...

Dew-Pont (name intentionally mispelled) is one company-- among others-- notorious for doing such unethical/illegal things.

Is it legal for him to pick who he wants to sell goods to? (Its likely not, I think) Are there any nations/states which allow a person to do this? (sp?).

That man really needs to save his schematics some where, what if he gets in a, "accident."

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by tebyen

Article from a few months back about another guy who figured out the starlite formula. He calls it firepaste though.

Found another article about fire paste. Looks like nasa plans on using it on the X-43A.

Here's a video showing fire paste being used and talking about it.

tebyen- Thanks for posting your research info & links! I've been aware of Troy & his inventions for some time, but others may not.

He's amazing & like Maurice Ward is an amateur inventor. Troy has already rcv'd one 1998 Nobel Prize!!!... albeit for his legendary (& now cult-status) anti-grizzlybear-suit "Project Grizzly" AND has most recently been in the media for his new inexpensive anti-blast material(s) that resist powerful ammunition and explosive blasts! 'Fire Jeep' (anti-blast cushion) video OR direct media link 'Fire Jeep' (anti-blast cushion) video

fyi- Would imagine his new anti-blast material(s) are variant/derivative of Firepaste.

However, there are important differences between Starlite vs Firepaste:

1) Starlite is a relatively clear, paint-like, 'plastic'-ish [epoxy?] material;

2) Starlite's an extremely heat-resistant material-- even when applied in very thin coatings... i.e.- think thickness of 1 sheet paper or 1 coat paint/varnish; by contrast, Firepaste must be applied in fairly thick amounts with longer curing, drying durations; therefore, Starlite has better ratio of thermal/btu resistance & heat deflection per gram of material compared to Firepaste/mud;

3) Starlite requires less curing/drying time-- while Firepaste requires MANY hours-to-day(s); which, therefore, may result in higher production costs than Starlite; though without knowing all the ingredients of Starlite vs Firepaste- it's difficult to speculate actual overall production costs for either;

4) All of which means Starlite is extremely light-weight without sacrificing thermal resistance, but Firepaste is likely more impact resistant due to its composition & thickness... however, firepaste is also remarkably light due to thousands of tiny [empty? similar to Aerogel?] air sacks/bubbles/pockets perhaps created by one secret ingredient he recently revealed... diet Coke!; therefore, the micro-bubbles/pockets in Firepaste could be created by carbon dioxide released from soda during the mixing/combining process &/or during curing/baking process; ALSO- Starlite may be more 'flexible'/bendable (like some plastics), but Firepaste is NOT (think- brick or smelting crucible);

5) Firepaste is non-toxic, environmentally-friendly (biodegradable), even edible, and, doesn't appear to emit any toxic particles or gases/fumes when heated; uncertain about Starlite material, but suspect it may be more toxic than Firepaste especially under extreme heat;

Here are other links & interesting sites about Troy & inventions...

+ Since Troy's based in Canada, Discovery-Canada's "Daily Planet" sci-tech news show has done several interviews... but don't bother with their site's search engine as 'hurtubise' (no quotes) returns NO hits (silly folks- why bother having 'search' feature if it doesn't find info that's proven to be there?!!?!?!); try this Google Search instead---THANKS Google!!!

+ HotAIR - IG NOBEL FOLLOW-UP -- Troy, Oil, and the Balance of Power this link also discusses Troy's experience(s) with "Gov't Agents, Black Ops, etc" &/or "Industrial Espionage"... WOW- no wonder Maurice Ward (starlite inventor) is nervously cautious as it's enough to make ANYone seriously 'paranoid' !!!... as are so many other inventors, especially since many seem to die or disappear under mysterious/suspicious circumstances not long after announcing their inventions.

+ troy hurtubise | welcome to

+ IG NOBEL UPDATE-- Flameproof Troy

+ Info about Firepaste & other Coool stuff note: info relating to Troy is near bottom of this interesting page

+ Flame-proof

+ Google Search- Troy Hurtubise


[edit on 28-12-2004 by SecretAss_sassin]

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:51 AM
Thanks, orionthehunter!

You're probably correct... would imagine Starlite is much more easily damaged & penetrable due to its composition & thin application. This may be why gov't lost interest because a few specs of dust at the speeds they'll be travellin (both craft & debris)-- Starlite likely wouldn't be viable for those SPECIFIC applications;

BUT-- there are soooo many other ways it (& firepaste) COULD be used!

It would be interesting to see what happens when Starlite is applied OVER Firepaste or in alternating layers... OR combinations thereof with Troy's anti-blast material, too!

Unless the gov't/military aquired some unauthorized Starlite samples, I doubt they know much about its composition or ingredients... yet, with their resources- bet they could (illegally) aquire such OR otherwise speculate quite well given the public info already known to date.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by faddinglight
Is it legal for him to pick who he wants to sell goods to? (Its likely not, I think) Are there any nations/states which allow a person to do this? (sp?).

That man really needs to save his schematics some where, what if he gets in a, "accident."

faddinglight- It's HIS invention, therefore, he dictates all terms for sale &/or license, and, why shouldn't he????

Haven't heard of anyone suing or being able to sue if someone refuses to sell or negotiate fairly... but surprised some clever 'slacker' hasn't thought of this angle before now.

Would imagine that if 'reasonable' offers were made, and yet refused, there could be some grounds for legal recourse... but would be a seriously 'long' shot.

Yeah-- hope this guy has some encrypted schematics, lab notes, or some thing to pass onto his surviving heirs/benefactors! However, given sufficient time, someone else will likely figure it out... since it's already known that it CAN be done!

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:33 AM
I could be wrong but I was under the impression Maurice Ward had made a deal with NASA or some part of the US government. I don't know whether this is true or not but I was speculating that a deal probably has already been made to suit Maurice Ward's satisfaction. However I really don't know for sure. I just can not imagine that someone would turn down a government agency with billions to spend when they wanted to make a deal. I know I would have made a deal by now with 10 years having gone by since I first heard about this.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 02:30 PM
AMAZING! I remember reading about this when the duster went up but I had no idea it was so... weird looking when not packed in to the craft.

Crazy stuff.

And I mean.. this starlite stuff.. why arn't chemists all over the world raiding their bathroom cabinates trying to duplicate this stuff?

I mean.. this guy.. he has no background in chem (as far as I can tell).. what was he trying to do in the first place? Create something that would hold hair all day even in the summer (I'm not exactly sure what I would concider the bigger breakthrough )?

We need (both products) immediately! There should be a freeking LAW in place long ago.. that makes holding off products that could save lives right away in order to make a proffit. I'm not saying that people shouldn't benifit from their work, but.. okay.. this guy should just be given a credit card that is good anywhere in the world at any time with an unlimited limit on it that never needs to be paid back.. thats it and that is all he gets. WE.. all get the product RIGHT NOW and start saving lives with it.


"Screw you and your intentions, Scorp. I do not eat at the kiddie table. Now you either give me the big toys, or you send me home."

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 08:05 PM
It is amazing how long this product has been in development with little to no press. I get a bad feeling that we will probably never see this product in the day of light. I e-mailed the company with a query regarding the current status, but I don't have much hope for a reply.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:49 PM

Just another example of the wasteful nature of both corporate and military secrecy.

These things should be benifitting mankind not turned into exotic weapons!!


posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:32 AM
I can't help but wonder if the reason this stuff disappeared is due to something as simple as lack of interest. Maybe after looking into the product at greater depth, many drawbacks were discovered severely limiting the applications it could be used for. Who knows?

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Wow he replied! Anyways here is the response I got from Starlite:

"Thanks for your inquiry.

I am working with Mr. Ward to obtain a grant from Congress to set up his country in the U.S. NASA is interested in testing Starlite as a possible replacement for the heat shield. We also have interest from the University of Texas.

You can monitor the web site for updates.

Chris Bennett


Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:05 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Starlite Technologies Inquiry


I have been following the Starlite saga for awhile now and I am interested in how the technologies are developing. There has been no news about the substance for a number of years and people are beginning to wonder if it went "black", as such a technology should now be used in a number of product from spaceshuttles to firefighter gear! If you have any new info I would like to hear it, thanks! BTW have you ever thought about doing and interview?


It appears they are still trying to get it developed. I can only guess they ran into problems when they were attempting to come to market...

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 12:31 AM
I'm still wondering why would it take so many years to make a deal on a revolutionary product with such potential. Just making a few percent royalty cut in a new multi-billion dollar product market would be more than enough money for even most millionares in my opinion. I can just imagine coating vinyl siding with a Starlite spray and my home heating/cooling bill drops in half. Then I spray it in the attic and other places and my bill drops a bit more. Multiply that savings across the world. Seems like a potential billion dollar market. I hope one of the development problems was not that someone forgot a couple of ingredients. If a product does get developed, I can imagine years of environmental and safety studies on it before it gets approved for home use. If it doesn't burn or emit any fibers or particles though, maybe it could get approved fast.

I find myself daydreaming of uses for this product. If you could imbed Starlite into the metal for certain car parts and achieve much higher and more efficient burn temperatures for gasoline, you might achieve a dramatic increase in gas mileage. However, I really don't know.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 04:12 AM
Since I have actually been able to contact a member of the Starlite company, I am going to try and get him on this site. Hopefully if I can convice him, he will do a Q&A about the Starlite material(nothing proprietary ofcourse) and perhaps give us some insights as to what this material can do for the products and when he expects it to come out.

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