Originally posted by J.Clear
So, eh, FAIL?
And I don't agree with your conclusion.
Me thinks the Youtube video will speak for itself.
On a technical note as to the original question
of can a Neural Net make High Quality Multimedia Content?
The basic answer is currently: NO.
However the one caveat I have to add....is that since I didn't
hear "A Cacophonic Splooge of White Noise" I must counter
that YES computers can at least EDIT audio files on
an autonomous basis....BUT...is the result high quality?
I agree in your statement of: *** FAIL ***
....BUT.....Think of what happened....!!!!
a) A professional-quality mainstream-media song was
drag & dropped onto a grid-network icon.
b) Without interference or modification by a human operator,
A song was split apart into chunks, distributed to various
workstations connected together on an el-cheapo network.
Then a series of computer-driven decisions was made to
figure out what the audio waveforms constitute in terms of
what is foreground vocals, what is background instrumentals,
what was the physical size of the original acoustic environment,
what types of special effects or reverberation were added
to the original mix?
A secondary set of decisions was made how to convert a series
of extraneous spoken-word audio waveforms into a format that
closely matches the original inflections, timings and spacing of
a comparison waveform made up of speech-recognized SUNG
words cut out from background audio.
A tertiary set of decisions was made on how to remix the
cut out background with the modified new vocal track
taking into account the original artistic intent of the
old vocals. An output file was created in a desired
musical format playable on many systems without
any other user action or direction.
c) The key point is that I did not have to do ANYTHING other than
create an initial set of database rules-of-thumb on what
constitutes good audio vs. bad audio.
So if you look at it from this perspective, I'll say that while the
test itself FAILED to achieve the STATED GOAL....the fact that
SOME of the sub-goals did in fact get to a certain level of
achievement is a worthy achievement in itself.
I need to learn to crawl before I can walk and then
learn to walk before I can run....It's only a matter
of TIME until YOU will be able to create your own high-quality
autonomously-made multimedia content from user-defined
parameters using an INEXPENSIVE consumer-level neural net!
I am just adding the explanation video track to the audio
so that Youtube will allow me to keep the test file uploaded
on a more-or-less permanent basis under educational
FAIR USE doctrines. I kinda hate getting cease & desist
letters from copyright holders by uploading technically
copyrighted materials.
So that should be done in a few days. The video portion
will also explain quite fully WHAT was done and HOW it was
done which should give you technical experts something
tasty to chew on in terms of creating YOUR OWN multimedia
content creation software.