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Maurice Strong on climate 'conspiracy', Bilberberg and population control

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posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 05:46 AM
Maurice F. Strong is a Canadian businessman. He is an entrepreneur, environmentalist, and one of the world’s leading proponents of the United Nations's involvement in world affairs.

He is also the same Maurice Strong who brought about the Earth Charter - an international declaration of fundamental values and principles considered useful by its supporters for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.

The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.” - Maurice Strong, Interview with Earth Council March 5, 1998

The following are extracts from an interview with The Guardian newspaper:

A common cry among your critics is that you are a socialist, a communist. Your links to China and North Korea give rise to that view with some. This, they argue, is all part of some secret agenda to create a totalitarian, unelected world government. Is this something you recognise? Are you – or have you ever been – a communist?

I've certainly never been a communist. [Laughs.] It doesn't mean that I don't look critically at all systems. The capitalist system has proved itself not able to deal with all of society's problems. In terms of socialism, yes, I've been accused of that. My belief is that the purpose of economic life is to meet the social needs of people. My kids sometimes ask me: "Are you a socialist or a capitalist?" I'm a socialist only in the sense that I believe that the purpose of economic life is to meet the social needs of people. I'm a capitalist in that I believe that's the best way to do so. Capitalism is not an end in itself but a means of creating and managing wealth to help meet social objectives. To me some people define socialism as the ownership of enterprises by governments on behalf of society. Well, sometimes that is very necessary. In Canada, we've never had a socialist government at the federal level, but we've had state corporations, or what we call crown corporations. There are times when every government has state involvement in the economy. In the US, take a look at the single biggest industry – the defence industry. It is very much state-controlled. I believe that the government is actually a very poor owner of enterprise. I've run enterprises in Canada that were owned by government and never believed that government was the best owner of enterprise.

Some of your critics claim that you are part of a shadowy elite who gather together and work out how to run the world. Your name has been linked to the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, and, with your connection to the Rothschilds on the record, the "Jewish banking conspiracy". What are your connections to these groups?

I have got lots of connections, but they're not among them. I've never been a member of the Bilderberg. I don't have any special relationship with the Rothschilds. I knew Edmund Rothschild at one stage. He's passed away now, but was a very creative fellow who took an interest in Canada. I don't think I've ever done a piece of business with the Rothschilds. I've been on various foundations: the Rockefeller Foundation, and I worked with Ted Turner in helping him to set up the UN Foundation. But I got off most of those things because I got a little older and attending all the formal meetings was difficult physically because I've had health problems. What was the other one?

Illuminati - a group that has its origins in 17th Century Bavaria and is said to be planning a new world government.

[Laughs] Well, I've certainly never had any contact with anyone from that organisation, or that I knew was connected to that group. Maybe someone I knew had a connection with it, but I certainly don't have any relationship with it. And I'm not in favour of a world government, as I've said. It's not even feasible. I do believe that governments have to work together. That's one of things that really concerns me about the future. I really do believe that our future is in doubt.

Your name is often associated with terms such as eugenics and population control. What is your definitive position on the human population? Do we need to radically reduce the number of people on this planet? If so, how?

There is no question that growth in the world population has increased the pressures on the Earth's resources and life-support systems. Now that doesn't mean that the Earth can't support this number of people. There are much more stringent and disciplined ways of supporting the increase in population. The increase in population is occurring today mostly in countries without the resources to look after these populations. China's one-child policy is not a perfect policy by any means, but, on the other hand, how do you control growth in your population?

The full interview is available here.

This is a man who wields massive power within the UN and all over the world - including China and North Korea. He is rumoured to be a Club of Rome member, a Bilderberger and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Just a brief look through his literature it become painfully clear that he is all for a one world system of governance - one that will rise out of the persistant need for nation co-operation via global warming issues.

The survival of civilization in something like its present form might depend significantly on the efforts of a single man," declared The New Yorker. The New York Times hailed that man as the "Custodian of the Planet." He is perpetually on the short list of candidates for Secretary General of the United Nations. This lofty eminence? Maurice Strong, of course. Never heard of him? Well, you should have. Militia members are famously worried that black helicopters are practicing maneuvers with blue-helmeted UN troops in a plot to take over America. But the actual peril is more subtle. A small cadre of obscure international bureaucrats are hard at work devising a system of "global governance" that is slowly gaining control over ordinary Americans' lives. Maurice Strong, a 68-year-old Canadian, is the "indispensable man" at the center of this creeping UN power grab. -

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth [environment] comes from the actions of the rich countries?… So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 12:48 PM
More on Strong:

In 1990, Strong told a reporter a fantasy scenario for the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland - where 1,000 diplomats, CEOs and politicians gather "to address global issues."

Strong, naturally, is on the board of the World Economic Forum.

"What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?"

That's Strong talking, but those are Blofeld's words coming out. But this is no fictitious Bond movie villain speaking - it is the man who chaired the Rio Earth Summit and who is Kofi Annan's senior adviser.

"This group of world leaders forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse," continued Strong, warming to his fantasy. "It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodities and stock markets. They've engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world's stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the leaders at Davos as hostage. The markets can't close..."

Strong catches himself. "I probably shouldn't be saying things like this." -

Club of Rome member Maurice Strong, global government discussed on Glenn Beck

Maurice Strong at root of Global Warming Scam

This is the man who believes that we should have a licence to have children as discussed in this 1972 BBC interview...

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