posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott
Hey Grady,
I think sometimes they or whoever "they" really are, (the one's controlling everything) just "allow" things to happen, so they can justify
sending in the goons. This is meant to shake us Canadians up and get us used to the idea that protesting and protesters are always violent, cause
disturbances, etc, and we need to step up our security and so they can justify spending almost 1 billion dollars for security. Which is unheard of in
Canada. We are one of the most passive peeps around for the most part. So when our gov tells us that they are spending almost the same amount of
money on these meetings, that they did in the Olympics in Vancouver, they have to justify it somehow, or there would be public outcry.
so send in some black dressed dudes that u can't make an id on, leave a couple cars available, no cops anywhere in sight in the busiest area of
toronto. Then of course the MSM's only story about the whole weekend was about the vandalism downtown TO, and nothing covering the peaceful stuff
goin on all day.
People in Canada are choked of whats happening, but we're such a passive bunch, that we feel almost powerless to do anything about it. It's clear
our leaders do not listen to us, nor will they ever. So even writing to our mla's is such a joke. They are slowly preparing Canadians for
something. Each day more and more of our rights are infringed upon under the radar.
My grandfather's, uncles, and father must be rolling around in their graves right now seeing that all they sacrificed in ww2, is going to hell and
people are not waking up fast enough to act on it.
Peace m8
edit to fix
[edit on 20-7-2010 by eArth33lr]