posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Hi ATS Deepest One here a pleasure to be of service to you all and thanks for accepting me. Been wondering this site for nearly 6 months now. I moved
on from Unexplained-mysteries which was my previous site were i got my info from. I never started out as a deep thinker but i just knew that there was
more then meets the eye to the world. My first taste was when i was listening to a rap artist immortal technique and his music just flicked a switch
in my subconscious mind and that was my thirst for knowledge began.
My interests are well anything that i find interesting. say if there was a thread that said why sheep's go bhaaaaaaaa id take a look dun no why i
just would.
couple pointers
Spelling= Weak
Sentence structure = built like how i would say it so some babbling on
Emotions = throw anything at me wont affect me so None
Also sometimes hard to put throats into words
One last thing i spend most of my time outdoors and know everything that's going on around me play sports commute with people on the streets and
understand everyone's point of view. " kind of far fetches but can't be bothered re typing D;"
Gotta nip out would write more soz for the long read and a pleasure again