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Bill Cooper Destroyed by Don Ecker

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posted on Mar, 9 2017 @ 02:45 PM
yeah leave it to UFO nut Dock Ecker to espose someone. what a hack.

posted on Mar, 14 2017 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: loverboy13
yeah leave it to UFO nut Dock Ecker to espose someone. what a hack.

This is the real joke indeed. Well put. The OP went really out of his way to try and deface Cooper. To the point of obsessive. Must have been the alcohol.

Anyone in their right mind would turn to drinking too, if they knew the world HALF as well as Cooper.
edit on 14-3-2017 by Jungian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 06:45 PM
And OP we're supposed to believe you why? I researched and watched numerous of his speeches. All highly informative and interesting. The man predicted the 9/11 outcome. I remember when CNN intervied Osama Bin Laden and it makes sense, how can a camera crew from CNN find Osama and the country with the biggest budget in the world can't seem to locate the man? Did you actually know the man or are you just shouting out your opinion. I smell a disinfo agent...
Keep in mind there were always snakes in the truth hunt trying to disinform, William is dead. The others aren't. Alex Jones is a prime example.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Exuberant1

I don't doubt that he was a liar which might make him helpful if they wanted to leak accurate information through a source that no one would believe.

Like maybe he was actually right about Stanton Friedman and others working for the CIA or a similar organization as I went into in a re-posting of Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims?

If Stanton Friedman and many others like Linda Moulton Howe are part of a controlled disclosure effort it would explain why they make so many obvious blunders they should easily catch. Especially about the "good alien" hypotheses which makes no sense since a "good alien" that has been around for decades if not thousands of years would open up an honest line of communication.

Not complicated!

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 08:15 AM
OP is a pathetic disgrace. Bill Cooper was one of the first people I listened to, and one of the first conspiracy authors I read. Imagine ripping into a dead guy? Perhaps you chose to do it because you know in death he is more of a man than you and anything you are related to will ever be.

What a repugnant dotarded OP

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Exuberant1

ALL of your links are 404 for me and or leading to other sites... WTH?

Ok having PERSONALLY KNOWN William Cooper from back in the day, just get a sinking feeling about your OP.

Wow. HIstory writes itself in the absence of truth.

posted on Jul, 9 2018 @ 03:59 AM
Long running thread - But is it a fair testament to William "Bill" Cooper

Who, if nothing else, was probably one of the most interesting radio talk show hosts of the 1990s.
- And probably the most 'disturbing' talk show hosts ever.

"The Rise And Fall Of William Cooper — The King Of Conspiracy Theories"
By Kara Goldfarb, Published February 28, 2018

"William Cooper was the conspiracy theorist to trump all conspiracy theorists. But the multitude of theories he spouted didn't make him less credible in the eyes of conspiracy lovers. Rather, it made him all the more revered".

"If believing in conspiracy theories was a faith, Milton William Cooper could be considered a leader of that religion. 1988 was the year Milton William Cooper first made a splash on conspiracy theory scene. By appearing on radio programs and public access shows, he added a fresh take to theories that already existed by expanding them to include government and extraterrestrial involvement. When Cooper first came about, there was little known of his education and his background was mysterious. Information that was known on Cooper came from the man himself: he served in the U.S Army and served as naval intelligence for the Air Force until he was discharged in 1975. It was with his alleged background that made him privy to documents connecting the government to extraterrestrial involvement".

"The revelations made waves. But it was the release of his infamous 1991 book, Behold A Pale Horse , that catapulted him to legendary status within conspiracy theory circles. He recounted the claims he made a few years back, elaborating on them and incorporating crucial documents. If you were looking for a comprehensive chronicle of current conspiracy theories expanded on, detailed explanations of new ones, and the melding of several old ones, Behold A Pale Horse ticked all the boxes. It was, if you will, a super-conspiracy theory book................".

See whole article here:

Good-by William "Bill" Cooper - You gave your life to prove something

Did you prove it?
- Is there a huge long running conspiracy controlling the world

edit on 9-7-2018 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2018 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Jungian

why should people turn to drink just because they know more than most.
I don't drink and I've been involved in some proper mad stuff,
I do smoke weed and that's to slow my brain down also smoking marijuana depletes the liver of nutrients and that makes us angry, I'm a pain when I'm angry

posted on Jul, 9 2018 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: yeshuaislord

William is dead. The others aren't. Alex Jones is a prime example.

They have tried to kill me loads of times, anyone telling the truth is a target David Icke works for them, hidden in plain site means they have to tell us the truth, think about how many people did not listen to a thing he said once he said he was the son of god this left him free to tell the world what was really going on look how many things he has since got right.
Ben Fulford is being used to tell the truth and tell lies at the same time I'm not convinced there are any good guys genuinely fighting what is going on what with all the negotiations with the catholic church who are the central driving force behind all of this evil, worshipping roman saturnalia.
Qanon is another one who is watering down the truth I have found quite a few deliberate mistakes in what Q is saying to detract from the genuine families who are ruling this planet
Q said it was the catholics and then distorted the truth about how much money the catholic church have in their 1 bank which only equated to 1 years tax donation from the American IRS what happened to all the other countries the catholics have taken control of and that they are the biggest land owners on the planet
The 3 families that run this planet control all the prostitutes yet Q gave 3 different names this is why the governments that the catholics have overthrown

It would be interesting to find one of Alex's friends pre 1999 to confirm that the Alex we see today is the real Alex as there is a story that Jones was cloned and they did actually kill him in 1999.
They do do this stuff Fox news put a ticker across its screen and announced Hilary Clinton had died when she was campaigning.
Murdoch at least for the British Government and the Aussie one is the official mouthpiece of the state if he is Americas then the hilary we see now is a clone and murdochs closeness to the rothschilds through other extremely lucrative businesses would imply he is.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 04:09 PM
you may want to believe that Bill Cooper was a liar, and if he may have been wrong regarding some issues, and to be wrong is different than to lie, he told the truth 2 months before 9/11 false flag attack.

perhaps you also still believe the 9/11 PsyOps, with 19 non-existent hijackers besides from being patsies for the media and the FBI, with the non-proved 4 planes hijacked planes.

perhaps you also believe that steel beam can melt jetfuel. why not? why steel beams couldn't melt jetfuel?

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 12:49 PM
Cooper was a grade A nutball.

However, because he was pretty front and center once upon a time, SOME folks actually sent him some GOOD info to disseminate.

In such cases, you don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.....

for example, the info pointing out how mass shootings would be used to further gun control/outlaw efforts was amazing, as were other tidbits (but these came from others, submitting them to Cooper).

Not too long ago he (Lear) was a regular member here on ATS. It's a good bet he's reading this thread and itching to post.

Far more likely that he's still here under a different name. We've certainly had members who were in the public eye (or are), but that did not use their actual names. (and no, I'm not divulging any that I know of personally....though I think they've since changed names anyhow...)
edit on 1-11-2018 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 04:06 AM
Quotes by the late William Copper:

“Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“To cling to the past is guaranteed suicide. To remain apathetic is assured enslavement. To learn the truth and then act on it is the only means of survival at this moment.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer the solutions.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum. Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system. (1) Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth. (2) Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in a form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide. The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“There is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. — President Woodrow Wilson”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

“unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media — especially the T.V. and the newspapers.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

A 'nut job' you say ? - Or was William Cooper the most dangerous Man on earth?

The last sane Man in the asylum of the damned that the Earth may be turning into

- Is that why they killed William Cooper ???

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 05:26 AM
Bill was clearly a man with issues but through the fog of that he did have some valid points which made allot of sense.

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 05:26 AM
Bill was clearly a man with issues but through the fog of that he did have some valid points which made allot of sense.

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 09:04 AM
Yes, though they were typically the result of others, not him personally. In a way, he's like Alex Jones....some good actual info has come from him through sources, but it's just a small nugget of gold in a very dirty river of BS.

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 09:20 AM

- Is that why they killed William Cooper ???

They "killed" him because at the time, he was more of a militia nut, and he shot at the cops when they tried to arrest him, in a standoff. Its hardly a "hit" or mysterious assassination.

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Exuberant1

Personally, I didn’t like Cooper’s demeanor. But I have always given him props on his expose of Bin Laden and his documented prediction of the 9-11 attack. Not the date, but the method which was used months before it happened.

posted on Nov, 2 2018 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Gazrok

- Is that why they killed William Cooper ???

They "killed" him because at the time, he was more of a militia nut, and he shot at the cops when they tried to arrest him, in a standoff. Its hardly a "hit" or mysterious assassination.

Militia nut? - Probably some truth to that, at least, and in many ways a nut - And because of his big audience, on the radio,
internet, and readers - 'They' considered him dangerous.

He sometimes acted like he was the 'big boss' of a huge patriotic group who might rise up in arms if he were to say so.
Obviously his ego was much bigger than than the truth.

But I queston his death - Why did they come on to his property in the middle of the night and create a disturbance
when thy knew the would come out armed? A pure and clear set-up.

They had no intention of just arresting ?Bill Cooper and bringing him in alive - His death was planned

edit on 2-11-2018 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2019 @ 08:13 AM
Bill Cooper's radio show programs are pretty much all available online now, including several where he details his military career, one where he addresses pretty conclusively the charges of alcoholism, and of course the one where he utterly destroys Ecker as a fraud beyond any reasonable doubt. I don't agree with all of Cooper's conclusions, but he always provided the data that led him to his conclusions so that a person could disagree intelligently. Anyone that goes so far to discredit Bill Cooper at this point as being illegitimate or fraudulent instantly gets a downgrade i credibility as far as I'm concerned. He never tried to make anybody believe anything.

posted on May, 31 2020 @ 01:20 AM

Bill was clearly a man with issues but through the fog of that he did have some valid points which made allot of sense.

You mean, "a lot"? It's simple english.

About what you said, well - disinformation works better than lies.

When you add a little bit of truth here and there to lies, it becomes instantly more credible, and seems to make more sense - hence, it's easier to swallow and blindly believe. Also, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

To me, Cooper, Jones and Icke are all equally 'credible'.

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