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My 'vampire bite' -pretty disturbing.

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Shouldn't this be in the "Gray Area"??

Anyways, I say it was probably a dream or something. Vampires aren't real...I hate how everyone is obsessed with them now over this Twilight crap.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Sorry, if someone bit your neck that would feel much stronger than "a pinch". Not to mention the bite would cause a great deal of bleeding that a glass of Jack would not help.

Come back when you have something real to post.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by tsi1991awd
Shouldn't this be in the "Gray Area"??

Anyways, I say it was probably a dream or something. Vampires aren't real...I hate how everyone is obsessed with them now over this Twilight crap.

It seems a lot of you are obsessed with Twilight, I don't see what the hype is about myself! Never seen any of it, never will.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Lucifersjester

She didn't say he looked human.

Why are people assuming the OP is a Twilight Fan, when if you read her post, it sounds nothing like Twilight.

If it was a fantasy inspired by the series, the guy would have glittered, been amazingly good-looking, and also a closet homosexual.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by State of Mind
reply to post by Lucifersjester

She didn't say he looked human.

Why are people assuming the OP is a Twilight Fan, when if you read her post, it sounds nothing like Twilight.

If it was a fantasy inspired by the series, the guy would have glittered, been amazingly good-looking, and also a closet homosexual.

hahaha thats complete win!
I absolutly hate Twilight, I'd rather go through being alien abducted/bitten/chewed by whatever I saw that night than watch any of these stupid movies. People here seem to have made their minds up that I am some silly insecure kid with nothing better to do than cook up crap on the internet. To say we are supposed to be seeking the truth, there are some VERY closed minds on ATS.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by The Chez
hahaha thats complete win!
I absolutly hate Twilight, I'd rather go through being alien abducted/bitten/chewed by whatever I saw that night than watch any of these stupid movies. People here seem to have made their minds up that I am some silly insecure kid with nothing better to do than cook up crap on the internet. To say we are supposed to be seeking the truth, there are some VERY closed minds on ATS.

I hated Twilight as well but that is no proof as to what happened to you. Where are the photos of this alleged bite or scars from such?

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Sanity Lost

Originally posted by The Chez
hahaha thats complete win!
I absolutly hate Twilight, I'd rather go through being alien abducted/bitten/chewed by whatever I saw that night than watch any of these stupid movies. People here seem to have made their minds up that I am some silly insecure kid with nothing better to do than cook up crap on the internet. To say we are supposed to be seeking the truth, there are some VERY closed minds on ATS.

I hated Twilight as well but that is no proof as to what happened to you. Where are the photos of this alleged bite or scars from such?

Did you even read my post? If you had, you would have read my description of it, I expect you're the sort of person who just reads the title and then gives an opinion based on one sentence.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by The Chez

I'm not going to lie, I liked the Twilight series. It was an easy, fun read. I even have a twilight shirt, that I think is fun to wear around and see people look at me like I'm crazy. I have a Harry Potter shirt and a Power Rangers shirt too though haha. But people take the book too seriously. Its not a genius work of art, and the movies sucked! The last premier i attended was preteen HELL, they were EVERYWHERE! And some aspects of the vampires in the book were pretty lame (glitter?! come on!) its easy to poke fun at. Even I tease the militant Twilight fans.

In regards to your OP, it could be sleep paralysis, it could be a demon. Who knows? I believe you, though.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by The Chez

Yes, I did read your post.

Then I felt a pinch on my neck, like someone was pinching my skin between their fingers but not digging their nails in, it was like a dull ache. It was biting me, I felt it sucking and the lot.

Sure a creature bit you leaving no wounds or at least a hickey.

Once it had gone, I could move again. My parter was at work, I was simply beside myself with fright. Now not many things frighten me, but my fear prevented me from moving, just as the 'vampire' had.

You could move again but fear prevented you from moving? You dragged yourself to the mirror didn't you?

being chewed by a vampire!

Come on, that's going to require at least first aid if not stitches.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:20 PM
In my world I call them Happypires, they are bald, pale, long fingers and have 2 pointy gummibear fangs.

Instead of sucking your blood and making you a vampire, it injects happiness and other goodies into your bloodstream.

Happypires aren't evil thechez, they are cool and friendly.

But srs, your mind played a trick on you and that's all.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 03:33 AM
Sounds like a textbook case of Sleep Paralysis to me.

Happy to help :-)

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by The Chez

Originally posted by riffraff
aliens exist. vampires do not. therefore i can only come to two logical explanations: either you are lying (easiest explanation) or you were experimented on by aliens who gave you the illusion of being fed on by a vampire. giving you the benefit of the doubt , i think you were implanted in the neck with something.
but the truth is those little grey f**kers are so far beyond our understanding we'll probably never know what's up.

Good explanation, maybe I was infact abducted (or experimented on) by a grey alien masqurading as something I woukd recognise, for example a vampire, to make sure my story would be discredited if I tried to tell people, just as a lot of you are doing here. If you're a highly evolved being, you might not want humans knowing what you're up to. I also imagine if a vampire had bitten me & fed upon me, then there would have been a wound there, some sort of mark. Aliens might have tech which would allow them to mess about with my neck and not leave a wound or any marks.

I would rather believe it was an alien experimenting on me than a succubus or something demonic like that. I'm sure the alien would have gotten a lot of useful data from me, not! Unless it wants to know about how our dinosaur computer systems tick, thats my main area of knowledge lol.

If it did implant something in my neck, I'll probably never know.

For the record I am not making this up, I cannot prove it, I do not expect you to take my word for it, but I would not come on here and lie through my teeth, not on a forum full of people seeking the truth.

the paralysis and the stench also give weight to my alien implant theory. people often claim to smell sulfur when in the presence of e.t.'s and no offense intended by implying you could be lying, its just a byproduct of taking the scenario seriously. i am giving you the benefit of the doubt

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:43 PM
do you have pictures of the bite? did you see a doctor about the bite? It could be dangerous

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Sleep with a soft light from now on, and a weapon. Preferably something small and easy to fight with in an enclosed area, next time just bust him up. Maybe try a nice hard wooden bat, about two feet long or so with silver bands tied around it. I say if there are actual vampires, there should be actual vampire hunters.

Likewise try to sleep in a room with someone else so they ca n help you out in a struggle and call for help, damn vampires, think they run the place.

[edit on 2-7-2010 by Tetrarch42]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Lay off the benadryl bud. Diphenhydramine causes some crazy A$$ realistic dreams.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 11:40 AM
GOD I've missed this place!
My 2 cents...

Sanity lost, I quote, "My neck felt tight, like two small holes had been punctured in it, I dragged myself to the mirror & there was no wound visible on my skin, but boy, it hurt like hell."

I've hurt myself plenty of times and never had bruising. Believe me on that.

Lucifers something or other, your query as to 'why the neck', a main artery runs down your neck, the aortic valve to be precise. It also runs down to your inner thigh, hence if you get sliced in either place, be sure for a quick death. It's the biggest valve pumping the most blood through that part of the body at any one time.

I love the theory of vampires, doesn't mean I think they're real. But based on Medical fact, there's your answer ;-)

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by The Chez

I agree with you! Unfortunately for some people if they can not see it or feel it, they do not believe in it. Then they tend to judge those that do. Not everyone can be open minded! I believe you personally.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:16 PM
Sounds like sleep paralysis to me.
It accounts for ALOT of alien abduction stories, and in every one, the person is unable to move from their bed because they're stuck in between awake and asleep.
It can take the form of anything really, I've had a witch once!

[edit on 6-7-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by somethingdifferent34
reply to post by The Chez

I agree with you! Unfortunately for some people if they can not see it or feel it, they do not believe in it. Then they tend to judge those that do. Not everyone can be open minded! I believe you personally.

You're being too open minded, you're believing someone was bitten by a vampire that left no mark, while they were about to fall asleep.
It's ludicrous, no offense.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Could be you were having an abduction experience and the vampire was a screen memory? I personally know someone who was abducted (whatever that is) and they did something to her neck. I think that's common among abductees. So are screen memories.

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