posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 12:33 PM
Benzene and H2S are large components of the gasses found in deadly concentration at the surface level just over the water.
Benzene has NO safe, zero,zilch. It is neurotoxic and hepatotoxic at any level and can only be detected by sampling in low
H2S is a toxic gas which kills by binding to hemoglobin thus starving the body for oxygen.
Both are deadly at levels that take DETECTION EQUIPMENT!!!
The water may be fine to look at but unless there is constant and continuous air quality monitoring I surely would stay away from sea level. both
toxins like to creep along the low lying areas and form pockets.
I have personally worked in California retrieving cattle from near well heads that outgassed H2S that had died,in the seventies and even then there
was a lot of detection equipment( the H2S alarm is how we knew where to go). main thing is those cows never knew what hit them.
Don't be a cow