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Using the Internet to Combat the Elite

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 08:47 AM
Ok, not sure what forum this should go in so mods please move if need be.

That being said... I wanted to do something pretty simple... start a facebook group that would get a large group of people to do something all on the same day to throw a wrench in "the system". considering the elite get all of their power/money from OUR slave labor, we should technically be able to do something about it. not saying it will be easy, but its 2010 and we got the internet on our side. better to try and fail then sit around and do nothing.

here are a few ideas i've had but are fairly weak, and i doubt enough people are ballsy enough to go through with it:

-getting everyone to withdraw all their money from the banks on the same day
-getting everyone to not go to work on the same day (yea right)
-getting everyone to _____?

i'm trying to find a fair balance of effectiveness and whether people will actually go through with it

so i figured i'd come to ATS for some help, considering i'm sure all of you have at least thought of this once in your life. i am aware that this is a far fetched idea but its pointless to come criticize the idea to stroke your own ego, so if you have some ideas then great, if not then go read another thread please

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:02 AM
The Elite may not be as bad as you think they are, sure they have created misery through war but if it wasn't for the likes of all wars then humans would of made themselves extinct a long time ago.

The death of a few for the constant survival of many, so please be grateful and thankful for those who have given their lives so the rest of us can live.

We have evolved a lot faster with this competitiveness but now we are on the threshold of a new civilisation where we should hopefully wake up and be more civilised and respectful not just to each other but also the planet and the universe.

If there is intelligent life watching us they may even make full contact when we have this revelation.

It was always said that the internet will destroy mankind, it probably will destroy the civilisation that we see before us but a new one will be born and it probably will not be the New World Order you are envisaging at the moment.

We therefore need a revolution although the kind of revolution I am talking about has to happen inside your head.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by dannyfal

You're gonna get a lot of booing over the suggestion of Facebook, but I think it's valid - I've got a lot of friends on there that I can easily share information with.

I couldn't honestly/ethically take part in a mass, day off work - I work in the care sector.

I like the idea of withdrawing all your money from a bank on a given day, although no doubt if people did it would rape economies that are fragile enough as it is.

I've got a suggestion and it's a good one, because you don't actually have to do anything to take part

Buy Nothing Day. Pretty much sums itself up in the title and I think it presents an interesting scenario.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by jokei

whoa thanks for the links, those look great. they even had a "digital detox week" which took place in april, i wonder how that went lol.

I like the idea of withdrawing all your money from a bank on a given day, although no doubt if people did it would rape economies that are fragile enough as it is.

but my point was kind of to rape the economy anyway... economic collapse would lead to the end of everyone's slave labor lifestyle

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

lol did u just try to convince me that the elite and war are good?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by EvilTwin666

The Elite may not be as bad as you think they are, sure they have created misery through war but if it wasn't for the likes of all wars then humans would of made themselves extinct a long time ago.

The death of a few for the constant survival of many, so please be grateful and thankful for those who have given their lives so the rest of us can live.

We have evolved a lot faster with this competitiveness but now we are on the threshold of a new civilisation where we should hopefully wake up and be more civilised and respectful not just to each other but also the planet and the universe.

So history as we know it could be veiwed as a global Great Leap Forward

An interesting if not disturbing veiwpoint.

I would like to think that our race is just ending puberty, some more slowly than others lol, and we still have a promising future despite our problems.

While some things are getting worse I believe what we and others all over the net are doing now is the begginings of something that will snowball.

I guess our veiws are similar just mine is more "glass half full" lol

As for OP, thanks mate our snowball just got a bit bigger.

I had thought about bombarding our elected reps with letters to get questions about Bilderberg asked in Parliment or trying to single out a few who may be sympathetic. This needs to go more mainstream !


posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by dannyfal
reply to post by EvilTwin666

lol did u just try to convince me that the elite and war are good?

Man needs an enemy to evolve even if we don't have one.

If it wasn't for war we would not have the internet or many of the other
luxurious and technologies we've grown accustom to.

War is also good for depopulation purposes so that YOU can live. Its not nice, but this planet aint big enough for all of us and if you were in charge you would be faced with the same dilemma.

There is method to the madness.

The sacrifice of a few for the constant survival of many.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:10 PM
The people you call 'elites' are slaves to materialism. They are slaves to the beast within mankind. In truth their nature is not much different than the animal kingdom. They just have an advanced mind. They do not care how much that they destroyed the environment, and they have given us a polluted planet. They have also done their best to program our minds to do the same thing they do because that's all they know. They are very closed-minded. The way to 'defeat' them as not by pulling your money out of a bank account - its just to forget about them and to evolve yourself spiritually. If there were billions of Tibetan Monks walking around no one would be buying their crappy products and their 'economy' would come grinding to a halt.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by dannyfal
reply to post by jokei

but my point was kind of to rape the economy anyway... economic collapse would lead to the end of everyone's slave labor lifestyle

Hey man, glad the links were of use, I think I'm going to try to bump that more on here, I'll maybe start a thread tomorrow.

Anyway, to address the part I've quoted:

I totally agree with you, it seems that with how bad society, politics and just about everything has gotten we need to start over. I've spent much time thinking about this and soul-searching too and I just can't bring myself to actively take part in the necessary destruction... that sounds awful, but there's too many people I know that would really suffer and not survive that kind of situation, I'm too much of a bleeding-heart pussy.

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