Please be patient and listen to what I have to say and then read the following quoted information. I realize that this an extremely serious and
sensitive matter (to say the very least!!). When I first saw this headline, I shook my head but went ahead and read the article anyway. I put up my
"this is BS" wall immediately, but the further I read on, and then after reading
Thread here on ATS, I wonder is this really possible? ("this" meaning the quoted article)
I searched and didn't find another thread about this exact text. I apologize in advance if it has specifically been discussed.
The 'disaster' in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a false flag; it's an illusion. What I'm about to reveal will more than likely go by the
wayside, and the charade will continue. The reason for writing this is not for attention, games, or folly, but to expose the biggest scam in the 21st
century, and to relieve some aching hearts. There is no need for fear as this is a staged event. I cannot reveal my sources, they do go straight to
the top, but hopefully what I write will echo inside of each person reading this as the truth.
Here is a link to the entire article
To be honest, I will admit that I have no idea about the validity of the source; I don't think I'm sophisticated enough to even figure it out, but I
feel that presenting it for people to read and either believe or not, to validate or tear apart is the least I can do after reading it.
In any case, we as humans - not Americans, or rich people or poor people or whatever, need to come together to figure out what to do to help with this
situation and to go forward with less dependence on fuel oil, in spite of our being enslaved to it.
My only reason for posting this is, if this is true, as many people as possible need to see this.
Mods - I hope I posted this properly, thanks.
[edit on 24-6-2010 by lel1111]
Edit to try to fix link and typos.
[edit on 24-6-2010 by lel1111]
[edit on 24-6-2010 by lel1111]