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For those who believe/think that cults etc.. are evil...

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posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Hello All

I noticed lately that there are many people who perceive cults as evil. I'm not specifically talking about this group, I belong to many other conspiracy sites and I have seen people say how evil these cults are -without knowing anything about them.

I myself used to be Wiccan. And I can say, it really is bugging when people call you a Devil Worshipper or Satanists...none of which were true. I'm not Wiccan any more because I realized that I don't feel comfortable 'worshiping' many gods and goddesses and so I'm staying spiritual.

All who think that cults are evil please re-think yourselves.

I know that there are people who were brought up to believe these cults are evil, but looking up information about them is the best way to find out, sometimes word of mouth is not best.

Also I have seen that many who have read books about politicians that use these cults for there own means in the bad sense seem to get a little point mixed up; that all those who follow a cult are evil. Actually; not all cultists are devil worshippers and those who do, do not really know the meaning of spiritualism, love and light. These 'devil worshippers' only give those who follow the cult or religion for spiritual reasons a bad name.

I will say, for the sake of the argument, that there are those who use their 'cult' or religion for evil, and I wont argue to that, After all, there will always be those bad Apples in the casket. (Meaning for those who get confused, not in a bad way of course
, meaning that there will always be the 'bad' guys/gals in every culture, religion, race, cult etc)

All in all, these cults are not evil in general; it's the people who follow them that choose to follow it in their own way, good, bad, or both.

Love and Light

[edit on 14/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:25 PM
I have been a freemason for 15 years. I have found nothing that I do not like or find uncomfortable. The people who are masons are ones that I get on with and enjoy their company and share the same outlook on society. The people who are anti freemasonary are often people who are disturbed and need medical help.

Brother Gerard

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Hello Gerard

It's good to know you enjoy being yourself!and being with those who you enjoy yourself most with
Many dont, which is sad, and those who are closed minded need to re-open their minds, I wouldn't say be sent for medical help

Love and Light

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:51 PM
When you see the people who hare freemasonary and do so with a passion that borders on bigotry. I contend that this is not normal behaviour of a healthy and rational mind.



posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
I noticed lately that there are many people who perceive Freemasonry and other cults as evil. I'm not specifically talking about this group, I belong to many other conspiracy sites and I have seen people say how evil these cults are -without knowing anything about them.

"For those who believe/think that cults inc. Freemasonry are evil..." Thank you for "cult " status, we couldn't have made it without you...

Freemasonry and other cults? "Thanks for reiterating this point so soon after your title, the "unwashed masses" are slow and sometimes our "cult status" doesn't sink in fast enough.

"I'm not specifically talking about this group" yet the only group named is... OMG... Freemasons, how convenient, named in the title, named again in the first line of your post, and referred to, but not named in the second line, could be anybody, as long as it's the Freemasons.

"I have seen people say how evil these cults are -without knowing anything about them." Yes, how true, thankfully we have a spokes(man/woman/it?)... I'll settle for "spokesit"... of your caliber, and knowledge to represent us (the Freemasons), who are completely inept, and unable to properly represent ourselves. The need to retain a delegate of your inestimable talents can only solidify the second aspect of your comment, "without knowing anything about them." Your innate wisdom, adroitly and scrupulously conveyed at your website. The meticulous misrepresentation of fact, revisionist fabrication, and deliberate attempt to besmirch the Craft is evidence enough of your true motives.

Don't call us, we'll call you...

[edit on 13/6/2004 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 03:46 PM
Mirthful Me-

I had only copied the information from another site about the freemasons, I will though re-do it when I have enough information about it.

I noticed lately that there are many people who perceive Freemasonry and other cults as evil. I'm not specifically talking about this group, I belong to many other conspiracy sites and I have seen people say how evil these cults are -without knowing anything about them.

I should re-phrase the bottom of that...

I belong to many other conspiracy sites and I have seen people say how evil these cults are -many know either some, none or wheren't told about it in detail...or so

Also, I wasn't refering to just freemasonry, it's just one idea that came to me. Okay, you don't like the cult status, fine with me, but many people call them a cult and calling it a religion may just confuse more...I'm sorry If I offended you in anyway in my post. I was merely posting that many people judge before knowing, which I think is wrong.

Sorry If I offended anyone in anyway through my post.

Love and Light

[edit on 13/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
Also, I wasn't refering to just freemasonry, it's just one idea that came to me. Okay, you don't like the cult status, fine with me, but many people call them a cult and calling it a religion may just confuse more...

Freemasonry is neither cult nor religion, it is a worldwide fraternal organization. Freemasonry is defined as a beautiful system of morals, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. It's Tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. It's Cardinal Virtues are Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice.

This would be an excellent opportunity to explore the wonder of the ATS search function. Innumerable threads have plumbed the depths of Freemasonry in the Secret Societies Forum, have fun.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Thank you, I apreciate you telling me that, I guess I was reading it wrongly too, and I'm sorry about that, I'll have too look into it more..

Love and Light

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
Thank you, I apreciate you telling me that, I guess I was reading it wrongly too, and I'm sorry about that, I'll have too look into it more..

We don't mind questions, the only "secrets" are a few "Tokens and Words" used for recognition, otherwise just ask, there's a couple of pretty smart Masons (ML, JCM, K, L, TD, et al) here (I'm the "Token" fool), oh, and there's AK, who is very helpful when he's not rambling on about mystery religions, or fox maidens, or heaven forbid: Naked Jell-O Twister... but I digress...

[edit on 13/6/2004 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:22 PM
Cool, I will definatly ask questions...but for's my bed time...ZzzZZZZzzzZZzzzZZzzzZZZzzzzZZzzz

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:45 PM
I agree with the statement made about good and bad. Within every society, religion and group etc there is those good and bad and even those who can abuse power.

However i feel the term 'cult' is a harsh word and in my opinion it does apply a satanic feel to it.

I understand your point Phoenix and yes some people are quick to judge.


posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:00 PM
A cult is defined as:
[n] a system of religious beliefs and rituals
[n] adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices

This means every religion in the world constitutes as a "cult". I think people have taking the meaning of the word "cult" wrong. When you say cult, to the average person, they probably picture druid-like people with hoods and shrouds. People fear and hate the unknown. To hate is to not fully understand. Many people dont understand it, so they just choose to hate it.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:13 PM
whats with the freekin icon showing my IP number with all the messages about the cia watching, deny ignorance, etc....fill me in, im not in on this yet. Oh, and i don't like secret societies, but i will plum the "depths" of other posts here to be filled in. So come on, why is my IP number showing up all over the place in that corny icon?

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by lily3214
whats with the freekin icon showing my IP number with all the messages about the cia watching, deny ignorance, etc....fill me in, im not in on this yet. Oh, and i don't like secret societies, but i will plum the "depths" of other posts here to be filled in. So come on, why is my IP number showing up all over the place in that corny icon?

Its a joke.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:30 PM
whos doing the joke? can you see Your IP too?

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:34 PM
lily3214: you can only see your own IP.
And feel free to u2u me if you need help or have more questions not relating to this subject.

Ok Back on topic,

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:42 PM
well, pootytang...didn't mean to change the subject...back to the subject...

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 06:42 PM
Indeed, back to the subject, Phoenix.
I also take offense at the word "cult". In our society it seems to have negative meanings, if not satanic. David Koresh (sp?), Jim Jones and the Moonies come to mind.
To lump Freemasonry and other fraternal groups is in poor taste, in my estimation.

If you're not careful, we will have another installment of the Princess Bride.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 07:16 PM
The only "bad" things I've heard about Freemasons was a theather play my teacher told me about. In the play, the actors performed an exact replica of a real Masonic ritual. The Masons got really pissed, and there haven't been much about their rites/initiations etc. in the public media. Probably because they don't want attention, or feel that their rites may seem funny to non-Masons.

That's about it. They've never done any harm to me, and I've never to them. I once spoke with a Mason on the telephone (as part of my job, I admitt), but that's as far as my conspiracies go

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:41 AM
Hello, I've edited my post for just "cults", I was wrong about the freemasons, but other than that, people are scared of what they don't know..and actually, come to think of it, many people think of the freemasons as a cult anyway...I guess that how I got myself wrong in the first place -I'm Sorry

Also, the media are the people who really take the mick out of the freemasons (not so much I haven't seen anything at all about them, but I have seen in the past, when the millenium celebrations was about in Cairo), Wicca, Pagenism, Kabbhala (sp?), Witchcraft, etc... It drives me insane..I've even seen an article a very long time ago, when I went to a buddhists house (and a lovely house it wsa indeed) and they where taking the mick and it's not even a cult and they called it that!
I really don't get the world sometimes...

I agree DontTreadOnMe, The term Cult does give a negative response, for those who may not know much about the word, which when I didn't know at all, my first thought was evil rituals, but now I know faaarrr much more than I did before...thank goodness for that.

Love and Light

[edit on 14/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]

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