reply to post by Maddogkull
now that you explained yourself a bit further, i DO know where you are coming from!
thank you!
the way i see it, labels of any kind are detrimental to the new kind of society into which mankind is inevitably involving. there is another current
thread here at ATS which illustrates my point - it is a anti-homosexuality thread started under the guise of a political agenda. you guys might know
which thread i refer to.
it speaks of the "majority" and the "minority" and i replied according to the way i feel about those kinds of labels, in truth.
if we don't label a majority, then there is no minority. and hence, no dividing line between humans and humans.
but then again, the tendency to describe and quantify seems endemic to the human mind. after all, using language, how can we identify the subject of
our conversation without labels, or names?
it all gets so complicated when it should be simple.
and then, in regard to lightworkers, specifically:
if there is light, then there is also darkness. true, light overcomes the darkness but if there is no darkness left, at all, there can be no true
perception of the light.
so, in saying that, are there not darkworkers, too?
and by that, i don't mean in the same sense as many traditional religions quantify the darkness - not "demons" et. al.
anyone who sees themselves as a lightworker should understand my point of view in saying this because the newer understanding coming to us is one of
unity - no dividing line even between "good" and "bad."
the ultimate principle of love is that all things, in the end, work toward the good.
that being said, there are still very shadowy places in this world and there are darker dimensions vibrating at a lower frequency than this one.
these are the places still over-run and ruled by fear. maybe the darkness is because of that or maybe the darkness causes that. i don't know. i do
know these places exist because i've been there - not because of fear in myself but rather because i do not fear these places or their dark ambiance
and energy.
when i go there, it is to do battle with the fear, in some way to bring the idea that there is a light to those trapped in the dark. i don't think
they are held there against their will, but just that they do not realize there is an alternative.
maybe on the ghost hunter tv programs, when they try to free spirits from earthly haunts because they are trapped, that is what they mean. i don't
know that, either. i really can only know for sure that which i have experienced, personally, and remember.
i think to be a darkworker is the same as a lightworker, as far as the ultimate goal, which is to bring all life into the light and heat of the
spiritual sun, so to speak. to the light!
whether "alive" or "dead" we all need and want the light!
the darkness is not necessarily a bad thing, either, that must be destroyed - it is the darkness which is the foundation for the light. in the
beginning it was not light but dark. then came the light. but without the darkness no light would or could have been created.
in biblical tradition, Saint Michael the Archangel is a fighter, and conqueror, of demons. and we have all heard the phrase "facing your own
surely we all have our own private demons but also humanity's demon is FEAR. also, in the bible, it is written: "Perfect love casts out fear."
Michael's love is perfect, and that is the ultimate weapon: to be able to armor one's self with perfect love, dive down deep, and embrace those who
have only known fear. the darkness must be worn outside to camouflage the light within, but the light within is what literally rescues from the
darkness. and so, in embracing those who are unloved and perhaps forgotten, light is shown into their heart, and then the are destined for the light.
it won't happen immediately; like everything else, it is a seed planted. but that seed does not die just like a tiny match flame begins to overcome a
tiny corner of darkness, so does that seed grow.
whenever i hear the phrase "ascended masters" i laugh within myself. there are also "descended masters" and they are not "fallen" or "cast
out" but rather volunteers! masters in their own right! because to master fear is to conquer all enemies beneath one's feet!