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What is a Lightworker?

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posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Hello everyone. Have you ever wondered what all this lightworker/spiritual stuff is all about? Do you think you may be a Lightworker or Starseed? This 4 minute youtube clip may have some answers for you.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by redzi0n

I know what a Lightworker is.

I understand the Big Picture of what is actually going on in the universe, and more precisely our planet.

But I can assure you that the folks who do not understand this concept will flame the living day 'light's out of this video!

If they don't ask for help, they don't need it. All awaken in their own time.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:25 PM
What is with all these labels. We are just human. There are no lightworkers out there sent here to help humanity. We are all in here together. To put a label on someone becasue they have some knowledge other people do not have is stupid.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

so to call someone a doctor is stupid?

to call someone a mathematician is stupid?

i think your just talking out your behind, trying to give some sort of opinion.

but it was a very bad opinion in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:31 PM
Without having a chance to check my records or watch the video.

I think a lightworker is supposed to be related to the 11:11 phenomena. I read alot about it years ago, but it escapes me at the moment.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:38 PM
A doctor and a mathematician are people in certain professions that help out the world. Is a light worker a profession? I do not call a mathematician Mr .Math. I would call him by his first or last name depending on the presentation. People think they are indigo or a light worker because they might have some sort of clairvoyant ability. To put a label on that is stupid. Seriously, ignorance comes from all angles. Atheists, Christians, New Agers. I am even being ignorant right now from your point of view because I am debating against something you believe in Dave157. To think people like light workers have some sort of gift that we do not have, is ignorant. Well to label themselves light workers because of their status. Until they actually help out humanity instead, of saying a couple of happy words, I might change my opinion. There might be some people who are overly gifted, but since all this indigo child light worker stuff came about, the amount o ignorance people spit out there behind thinking they are special because they are different from humanity, is ignorance. I am different, I have had dreams that come true, I can sometimes tell how someone is feeling sometimes when they don’t even show emotion. Am I a light worker? I hope not. Labels are stupid. Doctor or a Mathematician have labels to show the public of their certain profession they are in. A light worker is not a profession, It is a Fad.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:38 PM
I wonder the same thing. I have been called a lightworker before and an indigo before...look them up and rolled my eyes. Lol. But the concepts are interesting. The 11:11 thing is also and I see it every now and then but I wouldnt put any special meaning to it because I also see 12:12 and 3:00

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posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Dave157

A DOCTOR and A MATHEMATICIAN are labels because they are professions. It is a way for society to separate different jobs, you know to be organized. A light worker is not a profession, you do not get paid for being a light worker; meaning there is no reason to have a label. I am a laid back person most of the time. Would I label myself a laid backer? No because that is dumb.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

I agree I do not like labels either, I always hated the term lightworker when I didn't understand it's meaning. The essence of the what the term describes is what is important.

And I certainly agree we are all human and all in this together. We just all have different paths, no one path is better than another.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by redzi0n

Lightworkers have been here many times, Ghandi, Mother Terasa, I guy called Jesus....

They come in many forms and have many task to help guide us.......

Obama is not one of them by the way....

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by redzi0n
reply to post by Maddogkull

I agree I do not like labels either, I always hated the term lightworker when I didn't understand it's meaning. The essence of the what the term describes is what is important.

And I certainly agree we are all human and all in this together. We just all have different paths, no one path is better than another.

Here, here

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by FRMDaDark

See they are what we call messiahs or prophets of god, yes they can be called light workers to. But the term "lightworker" is becoming such a mainstream thing; tons of people are being called light workers, when essentially they are just unique or different. I agree there are people who would fit the light worker criteria, but just the labels are just stupid IMO. I hope people know were I am coming from

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

11:11 symbolises a gateway to a new reality. That is why you syncronistically see 11:11, 12:12 and I'm now getting 13:13 lol, when you are on the right path. It's the universe saying, "yes your synchronicity is working, now use it for something useful, yes your synchronicity is working, now use it for something useful, yes your synchronicity is working, now use it for something useful" :p

By the way, no symbol has inbuilt meaning, only the meaning you give it, if 3.45 symbolised the evolution of consciousness to you, you would probably see this synchronistically time after time when you were on the right path.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:15 PM
What or who is a lightworker? Can he be differentiated from other fellow human beings?

Nope. Not that my insignificant insight means anything anyway. But I believe that if any human can show the light to a better path for humans to achieve his/her common goals honestly is a 'lightworker', be him your politician or your doorman.

Labels mean nothing. It is the effort, and the success of turning another life for better that is more meaningful.


posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

I totally know where you are coming from, I would probably fit into the indigo category (i'm 33 i'm pushing it a bit lol) but I rarely have used the term for the very reasons you lay out; people perceive indigos, crystal children, star seeds, lightworkers etc as people who think they are better that others, but I can guarantee you that no spiritual being in alignment with their true selves would ever claim they are better. Because a spiritually evolved person realises that we are all one, we are all connected at source, we are all just aspects of the infinite, so how could one aspect be better than another?

Do you judge your foot as better than your hand, or your eye as better than your nose, no of course not that's insanity, you realise that without all parts of your body you could not function as a whole.

Some of us are here to help humanity evolve spiritually, we do not view ourselves as better than, a footballer or an accountant or a mathemetician, or a grocery store worker because we realise they are all essential to the function of the whole.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:26 PM
From what I have gathered here on ATS they are individuals who interact with the populace in some of the most positive ways and try to enlighten the many why at the same time having no intention on influencing those they encounter just enlighten them.... My 1 cent

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by redzi0n

If you are here to help us evolve...what and how are you doing it ?

I think modern medicine and the pusifucation of humanity as a whole is stopping our evolution...animals evolve out of necessity remove that and there is evolution.

I can't grasp how a indigo child, star seed, light worker or anyone else for that matter help evolution.

Please can one of the people here who believe they are special and here to help fill me in on how your helping..because I think we may evolve to live and deal with our environment of our own lifes but we are all unique as are our living situations. And all we can really do is the best we can with what we have..but maybe I'm wrong..

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
From what I have gathered here on ATS they are individuals who interact with the populace in some of the most positive ways and try to enlighten the many why at the same time having no intention on influencing those they encounter just enlighten them.... My 1 cent

I see why my higher self wanted to phase this as a question now lol :p

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by navione
reply to post by redzi0n

If you are here to help us evolve...what and how are you doing it ?

I think modern medicine and the pusifucation of humanity as a whole is stopping our evolution...animals evolve out of necessity remove that and there is evolution.

I can't grasp how a indigo child, star seed, light worker or anyone else for that matter help evolution.

Please can one of the people here who believe they are special and here to help fill me in on how your helping..because I think we may evolve to live and deal with our environment of our own lifes but we are all unique as are our living situations. And all we can really do is the best we can with what we have..but maybe I'm wrong..

I am living my excitement to the best of my ability in any given moment.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by redzi0n]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

now that you explained yourself a bit further, i DO know where you are coming from!

thank you!

the way i see it, labels of any kind are detrimental to the new kind of society into which mankind is inevitably involving. there is another current thread here at ATS which illustrates my point - it is a anti-homosexuality thread started under the guise of a political agenda. you guys might know which thread i refer to.

it speaks of the "majority" and the "minority" and i replied according to the way i feel about those kinds of labels, in truth.

if we don't label a majority, then there is no minority. and hence, no dividing line between humans and humans.

but then again, the tendency to describe and quantify seems endemic to the human mind. after all, using language, how can we identify the subject of our conversation without labels, or names?

it all gets so complicated when it should be simple.

and then, in regard to lightworkers, specifically:

if there is light, then there is also darkness. true, light overcomes the darkness but if there is no darkness left, at all, there can be no true perception of the light.

so, in saying that, are there not darkworkers, too?

and by that, i don't mean in the same sense as many traditional religions quantify the darkness - not "demons" et. al.

anyone who sees themselves as a lightworker should understand my point of view in saying this because the newer understanding coming to us is one of unity - no dividing line even between "good" and "bad."

the ultimate principle of love is that all things, in the end, work toward the good.

that being said, there are still very shadowy places in this world and there are darker dimensions vibrating at a lower frequency than this one.

these are the places still over-run and ruled by fear. maybe the darkness is because of that or maybe the darkness causes that. i don't know. i do know these places exist because i've been there - not because of fear in myself but rather because i do not fear these places or their dark ambiance and energy.

when i go there, it is to do battle with the fear, in some way to bring the idea that there is a light to those trapped in the dark. i don't think they are held there against their will, but just that they do not realize there is an alternative.

maybe on the ghost hunter tv programs, when they try to free spirits from earthly haunts because they are trapped, that is what they mean. i don't know that, either. i really can only know for sure that which i have experienced, personally, and remember.

i think to be a darkworker is the same as a lightworker, as far as the ultimate goal, which is to bring all life into the light and heat of the spiritual sun, so to speak. to the light!

whether "alive" or "dead" we all need and want the light!

the darkness is not necessarily a bad thing, either, that must be destroyed - it is the darkness which is the foundation for the light. in the beginning it was not light but dark. then came the light. but without the darkness no light would or could have been created.

in biblical tradition, Saint Michael the Archangel is a fighter, and conqueror, of demons. and we have all heard the phrase "facing your own demons."

surely we all have our own private demons but also humanity's demon is FEAR. also, in the bible, it is written: "Perfect love casts out fear."

Michael's love is perfect, and that is the ultimate weapon: to be able to armor one's self with perfect love, dive down deep, and embrace those who have only known fear. the darkness must be worn outside to camouflage the light within, but the light within is what literally rescues from the darkness. and so, in embracing those who are unloved and perhaps forgotten, light is shown into their heart, and then the are destined for the light. it won't happen immediately; like everything else, it is a seed planted. but that seed does not die just like a tiny match flame begins to overcome a tiny corner of darkness, so does that seed grow.

whenever i hear the phrase "ascended masters" i laugh within myself. there are also "descended masters" and they are not "fallen" or "cast out" but rather volunteers! masters in their own right! because to master fear is to conquer all enemies beneath one's feet!

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