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RED ALERT-Louisiana Woman Tells it like it is

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posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:55 PM
Oh yeah, she also mentioned what we all already knew here. She said that The federal government is closely with BP. Not closely like monitoring, but closely like they are chicken-shi*.

Guys, this video is WORTH EVERY MINUTE TO WATCH.

PLEASE send this video to everyone you know. This is a major disaster which is being downplayed for BP's safety.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Alethea

You are quite right!

I Don't even think that the Federal Government or BP are smart enough to formulate "their own agenda". It is rapidly becoming sickeningly apparent that they have higher masters to which they bow down to.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:57 PM
My friend from Alabama is correcting me on the spelling - it is Daulphin Island and not DOLPHIN. Sorry!

(That's the location where my other friends said they got very, very sick - a week before the oil supposedly washed ashore.)

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:12 PM
Surely not...

New information has been uncovered that suggests Obama, BP, and others are engaged in an algae scam in the Gulf of Mexico. Clearly, there is much more going on in the Gulf than just an oil spill. According to JoAnne Moretti and a team of investigators, the Obama Administration, BP, NALCO, Citigroup, GM, GE, Goldman-Sachs, the University of Chicago, the Department of Defense, and a host of billionaires and politicians are all heavily invested in biofuels, which has led them to take a keen interest in a certain type of algae that is growing along the Gulf coast, from the mouth of the Mississippi River all the way to Florida Everglades.

Click here and PRAY this is an unreliable source!!!

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by antar

I don't know if you have gotten a transcript of not. The lady is saying that her husband and 7 other fisherman on other boats went out shrimping. They became dizzy and nausus. He has had a bad cough every since. He went to work for BP because the shrimping area was closed. He signed a gag order, but it has expired. Everyone is still afraid to talk because BP is the only place they can find employment in the area.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Gutterpus

Stop showing footage from a month ago. I'm getting sick and tired how almost every video of the BP oil spill has a date of May 24th or June 12th. Where are the daily video uploads from normal people living down there? I'm just going to kill myself as it's the only thing thats going to keep me sane. I guess this will be the first and only video of this kind. It was worth the watch because it just solidified my thoughts on the subject.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by SneakAPeek]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:56 PM
This is it. The NWO agenda. If people don't start creating an outcry now I give up on humanity.

I hope that every ATS reader is already writing, ringing, emailing every authority and legal institution in the land...and across the world.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by blujay

Ya know, with the blog I read about the purposeful drilling into the side of an asphalt volcano, so they can distribute the poisons throughout the Gulf area, I am beginning to believe that this woman may be a plant.

It's hard to tell. This is a great video, but yes, why would she be 'in' on all of the secret 'stuff' in the first place???? If this were a movie, it would be a blockbuster... the twists and turns are quite astounding.

Oh,no. This woman is NOT a "plant". She is sincere and totally honest by my perception. She has probably been "profiled" and that's why she was allowed into the inner circle. They know she has integrity and caliber.

My guess is that they would be using her as a pawn to become a spokeswoman for some reason we do not yet know.

They knew that her stand for honesty and truth was more important to her than fear of the enemy. It is only speculation, but could they actually be using her for those qualities for something that plan to lead her to in the future, once she has a following? IDK.

I can promise you she is not a plant. I posted this video on facebook and it took off like mad. I'm from the area, and turns out, i know people who know her and have known her for years. She's for real. We are spreading the word, i promise.

People here are beyond frustrated right now. We trust each other more than the fed and bp. It is our way of life that is threatened. It is our families who are out of work. Our two biggest industries are seafood and oil. We have been crippled severely.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:00 PM
Yep I keep saying we cannot depend on BP or the feds to fix this the people need to take matters into thier own hands! It is our environment we don't need permission we need to just start doing it!

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:00 PM
I haven't seen anything on the spill really, this is my first take - but surely everyone knew the magnitude of the spill? People must know the entire region is screwed right?

BP needs to spend its last dollar on this and go bankrupt, that will by no means be enough - but it will be a start, and it is symbolically necessary if they want to avoid a popular uprising.

I hope they don't - a popular uprising is well overdue - I want to see politicians and corporate board members hunted down and shot - while your at it, get the majority shareholders as well.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Amagnon]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:00 PM
She is the embodiment about how most Americans should feel about this. Instead most Americans beyond here, FB groups and message boards fall into these categories:

A) Apathetic. Only care about American Idol or any other reality TV show. Heard a blip about it and couldn't care less. I'd say most Americans seem to be like this

B) This is not BP's fault, it was an accident, case closed. They are doing everything they can

C) It's ONLY Obama's fault (he along with our government and previous administrations are to blame, I'm not arguing that).

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Amagnon
I haven't seen anything on the spill really, this is my first take - but surely everyone knew the magnitude of the spill? People must know the entire region is screwed right?

BP needs to spend its last dollar on this and go bankrupt, that will by no means be enough - but it will be a start, and it is symbolically necessary if they want to avoid a popular uprising.

I hope they don't - a popular uprising is well overdue - I want to see politicians and corporate execs hunted down and shot.

I don't think we'll ever see a moral uprising in the USA.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by new_here

This would explain why they are doing nothing, and validates exactly what she said in the video.

Add this to the evidence about Goldman Sachs and BP dumping shares before the spill....

Like many, I've been saying all along that this is intentional. No wonder they don't want the press in.

This is sick, perverted and satanic.

How my heart goes out to the people down there.

Does anyone know how to get this latest info to that brave, brave woman in Louisiana

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

and the lobbyist !!

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Zeptepi
reply to post by Alethea

You are quite right!

I Don't even think that the Federal Government or BP are smart enough to formulate "their own agenda". It is rapidly becoming sickeningly apparent that they have higher masters to which they bow down to.

Maybe this is what "cap and trade" is really about....

"Cap" meaning to figuratively place the cap on the pyramid as finalization of their diabolical scheme. (See the article and photos of Pope prematurely wanting to put cap on pyramid in 2000 (use your search feature)) This action has great significance in that it signals the completion of their plans.

"Trade" meaning to pass the sceptre and seat of power to a different speaker for the higher masters. Hmmm....we have three major power players---corporations, government, religion. Which of these will step forward as the benevolent "savior" of the masses? Who will feed the people?

First reliance---then compliance.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:09 PM
WHAT is it going to take to get people to wake up??? I

f you don't act now, who will help you when things of a similar enormity happen to you??? Are you just waiting to die too???

Don't believe it will??? You've gotta be kidding. WAKE UP!

TPTB call us zombies. The worst thing is, it's starting to look as if they are right.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Buddhist saying. When someone has shot you in the eye with an arrow, don't sit there wondering who shot the arrow. GET THE ARROW OUT OF YOUR EYE.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by thunderbird1

I had a massive emotional response from watching this.

I am angry.

BP can go and **** themselves.

YES... There is a media blackout.
YES... People are being killed with a smile and reassuring words.

I am not just angry with BP and the Government. I am angry with the people who are letting this happen to themselves.

If someone tries to kill you, what do you do? What is it your right, NO, DUTY to do?

Besides documenting and posting videos (all of which is vital and good to inform others) what is being DONE. DONE. You know...ACTION. Groups of people who are effected getting together and DOING SOMETHING.

The fact is, they will continue to treat people like they are dispensible if they are allowed to. There is not any real backlash or mass action so therefore the rationale is that things are not that bad. The fact is people will watch videos and get annoyed and discuss and read websites etc..etc...


The fact is that the vast majority of people will not do anything because they believe that they can do nothing. There are channels to go through. Procedures to deal with these things. People are trained specifically to handle events like this and make them go away.

So I am angry at the lack of a response from people also. Sad also.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by BANANAMONTANA

I dont think the oil will shut down the Gulf stream, it will just transport it across the Atlantic to the western coasts Ireland and the UK then ou into the Artic.

Anybody know if a surface oil sheen or slick absorbs or reflects heat? this is what I think will govern the effect on the Gulf Stream. Will any increase in surface temperature delay the subduction zone in the artic where the gulf stream cools and sinks to flow sub surface down the eastern sea board of the states? Will any surface oil be taken down at this subduction zone?

Surely the use of the nasty, toxic dispersents that cause the oil to break up and sink will now cause destruction of life on the sea floor along the eastern sea board of the states in addition to the gulf as the crap is further distributed by the return circuit?

It really does appear that the actions to hide the problem are just ensuring that the damage to our planet is maximised. BP and your American government must be aware of this - What a bunch of anal sphincters.

[edit on 24/6/10 by IMOVERHERE]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

I watched the video. If this guy has lots of the stuff, why not just throw it into the affected areas? People could start "raiding parties" to drop the hungry little fellows into the biggest banquest they every dreamed about.
Didn't someone once say, "it's easier to apologize than to get permission."

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