posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 06:29 AM
I think the obvious is being ignored here: The Rapture is occurring. They are shedding their skin for a higher plateau of existence. The faithful are
being called home.
It COULD be things like GM crops reducing the population of rodents. Could be intentional extermination via poisons and traps. Could be morons eating
snake parts to try and win the lottery or cure whatever disease they have. Or people liking to put snakes in their booze bottles. Could be climate
shift screwing up breeding times or egg viability, could be people feeding birds causing them to linger in an area too long and eat the eggs... Could
be 10,000 other reasons. Sure not all areas, but then, gangrene doesn't infect the whole body at once either. Thats how it kills, the 'victim' just
blindly hopes someone will magic the problem away while thinking "my other foot is still fine!
It never gets magicked away.
What I think is the Rapture began, more and more species are dyeing off seemingly every day. Soon there will just be us humans sitting around waiting
for the next episode of American Idol and the next installment of the Twilight "Saga" to start and griping that our Biological Environment
Simulators are always stuck on birdsong instead of cycling to crickets from time to time.
I am not sure if it is unfortunate or deserving that humanity is deserving of the fate of isolated and slow oblivious demise. Though, I am certain
though the creatures caught in the wake deserved more.
If the Cockroaches ever reach sentience amongst our ruins, do you think they would wage war on each other over religious brand recognition?
(edit, somehow left 'birds' out of my sarcastic and pessimistic rant
[edit on 24-6-2010 by lordtyp0]