reply to post by Sinter Klaas
Well....I'd say, offhand, that what your OP has presented is a general 'ALL-IN-ONE-PLACE' grouping of the various so-called 'theories' of a
'hollow earth' --- compiled and couched in such incredible complexity as to make it seem
almost plausible, to those lacking the
sufficient scientific chops to see the complete inanity of the entire notion.
This is a very, very common symptom seen in many, many similar "theories" that strive to buck, for whatever reason...('15 minutes of
fame'??)...what is normally considered accepted scientific theory.
Problem, with ALL of these --- and I have to use this word --- crackpot ideas is that they stem from, initially, false assumptions and pretenses.
I say "crackpot" because they, unlike the established, well-documented, and scientifically vetted concepts that define our natural world, are
usually founded on principles that have no basis, whatsoever, in reality.
Not just this one --- dozens of others. These sorts of
on the surface, to the undereducated "stories" are easily swallowed up by the
peoples on the fringes....why such people are attracted to this, and not to real science, is difficult to comprehend.
In summary, the whole fringe element espousing this "theory" rely completely on what's called, in various iterations, "pseudoscience" and "junk
science" in order to impart a seeming aura of 'respectability'.
They also are heavily dependent on the general public's appalling lack of good scientific education basics, and understanding.
It would be harmless, and comically cute ( like a child's belief in
Sinter-, err, I mean
Santa Claus
) except that this
"junk" often gets incredible 'traction', so much as to cause a terrible increasing ignorance of things scientific, to the possible detriment of
future generations of humans.
[edit on 24 June 2010 by weedwhacker]