posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting
yeah, it was OMG for me, too, when i first heard it.
i'm pretty sure it is true, but i should find some sources, to make sure, when i get done with what i'm doing right now.
i read that it was the reason for drilling this particular well in this particular place with the largest drilling platform in existence
BP supposedly wanted to get their hooks into it first and maybe no other country was willing to lease them drilling rights, if they even do that in
other places down in South America - i don't know.
the thing is, though, even if it is the largest reservoir, that doesn't mean that it will all flow out of that deepwater horizon hole - what a well
can pump out is a lot more than what would just flow out without any obstruction. there are all kinds of geologic features that are probably down in
that reservoir that keep a lot of the reserve compartmentalized, so to speak.