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The Video BP & Big Oil Don't Want You to See!

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Well... the title says it all... watch the video below!

Please Spread This Video across the Internet! Our Future depends on it! The Most Revealing Video to date! MUST SEE! "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." -- James Madison

The first person to distill gasoline from crude oil was Benjamin Sillman Jr., a chemist from the prestigious Yale University, who is credited with developing much of the Oil industry. Sillman, who later became a professor of chemistry at Yale was also a member of the Skull and Bones Fraternity.
Secret Societies like Skull and Bones are breeding grounds for the concentration of wealth and power. They represent an Ivy League consolidation of bankers, politicians, intelligence agents, CEOs, and scientists who are generally willing to endorse policy favorable for the elite, including the control and mass use of oil as well as the suppression of alternative energies.
The elites would love for people to focus on the bazaar rituals, since the occult provides the perfect distraction while networks of people are tapped and put into positions of power.

A perfect example of this would be the 2004 elections where George Bush and John Kerry, both members of Skull and Bones, were the only choices given to the American people. Even Obama has proven with the bailouts that he works for the interests of Wall Street and the international bankers and NOT the American people.
Drill baby Drill is now Spill baby spill...
Now that you understand a bit better about how things got the way they are, you should also understand that they don't have to be this way. There are solutions they've just been carefully hidden from the public view along with the root problems explained thus far.

And why not, we're talking about a system that makes these people $Billions and keeps them in control.
On the one hand we could audit the Federal Reserve and try to get our system back to using sound money again. But that does nothing to fix the so called "energy crisis". On the other hand we could start the Clean Renewable Energy revolution and undermine the entire system from the inside out while saving the planet in the process. By taking out the foundation their entire house of cards is built upon...
This is why Monopoly man J.P. Morgan told Nikola Tesla that he wouldn't fund anything he couldn't put a meter on." And this is also why alternative energy technologies and even the electric car have been violently suppressed by the establishment.

With your help, we can blow this case wide open... and the revolution can begin.

But it's going to take more than sending this video to everyone you know and simply exposing the fraud and manipulation we are under...

The real solutions can only come through new energy technologies. We're surrounded by a sea of energy. There's no energy crisis... If anything it's a crisis of ingenuity or creativity or imagination...

or the suppression thereof. . .

One the best explanation WHY the oil spill is happening... as I mentioned few times before... this was an inside job and so as to "why", this video gave a good explanation. Bottom line is WE the PEOPLE (not the institutions.. governments.. military... etc...) HAVE to change our ways of life and DEMAND that our employee (Government) do what WE want for OUR planet!

What can YOU do?

CONTACT your Representatives... SHARE this type of message with one another... EDUCATE one another... UNITE and change this system... this system is NOT designed for the people... it is a privately owned company that has ZERO interest in us and our planet... it's ONLY motive is $$$ so it can control us ALL!

The ants always win... and the grasshopper always dies at the end! ONLY if we UNITE!

[edit on 23-6-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:12 PM
Humantiy governments are all servants to those of Ruling Class Elitest underground in millions/trillions of taxpayer's U.S dollars/Euro's/Pound Sterlings etc. Taxpayer's money to pay for Recession/Disaster's/Wars/Diseases/D.U.M.Bs etc.

What people need to realise is that they want OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION they need ONLY look beneath their nose?

Everything is connected to the BP Oil Spill disaster. Most people just dismiss it as a natural oil disaster, people in general need to look outside the box and stop relying and listening to main stream media.

Over the years from being ex-military/strange sightings/both good/dark side/hearing from both sides of their stories to their contacts and what they know etc Always wondered why I was always meant to see/meant to be there at that time/place always wondered why it was me experiencing what there is to know/learn the connections from governments/religions/the financial system/weapons & Technology/The treasury/The recession/The New World Order may all sound like a bunch of jibberish to most people however when you have lived through everything their is to know and witness everything you do know about and have played out into pratical situations its very hard to contemplate with and ask why me?

I'm here to make a difference like many of you out there.

I know quite a fair bit of disclosure and yet its as much disturbing for me to try and walk the planet and get on along with life knowing about disturbing facts of life that most of society I walk/work/live with on this Earth are clueless well at least you all will find out a snippet of disclosure this year and next. I just find it disturbing as I do not know how many of the masses could handle it.

I even struggle to contemplate and go visit certain locations because its a lot safer being here then out there in the rocky's

I'm quite happy to spill the beans as I'm not one to hold back on anything I know about yet as much as it would sound like fantasy/fiction it did to me 3 years ago yet I was always the curious one to ask questions and got so attached to finding out the truth that I did plenty of digging around and got in plenty of *poo* for it but nevermind we both know who eachother are and yet I know what I can/can't speak about.

But as for the Oil Spliiage in The New Gulf of Mexico its no different to that of the oil disaster purposely set-up in Alaska that had paid the pockets of Coporate interests a lot of taxpayer's money and yet those coporate businesses/governments are just and always will be servants to the civiliations from underground.

Hence the reason only few people who have worked/know people worked at D.U.M.B's heck I used to guard one for Her Majesty the Queen in the UK and yet little did I know it was for a far devious/powerful/greedy civiliation that used all humanity as slave trade workers even our governments.

So whilst most go to war believing they are fighting terriorist threating our countries little did I know until I left the forces that we should really stop believing all the crap from MSM (Main stream media's/the governments we all voted to be in power and start realising that we are all being controlled through the money system from underground civiliations.

It'll explain the sightings on training camp and why they didn't attack us as they were using us as their soldiers. Think it must sound mad, I'l always remember that horrific looking horrendous entity stood right opposite my bed in the barracks that early hours in the morning before field exercise and yet it looked right passed me and was always associating with our army officials yet those entities never harmed us or me when on camp. Just they are the most evil looking beings I've ever seen
no word of lie. I quit the forces many months later due to too many run-ins with evil looking entities as I knew I had to get out as theirs no way they would have let me leave that easy knowing that I seen them a few too many times.

Like I said before everything is linked to the oil spillage and that the governments are trying to avoid mass panic and will continue to distract the masses with MSM based on the oil spillage and whilst that happens the governments will continue to introduce new bills into parliment.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by DClairvoyant]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:15 PM
So to fix this problem, we have to force our government to act. We have to unite and call our representatives.

And your doing your part, by sitting in your comfy chair.

This is the problem with ATS. By writing a thread, it gives you a false sense of importance, when in essence, you have done nothing.

You are the reason nothing will change OP.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Teller
So to fix this problem, we have to force our government to act. We have to unite and call our representatives.

And your doing your part, by sitting in your comfy chair.

This is the problem with ATS. By writing a thread, it gives you a false sense of importance, when in essence, you have done nothing.

You are the reason nothing will change OP.

What a retarted statement! What made you think I have NOT done ANYTHING!

FYI, I have emailed and gone to the city hall and expressed my concern, they forwarded my information to a department dealing with such issues. Unfortunately I am Canadian and they're not doing much about the Oil spill... signed a few petition I found online and supporting the movement to the "best" I can.

Secondly, I'm doing the next best thing... inform people about what is going on... knowledge is power! You don't put your head down and run into a wall like an idiot.. you plan.. think ... understand.. then act!

Let's see what have you contributed so far... NOTHING.. just TROLLING on my thread, with NOTHING constructive to add... if you don't have anything constructive to say, just keep quiet, you'll do humanity and yourself a favor!

Also, knowing you just created your account on ATS couple of days ago... and have contributed "0" so far... if I were you, I would try to make constructive debates with people on ATS, rather then try to make a stupid comment like you just did! Welcome to my "ignore" list...

[edit on 24-6-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

I like to hear some of these disclosure you speak of, sounds interesting! You hit on the nail about them showing you some major disaster with right hand while fudge you over with the left! That's always been the case, good to hear people are at least becoming more aware of this... first step to do something about it, is to understand it.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Teller
So to fix this problem, we have to force our government to act. We have to unite and call our representatives.

And your doing your part, by sitting in your comfy chair.

This is the problem with ATS. By writing a thread, it gives you a false sense of importance, when in essence, you have done nothing.

You are the reason nothing will change OP.

Many voices have gathered in the streets years ago. Many petitions have been sent again, years ago. There have always been many objections to some of the judgements and decisions made by those in higher places.

It has all been to no avail. No one listens; no one changes. Many are being bribed or silenced into complicity.

At least when someone makes a thread on ATS it reaches more people than a singular letter that will be thrown in a garbage can and get your name put on a list.

Good threads here can be printed and used for culture jamming methods.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think our representatives are capable of solving any problem ...

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by ThreeNF

you're right... but just by letting them know "WE" know... is a good step towards saying "we're not ALL idiots and know your scam", this will make it a tat harder... but now a days it seems that they're showing off how they don't give a damn... not even so secretive anymore...

The only hope I have for any change is with "people" and not government(s). So we need to reach out and help one another... support one another (not to attack one another) this is what they want...

See... if we're all divided we don't speak with one voice and so they created more chaos for us to be divided (personally I think this is why religions were created and become divided... to break people apart).

Hopefully by power of knowledge and intention we can change the world united ... that is one thing... they can't take over...

[edit on 24-6-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by freighttrain

For someone who is big on knowledge is power, you sure are quick on that ignore button.

Well congratulations on calling your representatives, let me know how that goes.

You are stuck in a false mindset, the one where you still think you can do something about anything.

This might come as a shocker, but your elementary school teachers lied to you. You are not important. None of us are. And regardless of what they told you, one man will never change the world.

Martin Luther king jr. and Ghandi, didn't change the world themselves, they did so by becoming leaders of a movement, Martin luther king started a million man march, you sent a letter.

Please don't pretend you know the system and please don't tell me your still ignorant enough to believe that your making a difference.

And if you did ignore me simply for disagreeing with you, well then ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:33 PM
Your right. This is THE Video BP doesn't want anyone to see.

Everyone in America should see this video. This should be the #1 video/thread on ATS and remain there for at least 6 months.

This wonderfully explains how U.S currency backed by gold was replaced by oil and why the U.S. fights so hard to keep control of the oil.

The reality is If we stop using oil suddenly without something else in place to shore up the U.S. Dollar, the dollar will tank big time and really mess this country up. Think 1930's depression 10 times greater.

My God.. how can we get out of this trap?

Only way I can think of is to get all Americans aware of this and so mad about it that they only elect Every new official with no oil ties that is willing to change from this oil paradigm to another that will save the U.S Dollar and more us toward alternative energy and honest banking practices.

This is an impossible task. With the Federal Reserve in control this is impossible. Even if Americans call for the abolishment of Oil use and the Federal Reserve, we still need a new system in place perhaps with a new Currency.

O.k. we need a really good think tank to come up with possible legal solutions to solve this problem. There are laws that prohibit the use of other currency aside from the U.S Dollar. We need to find ways around this.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Teller

This has nothing to do with "Not agreeing with you", if that was the case half of ATS would be on my "ignore" list. I don't care for your "negative" tone, attitude and perspective on life. In my opinion, to say "we're nothing" you're no better then the people running these evil governments in our world. You are no better then the people that take "hope" away from others simply via their own destructive perspective on life...

I do NOT support people that "give up on life" and say let's all bend over and take it up the yingyang! I'm AGAINST this concept or ANYONE that supports it.
Nothing personal, but it's the "attitude" I don't support.

If I lived in your world and see all this hate/negativity I might as will kill myself, what's the point of living... ?! I "choose" to be hopeful and FIGHT the system, in EVERY WAY I can... because I "believe" WE the people ARE the ULTIMATE force behind any change, no matter how powerful, ignorant these corporate governments are!

I will NOT bow down!

YOU sir, have a choice, you either GET on the good side... or give up! As I always say, choice is YOURS, and I CHOOSE to be around the "good" and people that "believe" we CAN change our world!

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

It very easy to just believe. What have you done except place a few phone calls, and write a few strong worded letters.

Don't preach, go out there and actually do something. Run for a seat in government where you will be in a actual position of power, where you could change something.

My attitude comes from watching this world fall, as people full of hot air, such as yourself, preach change instead of actually doing something constructive.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Teller

You do realize there are much more shaping our world, then just our "logic" right? Life is much more complex then meets the eye. First off, I'm NOT here steaming off, I'm sharing vital "information" with emotions attached, because that's how I genuinely feel about this oil spill and the entire organization behind the scene.

Why would you assume the best way to change things are to join the corrupt? Not to mention that being a president, has no power anymore, as they're all control by the Fed. Your logic is flawed. You do NOT battle darkness with more darkness... you shed a bit of light instead. A little bit of light can diffuse much darkness. This is fraud, how am I any better then the rest? Use their tool to manipulate the people/system?

I believe that "information" is the ultimate power, as it educates us, it shapes our subconscious mind and so it effects our emotions, thoughts, values and finally our actions. For this world to CHANGE, we ALL need to STOP "manipulating" one another.

Stop supporting this corrupt system and "help" one another, "educate" one another and lend hand when ever you can. You need to learn how to be kind to one another, how to show love and affection. How to "listen" to one another and follow the light in your heart. I'm not perfect, but I am gonna try.. again, and again and NOT give up. Because I've seen it work in the past... even if this threads helps ONE person... we've won one small step.

So I disagree with your proposal and the way you propose it, I'm against the orthodox approach and I'm here to help the global conscious movement, because once it's on the roll (which it will be sooner or later) this evil system will collapse.

To change something on the outside, you need to become that change inside, and it will slowly evolve all around you.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

This discussion has become a drain on me so i will leave you with one tidbit.

You say that knowledge is the greatest tool. And i agree. Knowledge is power.

Power corrupts.

All true knowledge is held by the people most corrupt. To truly change things you must attain that position of power, without becoming one of them. That's when true change will happen.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:33 PM
To OP: Thanks for posting another video that will help to educate the masses. This is the way we can eventually take our world back from the scum that are currently at the top!

To Teller: Awesome attitude there guy
If everyone thought like you then nothing would ever change. Yeah one person can and does make a difference! They are the start, they are the beginning! They start pushing others to learn the truth. I mean Jesus, nothing would ever change if people listened to your negativity man. And yeah one person won't make a difference if they assume they can't and do nothing like you. Crawl back into your cave and don't add your poison to the world. We've had enough of your kind already!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Teller

I will say only that contacting a representative is like contacting BP itself.
I don't think it's all that hopeless as Teller seems to believe. The one thing
we need to understand is, the only thing they understand, is violence.

How is it the ants win?
Oh and power does corrupt.
Absolute power corrupts absolutly.

See teller you need to think about what happened to JFK. He was the last one who had the mind set you talk about .
They blew his mind out in a car.
He didn't notice the lights had changed.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Here's one they probably don't want you to see too:

Associated article: Evanston photographer's photo essay brings Gulf disaster to the lakefront

Done by Jane Fulton Alt Fine Art Photography (check out the photos)

[edit on 30-6-2010 by Divinorumus]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:07 PM

The real solutions can only come through new energy technologies. We're surrounded by a sea of energy. There's no energy crisis... If anything it's a crisis of ingenuity or creativity or imagination...

New energy solutions are good.

Also, Americans and everyone else in the 'developed world' could just stop consuming ANY kind of energy in such high amounts.

See, the thing is, there is no easy, cheap, safe replacement for our current energy grid. That is a myth perpetuated by those who dont want to change their consumption levels, but want to talk smack about fossil fuels.

want to see the way we consume oil and other dirty fuels change? Stop buying food and products that have been shipped from far away. Stop driving your car. Stop buying electronic trinkets that are full of toxic chemicals.

There is no magic solar panel that will make our wasteful, slothful consumption levels 'green'. Try unplugging and living a sustainable life.

stop expecting this magical 'change' to come from up on high from our corrupt politicians. It will only ever come from your individual actions. Call your representatives all you want. it cant hurt. But dont sit on your ass waiting for a solution. Figure out how to curb your own emissions.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Teller

My attitude comes from watching this world fall, as people full of hot air, such as yourself, preach change instead of actually doing something constructive.

So what you're saying is that your negative attitude comes from watching other people do nothing, while you sit around, doing...nothing?

While I agree that people who just complain while doing nothing to help their cause can be annoying (like listening to an overweight person complain about being fat while they wash down their big mac with a litre of coke), your response was rude, uncalled for and blatantly hypocritical.

Might I ask if you've actually done anything constructive?

Perhaps if you did your attitude might change

Originally posted by justadood

New energy solutions are good.

Also, Americans and everyone else in the 'developed world' could just stop consuming ANY kind of energy in such high amounts.

See, the thing is, there is no easy, cheap, safe replacement for our current energy grid. That is a myth perpetuated by those who dont want to change their consumption levels, but want to talk smack about fossil fuels.

want to see the way we consume oil and other dirty fuels change? Stop buying food and products that have been shipped from far away. Stop driving your car. Stop buying electronic trinkets that are full of toxic chemicals.

I agree that more people need to get off their butts and do more but while doing all those things you mentioned would be great environmentally, if everyone started using less energy I'm sure they'd just find a way to increase the cost of it so economically, nothing would change.

I do have to disagree with you on the free energy "myth" though

The main problem is there's just not that much you can really do that will achieve any good, individually. For eg.

1. You could protest, however (at least in my country) you're protest will go largely, if not entirely ignored. This is in part to the msm but also the general ignorance of society and it's attitudes towards the protestors. I remember when I used to work in the CBD here in Brisbane. Every now and then people would say "hey, did you see all those protestors marching today?", someone would say no and then ask what they were protesting. The answer was almost always along the lines of "um, something and something to do with...something, oh I dunno" or "who cares? it's probably some bunch of hippies tryin to save some trees".

2. You could write to your local member of government. While the intention is good I believe this would do absolutely nothing as politicians are either too corrupt or just not interested in helping their citizens. The ones that are genuinely interested either don't last long or don't get into a high enough position of power to do anything. If by some luck they do, then again, they don't generally last long.

3. Tell EVERYONE. This just doesn't work because the majority of society has been conditioned to associate 'conspiracy theory' with 'crazy' so they automatically disregard the information as crackpot ramblings. eg "pff, where'd you hear that? Some loonie on the street speaking rubbish? haha". What's even more sad is that if you stood on the street handing out information like this, you'd be perceived by most as some loonie on the street, speaking rubbish.

These are all broken down individually and apply to each of us as an individual. If taken as a whole and applied to society as a whole (or at least a large percentage) then it IS possible for us to actually make a difference.

Of course none of this would be possible at all, (not without great difficulty at least) without sites such as this, where we can engage in intelligent, creative (and occasionally ignorant
) discussion, share ideas, keep people informed on important topics (especially ones not covered in the msm) and most important of all, educate yourself


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